bad apple page 26

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Nightmare continues though slowly goopy tears started falling down his face.*Dream Began to go quiet as he lied his head weak on his brother* in tears*Nightmare sniffles quietly, rocking back and forth and nuzzling Dream's head with his cheek as he tries to continue his humming.*Dream sobbed but calmer now clinging onto his brother for dear life as his face and mouth widen in sorrow*Nightmare closes his eyes breathing shakily as tears stream from his eyes. He is still rocking and nuzzling Dream.*Dream would stay cling to him and passes out on his arms*Nightmare sniffles and gets up from the floor moving to sit on the couch. He dries the tears from his face with his sleeve and takes a few deep breaths to calm down. He looks at the other two Guardians to see if they woke up because of what was going on.*Blue was so tired out he looked to be shifted but otherwise fast asleep , ink however sat up frightened looking*Nightmare smiled shakily "How are you feeling?" he asks quietly with a raspy voice.*ink smiled back kindly yet with some sadness left over* "Other than shaky,shockingly well....and i have you to thanks for that." *he whisper sweetly* "I heard,, *He turn his head rubbing his skull* everything pretty much.>" Nightmare nodds "So you know about X Gaster. Good, I don't have to explain it again." he says calmly letting his head fall to the back of the couch, closing his eyes.*ink shake guilty "And now i know...who the real bad guys are..and *he stand up on his end of the couch as dream with nightmare lay fast asleep * And it not you....i.... *his eyes narrow watering in sadness but thankful showing and even some happy tears* i own you a huge apology.." *he whisper softly*Nightmare opened his eyes looking at the Guardian "It's alright. I hope you plan on telling us more about the situation with X Gaster. If not me, then at least talk to Dream. Explain everything to him." he says ending with a tired yawn and closing his eyes again. "Could you please ask Horror to make me some coffee?" he asks quietly.*Ink nodded* "I need to say how sorry i am and tell you all about x-gaster but for now i should go do that... *he rush to go find horror**in the kitchen* All the dark Sanses were sitting at the table whispering about some things and munching on snacks. Error was sitting at the table silently eating his chocolate.*ink shyly made his way in tilting his head* *he cough to get attention* *Meaning *A half recover x gaster would stand up limping* *with ink* *he smiled back happy* " *turn his head around and back * "Nightmare said for me to ask him to get horror to make him some coffee, he looked..tired and .y you know.." *with the caught x-gaster in the au* *he would take heavy breathing limping nearly falling as he reach to lean a wall in the place with his phone went off ringing , *he growl grumpy as he reach limping to grab out the phone and answer it grumpy* :X-gaster: "What's is it insignificant dumbass!?" *tighten his eyes shut* :A very powerful and calm and collective jake reply* "'s boss to you..and it look like someone is in time out.." Horror nodds and gets up putting the kettle on and preparing a pot for coffee. "You want anything to drink?" he asks Ink. *Ink smile warmed and kind and simple nodded* :Ink: "Coffee would it nice...thanks.." *With x -gaster* *His eyes widen serious and angry* "Why are you calling me!?" *In a unknown black room* *Sitting in a chair as jake himself held the phone up to his ears in utter disappointment and powerful controlling tone* *shifted in his set lightly* :Jake: "Why does nightmare still have his brother!?" Horror nodds and gets another cup out of the cupboard. "Ya adding anything to your coffee?" he asks with tilted head as he reaches to put some snacks on a place for Nightmare and Ink to eat with coffee. -----*Ink tilted his head sightly in a kind smiled* :Ink: "Yeah i, used coffee creamer thanks.." *his smiled widen* *with x-gaster* *the man would let out moan of pain as he would stand half down struggling to hold the phone up* :X-gaster* "Geez makes up your mind i thought you wanted those brothers in the same roof.." :Jake: *over the phone he heard a calm tone said with bitterness and "I'm referring to the set back,delay of our plan, thanks to your screwed up ,and your big mouth.." *X-gaster would sighed nervous as he took a set limping into a chair* "Sorry yeah of course an i am making progress, i done all i could i even pretty much moved them under the same roof living together like you asked.. " *he pleading in a sore weak and shaky tone* *jake's hide out, his face in a sligh lit up room, he held a cool and collected tone and * :Jake: "Did i ask you to allow nightmare to find you,? *he ask nice and calm which when it was clear he was piss the hell off, his calmness only added to his fearful tone* Sorry i must of miss that, *cross an leg on jake's set* *his raise his brow* i also must of miss when i ask you to allow nightmare to captured you and then..revealed our existences and *he then laughed the rest of his words* to dear nightmare of all ...heheheh..".. *he put a cold turn in his calm tone* "You was to not breath a word of me to a living breathing soul...especially nightmare ...even in your sleep and you what am i to do about that?" *he had a glimmer of threat in his tone as he held a smiled* Horror nodds and goes to the fridge opening it. He groans "There are different flavors of creamers, Cross why can't you settle down on one!?" he asks to which Cross just laughs. "Can you come and choose a creamer for yourself? I'm not going to list them out." he says to Ink coming back to the stove as the kettle started whistling. *Ink let out a sweet laughed covering his mouth* Horror started pouring water to the pot through the coffee filter slowly. *Ink walked over to the fridge * "Ugh Southern Butter. Pecan.. *look more let's see oh.." *he pull out French Vanilla.