bad apple page 9

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The next day at the break of dawn Nightmare woke up to find Horror already in the kitchen, but instead of cooking he was at the table sleeping, a bottle of painkillers and a half full glass of water laying in front of him. *Ink looked like didn't sleep a for more than 3 hours at the most as he had open a portal already to heaven tale getting ready to check up on his best friend, ink seem very stress out but it was clear he force his mind away from himself *."Horror" Nightmare touched his shoulder to wake him up. "Mmh, Nightmare..what..where?" "What are you doing sleeping in the kitchen, did you have a migraine?" Nightmare asked and Horror noded and tried to get up. "Stay down, I will make breakfast today." " 'kay, thanks boss." Horror says laying his head on the counter tiredly. -*As ink was headed for the waiting room he first was stopped blue berry who gently touch ink's shoulders with a sweet and fill with as ever his lovely optimism look* (ink) "Oh blue...hey thanks again for staying with dream last night when i had to go.." *blue shut his eyes cheerfully * "Of course ink....there's nothing i wouldn't do for our family.." 'family? ' *ink seem to be found off guard by those words*-Just as Nightmare was finishing making breakfast the rest of the team entered the kitchen. "Horror, are you alright?" Cross asks worried "Yep, just tired." "Oh, OK, if you say so." Nightmare brought the food to the table.---*Blue took ink's hand over to a table in the waiting room* (blue) "The nice angels made some breakfast for us ink..let's enjoy and take some whole lots of stress off...." *Ink was pull child quickly like by blue's hand, ink look the food over, ink look a bit tired and out of it sounded as he struggled to keep his eyes open* "Heh..n nice...i'm...i'll eat it later.." *step out of blue's held gently as he walk over pass the table of food* "I really actually just came back to first check on he awake yet?!" *ink asked serious and nervous but hopeful* *blue look over from the table a bit sad but keeping a positive aura* "Oh...ummm the angel umm said to wait and -oh O: ink wait!-" *before blue can explain ink storm into dream's room as blue held out a hand trying to stop him* "Dream!?" *ink froze when he saw dream, was now hook up to more ivs, had a breathing mask on, and positive rings over his neck and what shock ink the most was his very pale face and many wires hook up to him and other ends to many monitors*---"Pancakes!" "Thanks boss" the boys started eating their breakfast. "After eating we are going to finish painting the wall from both sides, are you okay to be joining us or would you prefer to rest Horror?" Nightmare asked "Nah, I can work, I will tell you if I get worse." Horror assured. With that the dark Sanses enjoyed their breakfast.---*Ink look on confused and worried but found himself trap as if time stopped* "Dream?" *dream looked in his deep sleep still* "He i um i don't understand..why isn't he awake still what is." *ink head start to shake very getting work up* *turn his head to one of the angel entering the room* "What is all this?!"------"I will take care of this." Cross started collecting the plates with Dust's help and two skeletons went to wash the dishes after the breakfast. " " Change into some old clothes you don't mind getting paint on, it's going to be messy. "Nightmare warns getting up to head to his room and change clothes just as he advised his boys.----*angel went over to ink giving him a calm aura feeling* (angel) "I understand this looked, dire but...right now he is in no danger of dying of which we can see." *the angel started up with a holy calm, and comforting voice* (ink now calmer and more hopeful but also worried reply* :Ink: "Then, why isn't he awaken yet?" please- i just ne- (angel) "Right now his pressure is just too high we're keeping him on a lots of monitors to makes sure we're not missing anything, and dream need to stay here longer.." *ink back up in a confused and concerned matter* " you mean...longer...?" *ink calmer but in worried asked narrowing his eyes* *angel cross their arms* -"I can assure you we're doing everything in our power to heal dream to the way he mean to be...but right now it's still the waiting game, while he haven't waken up yet, he show no sign of lowering HP or dying.....but he is under dark feelings and over bearing stress and the pressure is started to take a lots out on him, that's leave us to keep him like this to , well, " *the angel calmly turn their eyes from the guardian to the sleeping sick positive guardian * "To keep him like this for we must be cautious.." *there was a small pause as they blink* "everything he is hook to or taken is for his own good and best we can do to keep him positive and stable and this way does just that and others concerns are also being- address- *Ink shifted in a jolting nervous matter* :ink: "OTHERS concerns ?!"