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Upon not finding ink dream sighed and snap his fingers opening a light portal , *Some time after looking into another a portal of pure light would open jumping out a noble and hero like serious dream. quickly close the portal holing hand out now in his brother au he taken over, dream would fall to his knees gasping for air as the ...taken in the bad negatives feelings, already he force himself to stand it but weaker stand up leaning over, then and and shifted , shifted now staring out on guard Would hide behind a tree spying out his brother talking with killer , as dream narrow serious eyes looking them over spying try to listen from a window *

*he couldn't very much made out everything they would saying but dream was able to hear half of it* Nightmare was in his office with Killer. Just planning to attack another AU, just everyday work. "We should go to one of swap universes. After all the balance needs to be maintained." The positive aura of his brother in his realm made him cautious with his words. Killer was not surprised with the vague explanation of the nearing attack. After all you never know when someone is listening. After some more details the two finished their talk and jeft the office. *Dream stay hidden and watch hearing half the words between the two* as he held a noble and serious stared watching from behind a tree in this negatives fill au as he panting rough n sweats but kept it together as the guardian lean closer from behind the tree watching them from the window of this castle he try to makes sure not to be spotted or do anything to blow his cover.* "We need to move out soon, while Ink and Dream are nowhere to be found, this is our best chance. Get the others ready." Nightmare commanded. Soon he will get more negativity to feed on and it will make him stronger. He sincerely hopes that his brother and this inky abomination will keep out of it. For now he should also get ready. It won't do to be underprepared. (dream-thoughts- "Nightmare...planning to- he- i should stop him o or tell ink we can work as a team as we always have." * while worry n in shock dream happy smiled giving a positive aura , (We can have dinner together afterwords.." Hehh." **Dream's aura of positivity shine through n nightmare could sense it right outside his window without even turning his head* "Huh" so he is here. Well it won't do. Nightmare leaves the room and goes to his team. "Little change of plans boys. We are going to split up in two teams. I will be a distraction to Dream and Ink, the rest of you cause as much mayhem as you can." It should be enough to stop Dream and Ink, right? Well we will see. I can't have my brother interrupting in my plans after all. Few moments later he opens two dark portals sending his team through one and going through the other himself. He will need to be careful not to be caught and ready to join his team if for some reason they come after his team not him.

*The portals close behind him and his team.* *Dream would open his a light portal with his hand out smiling noble and hopeful like to where he believed ink would of gone, in doodle space and call out* "INK!" come in here fast.!" *he call from the au dream have no plan leaving till he stop his brother.* After arriving in the AU he gets right to work. After all he needs to cause enough despair to get his brother to come here instead of where his team is destroying another AU. The cries of fear and pain from monsters and rising negativity urges him on with bigger fervor, maybe they will be able to get two AUs completely destroyed today. This will make a dent in Dream's powers for sure.

*Nightmare keeps on destroying.* *Ink would in a flash like the true warrior he was jumping out from dream light portal as dream eyes light up always finding his best friend amazing to work with and hang in as well landing gracefully ink had his brush in hand ready as he had a naturally concern look as ink's eyes flash to many colors* (ink) "Dream. what's the downfall."?" *dream swing his arms serious* "It my brothers nightmare he-.." *dream serious but calmly enough begin to try to explain to ink who cross his arms already staring worried more at dream and seeing the blood red sky of this au * when all at once dream eyes burn to bags full dreadfull nd horror as he froze and shake dreadfully * (ink panic as he rush to dream touching a caring and concern and on dream shoulder gently which mostly snap dream out of it* (INk) "D d dream?!" What's what is it?" is it your brother!?" *Dream whole face shake up* " than i first fear.." *he first whimper in horror* "I can feel many...many ..many positive feelings and souls dying monsters humans all dying and feelings as well!" *he pleading in dread and panic holding his face* -Ink eyes widen in fear as well but kept a brave calm face* "OH no!...w where!?" (dream screamed in panic* "NO TIME!" follow me!! (HUff huff_ *dream like the speed of light open a portal of light and before ink can react dream grab him by his arm and pull him through to jump right in,* Nightmare fells the change and turns around from the carnage he caused to face Dream and Ink. Now he needs to keep them here for as long as he can to give his team the chance to destroy the other AU he send them to. While the others exit ligt portal he gets ready for confrontation, his black tentacles raised and magic at the ready.*Ink would without trouble jump through already on guard and held his brush ready for anything, dream however would collapses to the ground panting rough as feelings of anxiety, fear, and suffering and sadness hit the poor guardian awfully *, *Ink at first saw many dead humans laying dust around the ground and homes destroyed , then turn his eyes to the nightmare king as he quickly hissed his words* "Nightmare !" (at first didn't spot how dream was doing as dream begin to sweat weakening quickly * Nightmare takes a look at Ink and his eyes slowly and cautiously slide for a moment to his brother panting and in pain from high negativity in the air. It will be easier than he thought, though Ink is still a formidable enemy, so it's best to be careful. "Hello to you too Ink. To what do I owe the 'pleasure' of seeing you this fine day?" Nightmare tries to play aloof but he is ready to attack or defend at moments notice. He needs to be ready to fight for a long time so it's best not to get too injured from carelessness after all. "ENOUGH!" YOUR POWER OVER THIS AU END NOW!" *He pleading determined * *ink shifted a bit* "Stand down or we both will take you down." *ink order pointed his brush as dream held chest panting in suffering negatives* "Both you say. And how is that gonna work? I doubt my brother will be of any help to you. But I sure welcome you to try." The negativity is constantly rising, his team sure does a good job. Now just to keep those two here. Dream probably won't be of any help to the Creator so best focus on making Ink busy. Just distract him for long enough and everything will work out.

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