* "this should do.." *With x -Gaster* "You can't blame was all nightmare's fault he trick me he caught of all to know how dangerous he is!!" *He yelled out of breath and weak* *Jake's hide out* *Nodded calmly* :jake: "I see, so your blaming nightmare , *tiled his head * for your incontinence ?" *Over the phone jake heard a shaky smart mouth x -gaster reply* "I can assure you this was as much as an inconvenience for i as it was for you." *Jake reply calmly* "Well you kidnapped his brother.. *stand up narrowed with a narrow stared over the phone* Did it not occur to you, he would try to come get him?" Horror strained the coffee and put the used filter in the trash. He prepared everything on a tray and snatched the creamer from Ink's hand putting it there to. Then he handed the tray to Ink wordlessly. The others were chuckling quietly at the situation. *Ink held the tray carefully and nodded before carrying it back into the living he pause to see the pale dreadful looking dream laying sleeping* ink pause with a worried face* Nightmare opened his eyes at the smell of coffee. He carefully rearranged his hold on Dream and noticed his temperature dropped dragged a few blankets over him. He then turned to Ink patting the space next to him on the couch. ----*ink would slow blink to a warm caring smiled before taken the welcome and carry the pray over he first reach down to carefully sit the tray down, before taken a set himself, and shut eyes taken a breather* *with jake* *jake took his set back* "To think i was kind enough to about to let you back into the deal, well i shouldn't have to make myself more clear but it appears i do." *while keeping calm and collective there was an under line of threat in his voice his voice grown louder* "You are to leave dream with his brother... not that your have much luck but let make this crystal clear.. *x-gaster cut off now show to be limping half off his set in a rough voice* "I needed to have a little fun- *jake cut back now whispering calmly* :jake: "Well the fun is over for now...since your not going anywhere i will carefully take my time and *raise eye brows discuss with my friends what to become of you, in the mean time, he grown serious and demanded* You are to leave Dream, with nightmare, don't even touch or let a mark on the boy, allow dream to stay with his brother, i want nightmare to hold on very tightly to his dear precious brother, *His eyes glow red then as his tone had a glimmer of hate and threatening * Because i will be the one to rip that most precious thing out of his arms.." *with that he hang out the phone, *with x-gaster* *the limping man drop his phone in a state of dread and weakness as he lay back in his chair* *with ink and the other* *Ink kindly and quiet to not wake up dream as he pointed to the tray* :Ink: "Oh that 's our coffee there..and there is some snacks too.." *ink kindly told nightmare smiling gracefully to him* "Thank you." Nightmare says reaching with his tentacle and pouring coffee to both cups, less in Ink's after he noticed the creamer on the tray. He poured some creamer into Ink's coffee and handed it to him with his tentacle. *The guardian of au's smiled kind before taken his cup and gentle holding with two hand breathing calm* :Ink: "You don't have to thanks me...." *he calmly and kindly answer before reaching to take a drink* Nightmare smiled as his tentacle brought him his coffee. "I taught my team the basic courtesy and I would find it hypocritical if I didn't adhere to it myself." he says simply and takes a sip of his coffee. *Ink took his cup lower adjusting the hold of his cup as he turn his head back smiling guilty* :ink: "Of course.. *He widen eyes* Maybe i should learn more courtesy basic after the way i been acting.." Nightmare chuckled quietly "You are not doing as bad as for example Horror or Dust and Killer when I first took them into my team. Good thing that I didn't have much work at the time, it was when the creators put into existence many negative AUs if I remember correctly, so I had time to get my boys to adjust to their new lifes." he says absent-mindedly with a fond voice swirling his coffee in his cup. *Ink held his coffee close looking to nightmare kindly but guilty* "Still ,i could of been less hypocritical towards you..." *Not wanted to bring up x-gaster or the not so dead foes ink look down thinking, racking his mind trying to decide how to carry on with his conversation...* Nightmare shook his head "I don't blame you. I'm more than aware that things like that take time." he says and takes a sip. "I can see your mind racing. Whatever is troubling you, you can just say it up front. I'm not so fragile to be hurt by any news you are carrying." Nightmare says calmly looking at Ink out of the corner of his eye and takes another sip. *Ink would look in shock before holding his cup higher and smiling *"Heh...i been doing nothing but keeping everything in to myself all my life it seem... *he whisper sadly* "...I don't even know what to say first...i guess...i can tell you - *smiled graceful* "Something about me first..." I.... *He grown softer* "I..have memories issues to start off.." *he began swirling his coffee in his cup.* *made his tone more clear and louder* "It , part of my sickness, due to having no soul.." *he then swiftly reach his cup taken a nervous long drink not use to opening up* Nightmare nodds "I partially knew about your memory issue, I heard Error complaining about it more than I can count." he says with a light tone. *Ink raise bitter skull brows response* *slowly reaching and sitting his cup back down upon the tray* :ink: "Well , i'll have to have a talk with error about that.." *He reply slow and angry but most calm* "Okay well maybe he didn't tell you, i have to take pills to help with that issue ...sometime i can black out.." Nightmare shook his head "No, I don't know if he is even aware of that. He is just angry about you sometimes forgetting your fights and you asking him the same questions over and over." he admits quietly. "Even if he was aware he is not prone to relaying things like that, just those easily noticeable things. I was aware of your soul issues because of my abilities, Error because of his strings, but my team does not know about it." Nightmare admits and takes a cookie from the tray. *Ink took a deep breath* "I'm so bad at this.... *held his face, in arms still dream breath sleeping gentle* *Ink eye him* "Hey, *his tone grown serous* "Do you wanna take him back to his room to rest better or..." m maybe you been too scared after...what x-gaster... - ugh" *mouth hang open nervous*Nightmare smiled "I would rather have him here for now, in case he gets worse or has a nightmare. And you are doing great, there really is no wrong way to go about sharing your secrets, it's hard and everyone goes about it in their own ways." he says calmly taking a bite of the confectionery.*Ink smiled comforting* "Thanks....well, i got an idea, *reach his cup* "You can ask me things..anything.." *took another drink*Nightmare looks at the Guardian surprised "If you are sure. But you still have a right to refuse to answer if you are not ready to talk about given topic, alright?" he said clearly. *Ink turn to a agreeing nod**his tone fill kind and with agreement * "I agree.. *he shake the coffee in cup a tad talking not paying much mind to his cup* "If i get uncomfortable of a topic...i will let you know...that is.. heh if you don't pick up on it first.." *He swiftly reach to drink more of his coffee*Nightmare nodds and thinks. After a moment he takes a sip and looks at Ink "How your interactions with X Gaster looked, how did he treat you?" he asks gently wanting to know what caused such fear of the man in the Guardian."... *he spit out some coffee in shock and froze* "...t that......a long story..." *He answer shaky*()()()()()()(()()()()()(()()()())()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()(()()()()()()()(()()()()()("Take your time, though I can always change the question if you want." Nightmare says calmly handing Ink a napkin from the tray. 'I need to ask Error to restore the code to my inventory' he thinks--------*in nodded and took a breather* *eyes narrowed serious* "I can tell you this, when we first met.. he was...kind, and treated me as his best friend, but they're always lies and manipulation behind the sweetness, which i may of spotted if, *His tone grown strong feeling* he pause* *With x-gaster* *X-Gaster* *would open a portal and to go through it..*Nightmare tensed and growled. "I'm sorry Ink but it seems X Gaster is not the best at keeping his word. He just moved AUs." he says nervously looking at Ink.*Ink's eyes widen in shock* *he slowly sat his drink down* "'s said you have a way to catch him right?" *a shaky nervous reply*Nightmare nodds "I infused him with my magic so I can find him anywhere he goes. Though Error is the only one that can open this AU as it's closed off but once in the antivoid I will be able to track him down easily." he says reassuringly. He then gets up and lies Dream down on the couch. "I will leave him under your care for a while." he says quietly soothing his hand over Dream's forehead.*Dream rest comfort and easy* *Ink raise to his feet* "Your going now!!?" *he ask worried*"I have to. What if he contacts the people targeting Dream. The faster I get to him the better." he says with anguished voice, looking sadly at Ink.*Held hands out in understanding shot a worried look to the sleeping pale dream* *would relax himself rubbing the back of his head* "Okay *he spoke relax and caring but worried a bit* I i be glad to look after no trouble, but- "Your....sure? you wanna go alone?" "I'm taking Error with me, the rest will stay and protect the three of you" Nightmare says calmly to the Guardian.*Ink nodded understanding and comfort* "Okay..well...wh wh are you guys going to do once you catch him? and i'm not worrying about him.. i just think if he's in contacts with the people tr- targeting dream.." *His tone a bit shaky but made his point clear swinging hand across*----"I will remind him who he should listen to and establish a good relationship where he tells me any information he gets." Nightmare says darkly "Does the bastard have a phone?" 'not that I would trust any information I get without seeing him face to face and feeling his emotions.' *Ink nodded bravely and sadly staring crossing arms* "Yes last i check...though i'm not sure if he kept it.." Just be careful..around him.." Nightmare smiled "I'm always careful when I deal with things like that. Do you have a phone?" he asks quickly--"I haven't seen mine in weeks..i need a new one" *ink answer smiling brave*Nightmare nodds "Cross will give you his for now. Call me if anything happens." he says as he turns to the kitchen.*Ink nodded smiling bright* "T-thanks..umm what's about your coffee?" Nightmare takes the cup and drowns it in one big gulp. He winks at Ink and goes to the kitchen "Error, X Gaster is being an idiot, we are going to pay him a visit. Cross borrow Ink your phone for the moment in case he needs to call me, stay in the house and keep watch in case anything happens." he says and Error quickly opens a portal to the antivoid where the two go. Meanwhile Cross goes to the living room and hands Ink his phone. "Nightmare's number is under 'Yoru' just so you know." he says smiling.*With ink* *Ink gave a smiling and comforting glare as he held the phone before turning to the sick cover up dream ,ink blink worried and shaky*Cross sits on the other couch, near Blue and looks at Ink "Are you alright?" he asks quietly. *With Nightmare* Once in the antivoid he focused on his magic infused in X Gaster and opened a portal stepping through it carefully with Error following after him.*With ink* *Ink nodded* "I'm shaky..and a bit worried...dream..sniff." *wiped a tear eyes looking up at nothing* "I should get another compress for him do you mind?" *he look back to cross* *with x-Gaster in another au, he was standing outside a pretty nice winding day limping in a weak rough painful breath, eyes looked out on watch turning his head back* :X-gaster: "Sorry boss... can't stay put on judgement day...." *turn back to move*Cross nodded "Go ahead, I will watch him for you." *With Nightmare* The dark skeleton crossed some bushes and sees X Gaster in the short distance from him. He gets ready to attack, Error already send out his strings around the forest cutting off any ways of escape. *with ink* *Nodded and smiled kind* "Thanks.." *Ink raise and went to get the cool compress ..* *with nightmare* *The man would sense them already before turning and shut eyes laughing crazy and bitterly* "Can a friendly monster take a outdoor walk in peace.. *limp waving a hand as he turn to run* run along, i'm sure you have more pressing matters to attend to than to hods me ...." Nightmare smiled coldly and shortcuts in front of the skeleton baring his tentacles "Indeed I do, so lets get this over quickly, shall we?" he strikes his tentacles aiming to break bones in arms and legs.*He summon a number of floating hands with sharp pointers and grin limping* *his voice fill kind but crazy* :X-gaster: "Yes we should, .." *fire many hands* *Ink would return with the ready compress in hand rushing over to dream first reaching down to gave a comforting relaxing hand over his burring head before placing the compress upon his head*Nightmare blocks the hands with bones and Error tugs on his strings making a net tightening to wrap around X Gaster.*the man at first roll his eyes in annoyance before he would be catch in the strings good going scrunch up* *Breath rough* "UGh need me...!" Nightmare snorted "Is that so, tell me then." he says wrapping a tentacle around his throat and absorbing the meager amount of magic the other managed to recover. *took gasping breath before he snap* :X-Gaster: "F fine!" what can i do for you?" Nightmare smiled coldly "Are you in contact with the people targeting my brother?" he asks quietly, his goop slowly trickles over X Gaster's neck to his ribs oozing negativity.:X-Gaster: ".." *After taken a deep and intense breath he glare reluctant and evilly not saying a word*Nightmare smiled and nodded "I see, then I have no need for you." he says with mock sadness and starts tightening the tentacle around X Gaster's neck slowly.*he snap intense and fearful but answer also coldly* "Fine fine...yes!.." Nightmare smiled and relaxed his tentacle lightly, other ones looking around Gaster's clothes for a phone. "Great, now I want to know any time they contact you. You will call me.." his tentacle waves the found phone lightly before bringing it to Nightmare's hand "... And tell me everything, word for word." he says looking through the phone seeing an incoming call from not long ago. "You can start now. What did you hear that made you ignore my, oh so considerate, order to you to stay put, hmm?" he asks quietly eye-lights slits in dark voids.*he glared serious and desperate* :X-gaster: Snap* "Fine word for word i can do that and i can be good and do anything else you ask but not everything is as black as white as they ma at first glance ....i first need your word, i'll be kept safe and sound in return..." *He reply trying to sound reasonable * Nightmare nodds "You made yourself a target to me yourself. Keep away from my team and the Guardians and do what I want and there will be no need for you to be hurt by me." he says, his goop covering X Gaster's bones slithering and integrating into the bones with a burning sensation.*let out a painful moan* "Ugh *Shut eyes tight* "DO YOU WANNA waste darling time while our got a real dangerous and smart foe out with eyes on your dear brother?" cause dream is in deep trouble.." *smiled darkly* "But i could help him by turning on my boss.." Nightmare growled "Right now I am your boss. This pain you are feeling right now is to make sure you are not able to lie to me even if you talk to me through the phone. Now, what did they tell you?" he asks darkly.*Moan in burning pain shutting his eyes* :X-gaster: "As you know i got a phone call not too long ago, it was the, guy i don't know his name.. *Look deeply serious and limp in strings* Aubrey just called him boss.." Nightmare nodds 'Jake for sure, he was always the orchestrator'. "What was it about?" he pressed impatiently-------*That what i ask well *he calm his burning intense breathing to talk shifted in the strings hold* getting to the good stuff i ask him i said what it was about, that when he pretty much in his crazy calm and collected voice answer blaming me his plan was set back" *He then started word on word telling a the flash back roll in his head *flashback :X-gaster: "Why are you calling me!?" *In a unknown black room* *Sitting in a chair as jake himself held the phone up to his ears in utter disappointment and powerful controlling tone* *shifted in his set lightly* :Jake: "Why does nightmare still have his brother!?" *The flashback end * "HE just kept on it telling me i mess up.. okay sighed the talk landing next, here next , here the word for word, he told as the flash back roll in his head* *the man would let out moan of pain as he would stand half down struggling to hold the phone up* :X-gaster* "Geez makes up your mind i thought you wanted those brothers in the same roof.." :Jake: *over the phone he heard a calm tone said with bitterness and "I'm referring to the set back,delay of our plan, thanks to your screwed up ,and your big mouth.." *X-gaster would sighed nervous as he took a set limping into a chair* "Sorry yeah of course an i am making progress, i done all i could i even pretty much moved them under the same roof living together like you asked.. " *he pleading in a sore weak and shaky tone* *jake's hide out, his face in a sligh lit up room, he held a cool and collected tone and * :Jake: "Did i ask you to allow nightmare to find you,? *he ask nice and calm which when it was clear he was piss the hell off, his calmness only added to his fearful tone* Sorry i must of miss that, *cross an leg on jake's set* *his raise his brow* i also must of miss when i ask you to allow nightmare to captured you and then..revealed our existences and *he then laughed the rest of his words* to dear nightmare of all ...heheheh..".. *he put a cold turn in his calm tone* "You was to not breath a word of me to a living breathing soul...especially nightmare ...even in your sleep and you what am i to do about that?" *he had a glimmer of threat in his tone as he held a smiled*Nightmare frowned hearing that. "Continue" he says as his goop settles down fully in X Gaster's bones and stops sizzling.------*He stared deeply serious ad he continue * *Flashback* *the man would let out moan of pain as he would stand half down struggling to hold the phone up* :X-gaster* "Geez makes up your mind i thought you wanted those brothers in the same roof.." :Jake: *over the phone he heard a calm tone said with bitterness and "I'm referring to the set back,delay of our plan, thanks to your screwed up ,and your big mouth.." *X-gaster would sighed nervous as he took a set limping into a chair* "Sorry yeah of course an i am making progress, i done all i could i even pretty much moved them under the same roof living together like you asked.. " *he pleading in a sore weak and shaky tone* *jake's hide out, his face in a sligh lit up room, he held a cool and collected tone and * :Jake: "Did i ask you to allow nightmare to find you,? *he ask nice and calm which when it was clear he was piss the hell off, his calmness only added to his fearful tone* Sorry i must of miss that, *cross an leg on jake's set* *his raise his brow* i also must of miss when i ask you to allow nightmare to captured you and then..revealed our existences and *he then laughed the rest of his words* to dear nightmare of all ...heheheh..".. *he put a cold turn in his calm tone* "You was to not breath a word of me to a living breathing soul...especially nightmare ...even in your sleep and you what am i to do about that?" *he had a glimmer of threat in his tone as he held a smiled* next word for word flash back flash back :X-Gaster: "You can't blame was all nightmare's fault he trick me he caught of all to know how dangerous he is!!" *He yelled out of breath and weak* *Jake's hide out* *Nodded calmly* :jake: "I see, so your blaming nightmare , *tiled his head * for your incontinence ?" *Over the phone jake heard a shaky smart mouth x -gaster reply* "I can assure you this was as much as an inconvenience for i as it was for you." *Jake reply calmly* "Well you kidnapped his brother.. *stand up narrowed with a narrow stared over the phone* Did it not occur to you, he would try to come get him?" jake took his set back* "To think i was kind enough to about to let you back into the deal, well i shouldn't have to make myself more clear but it appears i do." *while keeping calm and collective there was an under line of threat in his voice his voice grown louder* "You are to leave dream with his brother... not that your have much luck but let make this crystal clear.. *x-gaster cut off now show to be limping half off his set in a rough voice* "I needed to have a little fun- *jake cut back now whispering calmly* :jake: "Well the fun is over for now...since your not going anywhere i will carefully take my time and *raise eye brows discuss with my friends what to become of you, in the mean time, he grown serious and demanded* You are to leave Dream, with nightmare, don't even touch or let a mark on the boy, allow dream to stay with his brother, i want nightmare to hold on very tightly to his dear precious brother, *His eyes glow red then as his tone had a glimmer of hate and threatening * Because i will be the one to rip that most precious thing out of his arms.." *with that he hang out the phone, *with x-gaster* *the limping man drop his phone in a state of dread and weakness as he lay back in his chair* end of flash back* :X-gaster: "Sorry like i said he wouldn't give much away next to nothing.....see why i had to flee..him and that little brat girl may wanna kill me or...not.." Nightmare growled "They will get to Dream over my dead body" 'and I can't die for as long as there is negativity in the multiverse'. He then paused to think "Let him go Error, he won't be running anymore, isn't that right friend?" Nightmare says calmly with diluted malice in his voice.*X-gaster tilted his head shock before reforming a obeying and kind smiled yet still dark* :X-gaster: "Course not, boss.." Nightmare smiled "Of course, after all I can always reactivate the magic I put in you to stop any kind of rebellion." he says with a dark glint in his eyes saying 'disobey me and you are dust' Error untangled his strings laying them limply in the grass but not dissolving them just yet. *Would fall but catch himself half limp as he breath and would dust himself off*Nightmare gives X Gaster his phone back "I saved my number in under 'N', change it to whatever you want. Call me when you get any new information." he says dryly.*Look with locked eyes on his phone before nodding obeying* "Anything else!?" *He ask smiling fake sweet*Nightmare snorted "Yes, annoy me and I will break your legs." he says with eyes void of any light and a creepy smile. "You are on thin ice, better not test me." he moves forward and goes to Error who was standing behind X Gaster.()()(()())()()()()()((-----)()()()()()()()()()())______-----()()()()()())()()()(*Shut his eyes obeying not stepping out of line standing still when he glare down upon the phone before an idea pop up turning around to the king and in a rough fun voice asked* :X-gaster: "W wait what is they don't call back again?" Nightmare looks at the other "They will probably make contact in person, as you said to kill you or to use you for something again. Don't betray me and act useful. Inform me when you can. Lets say you stay in this AU and when you change it it means they have come to kill you. I won't expect any more information from you, just you staying away from us." he says. "But if you try to withhold information from me, it will be perceived as betrayal and I will know of it." he says calmly. Error opened the portal to the antivoid and stepped through waiting for Nightmare.*He crosses his arms as he stay put* *with dream* ink would stay laying over in a chair close watching dream sleep* *ink blink sweetly as he reach and shifted the compress to better cool him*Nightmare gets into the antivoid "Are you coming with me or staying here?" he asks Error "I'M STAYING HERE. CALL IF YOU NEED ME." Error says settling down in his living area and opening a portal for Nightmare. The other nods and goes back to see Cross and Ink sitting in the living room watching over Dream and Blue. "I'm back." he says to get their attention.*Ink while still holding the compress over dream's head as he would lower skull bows more comfortable he was back as he turn his head* :Ink: "Nightmare...thanks goodness , i take it went well.." Nightmare nodds "As well as could be expected with such a man." he says coming closer and patting smiling Cross on the head as the other relieved goes to rest to his room. "How was Dream when I was gone?" he asks looking at his brother with worried eyes.*Ink would smiled* "He burned up a little more i'm bringing it down right now.." *he turn back to dream holding the cool compress on his friend's head*Nightmare nodds "I see, thank you for taking care of him." he says reaching to the already cold pot of coffee filling his cup and drinking it in several big gulps shuddering slightly at the unpleasant taste of cold beverage but needing caffeine nonetheless.*Ink smiled back with his turn now head* "Of course.." *he sweetly reply* "You should wake him up to drink something soon.."-Nightmare nodds "You want something, I'm going to the kitchen for some new coffee." he says taking the pot in hand.*Ink nodded now moving his hand to allow the compress to rest easy upon dream's head* :Ink: "Yes, my coffee's all done, more would be nice thanks.." *smiled warmed* Nightmare smiled and went to the kitchen. Horror started getting up but Nightmare waved him to stay seated and went through the process of preparing more coffee and some hot cocoa for Dream to drink when he wakes up. Once it was done he gets back and puts the new pot of coffee and the cup with cocoa on the table. Then he kneels next to Dream and puts his hand on Dream's cheek soothing his thumb over it. "Come on Dreams, time to wake up." he says warmly.*A pale stuffy sounded dream would first couch gentle before he moan in reaction to hearing his brother but in relax look as he tighten his shut eyes* *Ink got would reach for his hot coffee and slowly bring it up to take a small sip ...*---Nightmare smiled "Come on little brother, rise and shine. There is cocoa waiting for you." he says teasingly.*Dream would moan hearing that as his eyes flash open looking more rested than before and calmer* "Oh.....c c coco..." *he sounded in a rush to get some*Nightmare chuckled "Calm down, it won't run from you." he says helping Dream sit up and making sure he was stable enough to hold the cup himself.*Thankfully he show no signs of having any nightmares'nor flashbacks today yet as he allow the help and sit up stable but still a bit weak, and pale but sounded better* *cough..cough..*Nightmare smiled to his brother handing him a cup of hot cocoa and patting his head lightly. Then he gets up from the floor and after preparing his own cup of coffee he sits on the armchair next to the couch occupied by Dream and Ink.*INk would thinking of 100 things drink his coffee more only, as dream slowly woke up good he held his cup up close as he, took it easy * *blue out cold lay in the other end*Nightmare took a sip of his coffee casting looks at the three Guardians. He was relaxing now that some of the threats were gone, but some lingering tension still remained.