*ink nearly yelled out as his eyes flinches, this whole time eyes flashing from one color/feeling to the other* (angel) "I understand it's very easy to give into fear and you are very anxious and want to know everything and wanna help and know he's ok i get it ink, i really do but right now it is just too soon to tell, at this point dream could just have a cold or a kind of sickness we are not familiar with, there's still a whole lots we don't know about dream or how his soul work, right now we're just going to have to be patient, hopeful and take it one step at a time...with any luck and most of all hope, dream will be better in no time.." *the angel reassure the artist guardian with caring calm hands out*----Changed in different clothes the dark Sanses stood in front of the naked wall with big brushes and cans of paint in hand. "Let's get the outdoors done first, then we can work on inside" Nightmare says using his tentacles to handle the job and observing his team starting to paint.----*blue waited for ink and the angel to get done talking smiling child like, before his smiled drop to a kind of mind wondering matter* 'Don't're get the moment to... when everything is right we're all stay positive soon you're get to tell them." *his positive and happy mind speak* *ink was taken gently by the arm out of dream's room as blue broke from his thoughts with a widen mouth and adorable confused funny look with little black dots for eyes* *ink turn trying to assure the hard working angel as the guardian of au's turn to face them and with that the angel let go of ink's arm* :ink: "I know ok you're right heheh dream need rest and peace ...and i just love him and i'm worried...i really ...need him better fast as possible..." *ink explain smiling half hopeful and sad* *the angel cross their arms giving a straight look* (angel) "If you really wanna be any help to Dream, try taken care of your self first.." *shifted the angel's eyes move to behind ink to blue and the getting cold plates of nice cook food* "ink take care of yourself we'll take care of your friend," *it speak gently but getting straight with him..* "You're no good to your friend or the other's aus if you are a mess.. go eat your breakfast and get some may need it for whatever the day bring, take care of yourself if anything happened we'll inform you..." *ink blink to yellow stars at the angel's words of wisdom * "Take care of yourself and we'll take care of dream..." *the angel with that said left to go check on their patient leaving ink standing feeling dumb founded as he kick himself*----"Nooo, stop." Cross shouts to Killer that was running at him with messy hands ready to smear it on smaller skeleton's face "I will get you Crossy!!" the other laughed out, the rest of the group was working and looking at the two with fond looks on their faces. "hahaha, got ya" Killer cheered at getting some paint on Cross' skull "I shall get revenge!" the youngest of the group shouted, grabbing a nearby brush and swinging it at Killer. "Gah, you little.." Killer shouted at happily running away Cross. "Get back to work you two, after that we can have a break." Nightmare called to them fondly 'to think that they are capable of actually being serious when they have to'----*Ink and blue enjoy their breakfast finally, as ink finally had to let himself just relax* *ink pause from eating to turn to blue* "So...umm what do you wanna do after breakfast since i'm sure you know dream umm s." *ink look away from blue Awkward and sweats as his eyes flash from once yellow stars to blues diamonds* :blue: "I think Yooooou should nap then we're pick what to do.." *blue pretty much in a positive matter order*---"I'm going to make us some lunch" Horror calls going into the house as the others were finishing up the painting.---*About an hour passes as ink was finally back at his hide out in swap fell taken a much needed rest in his room*-"The lunch is ready" Horror's voice rang out to the others, they decided to get in and rest a little with some food.