page 14

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"Shhh, Dream, it's okay, it was just a dream." Nightmare says calmly moving to stop his brother from sitting up._____*The shaking up very emotional fragile guardian right away turn eyes to spot his eyes after feeling his touch go to hold him* *He begin breathing strongly but letting himself go taken it easy on the bed* *Huff huff..*__________________________________________________"That's it, just breathe, you are safe, it was just a nightmare." Nightmare crones to Dream reassuringly lying his hand on his brother's hand.________*Dream with a strong bonded glared would tear up staring at him and gripping into him in a warm hug* 'It wasn't just a nightmare but i can't tell him that' i cant' * sobbed little in a embrace*_________Nightmare tightens his grip a little "Shhh, it's alright, you are safe. I'm here for you." Nightmare says while holding Dream and waiting for him to start calming down as his hand runs soothingly over the back of Dream's skull.________*A bit sobbing left over, from the ''nightmare'' as he would be calm slowly in the caring and hold and comforting of his brother as the little shaking up guardian eyes only look behind him just feeling his brother with him brought awarmed and bonded smiled upon his shaking up and sobbing breathing face*____Nightmare smiled back at his brother though it was still a little shadowed by worry. One of his hands moved to dry Dream's tears while the other made idle circles on his back. "Dream... I know it may be to fast, but do you want to talk about it? You don't have to until you are ready, but just so you know, that I will always listen." Nightmare says slowly and quietly._______*Sniff and laughed sweet and hugged him closer shifted up closer to nightmare* "Hehe....thanks...but..i i i-.." *tone soften and shaking* "I don't....remember ..." *He lied*________________

"Mhm, you are still bad at lying, you know." Nightmare says calmly "But I won't force you to talk, just know that I'm here when you want to talk. I'm not leaving you as long as you will have me here." he still has his hand on Dream's face tilting it up so Dream won't avoid his gaze full of care and honesty.____________________*Those words fill him with hope and comfort like a spell * *eyes widen * " wasn't....just a nightmare.." *he started struggling and tripping over his words as they came out sadly and frightened as he shake his head* B but, it was more like a memory,of,a very upsetting wouldn't let myself remember for some long.." *tone grown serious and emotional*_______________________Nightmare says nothing, just tightens his hug on Dream and listens intently.______________________________________________________________________:Dream: *a more shaking up and emotional voice, sobbing breathing cutting off here and there* "W w w we -*uncontrollable sobbing * breathing* We were b b back- *Sobbing breathing as he struggled to go on* "A a at dreamtale....- *Sobbing breathing* at home with m m mm mom and- *sobbing breathing- tree and we was g going- *sobbing breathing to the - *sobbing breathing* "V v v v v v huff huff- to meet t them.."__

"Shh, you don't have to say more, I remember that, the first time in the village. It must have been scary, but it was in the past, you are safe now." Nightmare says soothingly, his hand moving up and down on Dream's ribs._____*Dream shut his eyes as he sob his words* "But b but- *sobbing breathing* "that w what's scared me the same time it didn't feel like *sobbed* it was over.."_______________________________________________________________"I know, our minds are amazing things, they can code everything down to the tiniest detail and revive it in our dreams and nightmares as if they were happening right in this moment." Nightmare says calmly. 'This also wasn't a normal dream, but I will talk about it with him tommorow' he thinks remembering Dream's aura during the nightmare.________________________________________________________*Dream sobbing started to lower a bit now laughing relieved yet also sadness was deep heard in it* "You think it was that was....just my as simple as that?" *Smiled sweet head leaning over in their hug his voice were so small as if one could shattered it so easy*________Nightmare hesitates for a moment to think how to word it so it doesn't distress his calming down brother. Hesitantly he says "I don't want to lie to you. I don't think it was a normal dream. Your HP was normal, but your aura was acting up. But no matter what it is, I will find something to help with that, I promise."__________"You, p promise ?" *he asked in sobbing half calming still*___________________________Nightmare nodds "No matter what, I will find a way to make it better. But you need to work with me, okay? Like with Ink, you need to talk with me ,or others if you don't want to talk to me about things that trouble you. Our emotions have big impact on our souls and how they work." he says calmly. 'I will try to remember how I dealt with my corruption, maybe there will be something that can help' he thinks. "Will you be able to sleep some more, or do you want to do something else for the night?"_______"Sniff heh *sobbed *smiled sad* "I....don't think i am tired anymore...i ....just something.." *he sobbed his shaking words out never letting the hug go*________"Okay, we can go to the kitchen. We saved you some stew from dinner and if you want something else I'm sure we have ingredients for it." Nightmare says while getting up with Dream in his arms, the decision to carry his brother subconscious.__________*The *the poor emotional sensitive and fragile guardian clutch on to his older brother looking so fragile as if he'll shattered at any moment*_________________________________Slowly the two make their way to the kitchen. "What would you like to eat?" Nightmare asks. He put the kettle on the fire, deciding to have a coffee so that he can be awake with his brother without a problem. "Would you like some tea, chamomile maybe?" there is no way his brother gets coffee after the scare he had.____*Rest his wide awake head on his brother's shoulder holding on to him in his arms* *small gasping sobs* "N n n no...i i i i i i t t to eat.." *He sobs his words as he Stutter *__________"Some warm stew or some cold ice-cream then?" Nightmare asked, giving Dream two choices so he won't have to think to much in his panic.________*Moan from the stress of his scare he just had* "m Maybe b both hehhe....i*sobs talking and gasping* "e e e huff empty,inside..."....i....sob*...could...used...some.. s s .stew."heh"..*sob* *kept holding on to him for dear life*____"Of course, just a moment." Nightmare says using his tentacles, as he is still holding onto Dream, to heat up the stew and put it into a bowl. It took him some minutes and then he took the food in a bowl, a spoon and his coffee with his tentacles to sit at the table. "Here you go brother." Nightmare says handing the food to Dream and then reaching for his coffee with his freed hand.__________*Dream head slowly very fragile looking seeking his head to his food, *blink s bit pale looking* *Cough cough*________"Are you alright?" Nightmare asks worried, his tentacle reaching to the sink to give Dream a glass of water._______

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