*Dream took a long sip rested but sleepy*Nightmare was drinking his coffee when he remembered something "Damn..." he takes out his phone and calls Error "... Error, you need to restore the code to my inventory, come here quickly..... I don't care that you are in chocotale, you can get your stash of sugar later." he barks and sighs "I want you here in an hour." he says and hangs up putting his phone away and lying his head in his hand tiredly.*Dream drink his coco looking more calmer than when he pass out* Nightmare rises his head and drinks more coffee. His tentacle extended to grab the plate with snacks and brings it closer to Dream. "Eat something." he says quietly with a tired voice.*Dream eye the snacks feeling in need of food as his stomach made growling sounds, it hit him he haven't ate all day hardly, he quickly smiling at a bag of Doritos would carefully eat his cup down before reaching to grab the bag and in swift pull it open*Nightmare smiles and extends the plate to Ink next. "You too." he says calmly *Ink pause from drinking his coffee and eye him off guard before, agreeing and eyeing the snacks, before swiftly smiling taken a cookie and reaching for a swift bite sitting in his set dream would slowly be munching on his doritos *Nightmare takes some dark chocolate from the plate and sets it down on the table. Nightmare swallows his chocolate and sets his coffee down. He moves to Dream and patts his back. *TRY TO control couching holding his mouth* "M m sniff couch!" Nightmare makes strong circles on Dream's back and his tentacle brings closer some napkins from the table to act as tissues and hands them to Dream.*Dream blow hard on the napkins as he would show lay on close to his brother as the rubbed relaxing him*Nightmare rests on the arm of the couch letting Dream lean into him, still rubbing soothing circles over his back.*The,positive guardian,let out,soothing,relax,breathing*Nightmare smiled "Drink some more cocoa while it's still hot." he says quietly *Dream form a particular comforting smiled turning to face his brother before nodding and reaching , as ink got done with his coffee he watch dream pick up his cup with both hands,and slowly lifted it up and took another long sip* *Ink smiled glad seeing dream doing better at the moment*Nightmare smiled as he was thinking heavily and then frowned "I know that X Gaster is not a problem anymore but I still would like to switch hideouts. Are you two alright with this?" he asks gently looking at the Guardians.*Ink and dream both pause from drinking and eating and casting shocking looked to nightmare* :Ink: "I...thought it was safe here.."---Nightmare nodds "It should have been, but X Gaster still managed to get here. I want to go to one of the AUs that I took over, but is still neutral. I used it when I was taking care of my boys at the beginning. The security there is better as my magic is spread there alerting me to any breach. I chose this first because I was worried about you telleporting away in panic." he admitted guiltily. *Ink eyes widen before looking down guiltily and sadly* :ink: 'It's figure, so everything that had happened, those freaks getting closer to dream, X-gaster mad show, kidnapping dream, it all thanks to me..' *his mind softly pleaded*Nightmare frowned at the feelings from Ink. He got up and walked to the Creator and nudged his face up. "It's not your fault. I don't want you blaming yourself for anything that happened. It's all on X Gaster and the villagers who orchestrated everything." he says with a steady voice.*The chin up Creator glared up slowly blinking to a comforted smiled as his eyes blink to pink Rhombus and yellow star, as his guilt fade away and he smiled* *Dream look to ink sadly before looking down in mix feelings*Nightmare smiled, patted Ink's cheek and took his hand away. "So, are you alright with moving?" he asks gently *Ink would nod smiling* :INk: "It,..ok with me.." *he answer slow and shaky*Nightmare nodds and looks at Dream "Brother? Is that okay with you?" *Dream would simple give a nod without looking back or at nothing looking down a bit in a mix feelings*Nightmare nodds "I will leave you two for a moment to start packing things with my team. You just two just rest for now. He says and goes to the kitchen. *Dream sighed upon his brother left as he would sit his cup down reaching before thing felt over quiet and awkward as,ink took another bag of chips and proceed to open the bag and start munching as dream also reach fro his own open bag and proceed to start munching on his doritos * *all the while both look too nervous to make eye contact even*Nightmare informed his team of the situation and they all started rushing around packing things in boxes and their inventories. Nightmare came to the living room after picking up Dream's, Blue's and Ink's things putting them down and popping a few bones as he stretched with a groan.*dream would calmly be casting kind glares to his brother while munching on his doritos *, ink pause from eating watching the king do so* Nightmare smiled at the two "Have you left anything lying around outside of your rooms? We are almost done." he says kindly *Ink shake his head smiling kindly, *the positive guardian looked unsure as his nose ran some more as he held his head which started beating* :Dream: "The last few days been a little hazy for me.." *he answer in a weak stuffy voice*Nightmare nodds "I will look through the rooms and check. Try to wake up Blue if you want. I can always carry him, but I don't know how he would like it." he says and goes back upstairs. *Dream and ink both nodded* before ink reach up to his feet and walk over to blue end as dream casting , strong hurt looked but away from ink as he passes dream to blue's side of the couch,*Nightmare was checking all of the rooms one by one not wanting to leave anything behind.*Ink lean over the cuddly blue guardian as he speak soft but narrowed as he gentle shake his teammate/friend* :Ink: "Blue , hey buddy,it's time to wake up?" *He shifted and turn on his other side not wanted to wake up it looked* *Dream so happened to watch with a turn and smiling head narrowing endearing ,innocent stared * Nightmare hummed to himself after not finding anything and headed down where his team was gathering. He went into the living room "Did you manage to wake Blue up?" he asks *Ink shake his head now standing up more narrow*Nightmare frowned got his phone out checking the time "Error will be here in a moment. I will carry him, hopefully he won't panic if he wakes up." he says quietly *Dream would blow his nose a but more before he would hummed a relaxing tune thinking to take it easy but 100 other things keep running in his head* *His inter mind wonders in stress as he look at nothing. 'So all this lately, taken me, all this time X-gaster is working for, the villagers , who are alive, God, how is this even true, why would x-gaster even agree to help those, sick did this even be how are the even alive my brother killed them right before my eyes, but their , Jake is alive?!!!' Nightmare frowned "Dream? Are you alright?" he asks coming closer to his brother. Just then Error came and Killer explained to him where they need to go. *Dream would look lost in thought, ink would stand a bit away giving some space * :Dream's inter mind: 'I can't believed this, i....after everything-' *he snap from his thoughts gasping as he held his hurting head* Nightmare massages Dream's arms "What's wrong brother?" he asks gently. In the background the dark Sanses were carrying boxes through the portal into the antivoid.*Dream finally swift but for a bit of a moment glare shaky and nervous to his brother, among his other negativity feelings but did give,an,clear shaky answer as he look his eyes around* :Dream: "I,just, was thinking,its all.." "Alright then. I will carry you and Blue alright?" Nightmare asked gently. Error was standing at his back silently restoring Nightmare's inventory code.*dream nodded sadly and stressful before couching more, ink step back more* When Nightmare felt Error finished he carefully gathered Dream and posed him on his one arm. He turned around and then gathers Blue in his other arm. He posed two of his tentacles to support the two from toppling over. He then turned to head into the antivoid. "Come on Ink." he calls.*Dream clings on tightly, the guardian of au's would flinch before following behind*Nightmare frowned at the flinch from the Creator but moved through the portal and nodded at his team holding several boxes. He waves his free tentacle and opens a portal to one of his most secure hideouts. "Go ahead." he says moving aside to allow others entrance. *A rather distraught dream stay clings to his brother as ink follow behind but close enough* *with x-Gaster* *Standing in the same au his new ''boss'' order him to stay, he haven't move far from the spot outside as the wind pick up blowing through him, as he had a grumpy and angry expression. as he limp,up* Nightmare smiled at the sight of the building he spent a lot of time in and he mentally checked the security to see if anyone breached the property but didn't find anything. "Move along boys, I want everything unpacked before the dinner. I'm cooking today, you make sure there is enough clean rooms for everyone." Nightmare says calmly and his boys nod and hurry to get inside with the boxes. *with dream* Dream found some comfort in the hold of his brother,at the moment feeling safe and sound, the new hideout gave a nice feeling of safety and look of new sights and felt comfortable,* *With X-Gaster* *The man limp up standing a bit better half recover quick but magic still less as let out a sore and angry and grumpy growl as he had a angry scowl before checking his phone , nothing pop up not at least that was anything his ''boss '' would care about....he had half a mind to call his old boss or rather still kind of boss but mind fill with fearful worried, 'What if the boss had already made up his mind i did tell nightmare everything i knew ,granted it wasn't much but still i disobey one of his biggest order, i blown his cover, if i call him now what is i'd cause the final nail in my coffin' held his thumb held shaky and hesitantly over the number title, (Boss) Nightmare hummed "I will lie Blue down in one of the bedrooms first. Would you like to lie down as well or stay with me in the kitchen while I cook, Dream?" he asks gently gently. 'Horror is probably almost done with unpacking the kitchen stuff and food.' *Dream response quickly in a cheery relax tone rested his head upon his brother 's shoulder* :Dream: "I wanna stay with you!" *he answer as ink close by blink to worried as he look down* Nightmare nodds "What about you Ink?" he asks glancing at the Creator. "You are welcome to do anything, this AU is mostly deserted except for some animals so it's safe to wander around. Though today just stay close to the house, just in case." he says absent-mindedly. *Ink eyes turn back with yellow stars as he gave a friendly glancing stared and reply* :Ink: "Thanks i think i could use some fresh air.." *with that ink took his leave* Nightmare headed inside the house and went to the first floor to place Blue in bedroom. He lies the small guardian down under the covers and takes a piece of paper writing a note to him explaining where he is, so he doesn't panic when he wakes up. He placed the note on the nightstand and turned around intent on leaving the room and going to the kitchen. *Dream kept clings to his brother as he took some high coughing* Nightmare adjusted his hold on Dream and rubbed his back in strong circles going to the kitchen. *The positive guardian took strong inter breathing* Nightmare came into the kitchen and seated Dream at the table. He then moved to pour some water into a glass and hands it over to his brother. ----*A bit less pale dream nodded an thanks before taken the glass and reaching to take a sip* *Dream glare a sweet but sorrowful look as he held his glass over "...Thanks.....But , i know your gripping at the end of your ropes with this and how deal with it, and even how to discuss it with me " *he said rather calm there was a clear sadness in his tone and eyes, *With -X-gaster* *His *Still held a shaking thumb over the number (Boss) , it was then the after thinking enough, the man narrow sure and dark eyes, he would move from pushing any number* "Ow!" *held his chest with the mark goop on him* "Not like i can go anywhere anyway, *Shut one eye in pain as he stand up limp holding his chest fill with goop* "OW.." Nightmare smiled hopelessly "Honestly I'm used to things not exactly going my way. Though I never expected the villagers to be alive. I understand that it's a difficult topic for you too, but denial won't help you or me in dealing with it." Nightmare says calmly turning around and reaching for a knife, pack of potatoes and a pot and starts peeling the vegetable as his tentacles reached to the fridge and cupboards for other ingredients and spices. ----*Dream lay his head down in a nod but deep scared and thinking look as he relax his two hands in one hold after gently sitting his glass down upon the table* :dream: "This, must be hard,isn't it?" having them back j just knowing they're out there....planning to hurt you after after- *voice fell to soft weak whispering * *With x-gaster* **Staring down cool but sore he reach for some items in his inventory, he had a few cinnamon bun* *in a rough and grumpy tone* "That's a good start, " took them all out to eat* Nightmare sighed heavily. "You could say so. I want to think that I'm stronger now but traumas like that can render you useless and I don't know how I will react to seeing them." Nightmare says quietly still peeling potatoes.---------*Dream blink and look in sorrow as he struggled to stand up and lean on the table in a stress and swift move as he pleading out* :Dream: "I have to be honest i'm sorry but.... i don't think -ugh.. *Lean on the table struggling trying to keep a clear and narrow tone which came off serious and graceful** i don't think i can completely ever accept they're even alive, unless .. *rest of his words burst out frightened and utterly nervous as he reach to walk or to to get full on his feet* Unless i face them myself!" Nightmare dropped the knife he was holding and turns to his brother, shock on his face. His hands were shaking and his breath was coming in short bursts. After a moment he managed to gather his voice and stutter out "N-no. No way I'm l-letting you a-anywhere close to t-them." *A half weak standing up dream's eyes flash, not shock his brother would say or do so but shock at the rate of his determination and utter while fear/anger * *Dream blink a bit froze for words and shock* as his face widen* Nightmare closes his eyes and takes a few deep breaths. He clasped his hands together and brought them up to his face. "Please don't do this. X Gaster told me that they plan on taking you away from me. Please, don't make it easier to them." he says quietly not opening his eyes. "I don't know what I would do if they succeed." his voice shakes and his tentacles curl anxiously behind him. *The positive eyes narrow in a sobbing and shattered matter as he quietly sobbed in reaction,heart broken by his words, as he found him limping to his knees letting out a fade gasped*Nightmare opened his eyes and gasped rushing to his brother and gathering him in his arms to then put him on a chair. "Dream..." he says quietly drying his brother's tears with his thumbs. *Dream lay back weaker into the chair as he would panted sobbed as his tears was dry as he stared utter shattered and guilty to his brother* :Dream: *Huff uh!* i'm sorry!, i don't think i'm thinking very good these days. *sniff and blink to more tears* "I *Shifted having a hard time sitting up as his tone fill in sobs and fear* I don't trust myself even.." Nightmare huffed a startled laugh as tears started leaking from his eyes. "I understand that you want to face them, but understand that it's too dangerous, especially as we don't know how they managed to infiltrate your subconsciousness, how they cause you to have nightmares and flashbacks. And you are still sick. Until we know more about it and you get better I would rather you just rest and leave it to me. Please..." he ends closing his eyes and lying his forehead on Dream's skull. *Dream blink touch and sweet by his words a bit shattered up still, but as he rest his skull back upon his brother's skull he would gave a light, soft, and understanding agreement* :Dream: "Okay...i give you my word, i'll stay away from them..." *he answer sweet and softly,* would then shut his then and reach to hug his brother* *with x-gaster* Would walk himself a more recover now though still a bit low on magic* "If i'm gonna be here for while nightmare shouldn't mind having myself at home.." *he scold headed for an inn *as he growl in some left over pain and pause limping before recovering and moving forward* *A unknown , location* in a almost outer looking void like glowing white room standing the light complexion skin like unknown monster kind intimate jake wearing an long black and white jacket glaring up to a half close off portal of some kind only with odd, red mist going through it* *a small grin appear up on the monster's face, s he had his head cover with some hood like on his head with a kind of robe under underneath his jacket * he had the most calm and sinister grin* Nightmare hugs his brother tightly and patts his head and then backs off. He dries his face on his sleeve and tries to smile. "Well, if we are to have dinner today I better get to it." he says and turns around picking up the knife from the counter where he dropped it and continued peeling as his tentacles started cutting red peppers, onions and mushrooms putting them in a bowl. *Dream tried to smiled and even was able to give a hopeful one,but soon think as his face dropped to fear dreadful like * Nightmare poured water to the pot and put it on the fire adding some salt. "Dream?" he asks gently as he noticed his brother's face out of the corner of his eye. His hands move preparing dinner but his eyes stay locked on Dream. :Dream: "yeah?" *he asked softy and sadly but hopeful and a bit stuffy * Nightmare smiled "It's going to be alright. I promise you that." he says and turns his eyes to the pack of spices he had in hand. "How do you guys handle spicy foods?" he asks with tilted head. One of his tentacles reached to grab paper towels and handed them to Dream in stead of tissues. *He smiled darling and sweet,even comfort in reaction, right before taken the paper towels in stead of tissues, before blowing, * then said in a sore voice but also sweet* :Dream: "I know, and, i can handle them fine to a point, ink to a longer point *He said smiling funny tilted his head * Blue however-" *A loud screamed of joy which one can easily recognize as blue's as dream's eyes widen in shock.* but then smiled* :dream: "Heheh..*he giggled as is tone red happy* Looking back to his brother* sound like someone is getting right at home!" Nightmare smiled looking at the ceiling. "Indeed, well I will keep to some more neutral herbs then." he says reaching for different containers and adding some herbs.------*with dream* *Dream gave a warmed smiled only replying with a nod* *With jake* *A fox like monster dress in a long blue robe would enter the glowing room as a portal like door pop up, upon with a small loyal respectful bow to his boss before standing up :Jesse: "Sir i have an update, *the serious and loyal to a fault fox monster spoke to his boss calmly and precisely but with dark and utterly greedful and certifiable* The fox monster raise his voice upon the boss head nodded for him to continue as jake has his back facing the fox monster as he had calm shut eyes , jesse went on* it's that backstabbing x-gaster fool, he done it again, the fool had given small but still had revealed bit more information to that accursed nightmare...!" *the fox villager greedful and hatefully explained bitterly at the mere mention at the nightmare king's name, in reaction jake, merely would open eyes shock and put up his head with a creepily delighted smiled narrowing eyes*

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