---- *Blue stay close by to ink making up some lunch in the kitchen smiling cheerful *----"Hey, boss, can we skip the rest of the painting for today?" Killer asked and Nightmare curious turned to him "What else do you have in mind then if not repairing the damage your training did?" he asked teasingly.--- *Blue got done with the hopes ink will enjoy and wake up in time to eat it..*-"Ehh, maybe do something with Error, ya know like training with him or just something, I guess..." Killer finished quietly. "As much as I would prefer we get this done, if you manage to get Error here then you are welcome to do anything you want, though he will probably want to watch Undernovela or something like that." Nightmare says getting up to help Horror with the dishes.-*Blue put the plates of burning hit and freshly made steaming food* smiled* "Hmm what's missing oh i know flowers !" that will put ink in a good mood for sure.!" *stars in blue excited eyes*-"Crossy, can you call Error, I'm sure if it's you he will agree" "Sure, what should I say?" "That we just want to hang out with him or something." "Sure thing." the youngest cheerfully replies grabbing his phone.-*Blue ranup adorably, to he halls to check if ink had awaken *---I the antivoid the persistent ringing of a phone interrupted slumbering of certain glich. "WHAT!!!" He snaps annoyed. "Oh, heya Error, eh, we just thought that you might want to hang out with us in our hideout and maybe do something, but if you don't want to or are busy, that's fine..." "STOP TALKING CROSS, WHAT YA WANNA DO?" the error answered now gentler than before after hearing the young skeleton ramble after his outburst. "Oh, just hanging out, maybe watching Undernovela, we got snacks.." he ends quietly. "SURE, WILL BE THERE IN A FEW. SAVE SOME CHOCOLATE FOR ME." "Yay, thanks Error, we will be waiting for you to come." and at that the young skeleton finished the call, leaving a baffled glich lost in thought.---*Blue made across ink's door and pause, wondering* *rubbed his chin playfully* "Wondering if..i should, knock or check if- *then the sound of a opening , door swinging open, and ink would be seen looking a bit blank..*----'Rare that someone wants to spend time with me, though we work together now, but that should be it, or is it' lost in thought Error opens a portal and gets to the hideout of the dark Sanses.---"Oh um hello friend ink..." *blue smiled friendly ^^ "I made us some lunch .." *ink blank to only red colors eyes sounded off* :ink: "I'll be down shortly ." *blue smiled drop a bit awkward * "Ok.." heh.." *ink pause a long moment before headed out the door, and then walking for the bathroom * blue look lost scratching his head* " weird.." --"Error, you are here, come on, we got snacks and TV (don't ask how the phones and TVs work in the multiverse, they just do) set up in the living room." Cross says happily. "SURE" Error replies awkwardly following the other to the room set up for something resembling a movie night, except it was very much still a day. "Hello Error, it's nice you decided to join us, come in." Nightmare says noticing the glich lurking in the entrance to the room. *Finally ink came down after a little lookin fully cheerful with pink diamond colors eyes. blue blink a but confused cutely * ---------- i know just roll with it , ink is just ink, he had a lot of , secrets and odd weird things about him he doesn't tell anyone for reasons only ink can answer. it's a wonder, he tell them anything. ----------Error looks around the room some more only to notice one specific section of the wall "YA STILL NOT FINISHED WITH THAT?" he asks pointing to the wall "Ya, we decided to have a break, it's almost done anyway" Dust replies. After that Error takes a seat in a comfy beanbag a little further from the others, but knowing how Error doesn't like to be touched or being close to others they let him be. Everyone seated they turned their eyes to the screen watching some corny soap opera and eating snacks, Error absent-mindedly continuing his knitting job fully immersed in the show.----**Ink saw lunch was tacos with some ice waters and some flowers on top with even some blue berry on top* *Ink look serious then blank to blue* *smiled wide and excited back to ink* (ink) "We'll gonna enjoy this." *he pointed his hand pleading and narrowing serious funny eyes, *as they finally begun eating, things for the moment finally felt peaceful, even if their dear friend was, sick*-

Dreamtale fanfiction Bad appleOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora