bad apple page 17

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page 17. Night smiled brightly and jumped into a hug with his brother. "Of course I want some time with only two of us. Thank you." he says with a happy voice. In his mind he thought 'I can keep him safe for a while longer, and when he starts seeing the villagers again I will just try to follow them'. He let's go of the hug and reaches for Dream's hand again to continue heading towards the tree.*After smiling pure and with that answer the young innocent face fill with joy, and utterly over the moon upon having his brother back, 'not that i ever really or could lose him, right?' Dream almost didn't spot or feel his brother reaches and taken his hand or gently pulling him ahead lost in thought as they headed back home with the tree* *Once they reached the tree Night turned to face his brother with a smile. "What would you like to do?" he asked cheerfully, happy to spend time with Dream and happy that he can keep him safe that way.*A overjoy glowing dream close eyes in reaction so happy seeing his dear brother in such better moods and would cheer out his reply optimistic, as he reach swinging his brother in hold * "Let's play a game..we can play that game we started to read about where you hide and wait for other to find you...!"."Okay, do you want to hide first?" Night asked "I can count to 100 and then start looking for you." he says excitedly, deciding to let his fear go for a moment and just enjoy his time with Dream. *nodded smiling pure and excited *---"OK" Night says and turns toward the tree. He covers his eyes and starts counting "1..2...3.." *giggling holding his mouth trying not to blow it already as the excited guardian waited a moment before turning on his heels and ran for a place to hide of course he knew he was to stay close enough by the tree but still had to not be too close to be founded before the game even get started up* "16...17...18..19.." Night continues to count and started thinking about where his brother may be hiding. *covering his mouth trying not to giggled and already failing the little guardian would take a pause now turning to looks around to see if there was any good hiding place close where he stand* "25...26...27.." the counting helped relax Night in some weird way and he let his guard down, feeling safe with his brother near. *Dream head turned and would, and stared right inside the direction of a nicely large list of bushes all over where the little guardian had ran off to, a little adorable and clever look shifted up as he snap his fingers after raising a hand as if he had the most smart idea*__"30..31...32.." Night says smirking slightly. He heard the snap of fingers and where it came from. He thought of the hiding places in that diraction.*The little guardian quickly got on his knees and proceed crawling inside a large bushes, it was much larger than the little positive child, and wider so the child had no trouble getting inside quickly and sitting under the all the green of the bushes. *"51...52...53..." Night continues counting a tad faster than before, excited to start looking._*as he waited fill with joy and happiness the little positive aura grown up as he think to himself* 'What a great bless day, i got to spend good time with my friends, and my brother, finally is ready to started hanging out with just me like we always used to , and now look at us we're playing having brotherly bond and fun like we used to it's real and i i-i'm so happy!' *the overjoy and thankful child's mind exclaimed over the moon*___

"60....61...your aura is slipping brother... 62.." Night says with a laugh in his voice, happy that Dream is feeling positive.*upon hearing that his skull brow went up and shifted to a playful alarmed as he quickly tried to lower it a bit, while nightmare already learn to get control his gifts dream, still had a lot to learn of his limitations. holding himself dream then would curl himself up like a cute, sweet little ball rocking where he hid trying to not make only the tiniest,of sound to give himself away*." need to focus on your core and try to drag your aura into it... 74" Night says trying to help Dream hide better and hopefully teach him how to control his aura.---*Upon hearing that dream cross his arms while hiding and turn his head to the side looking playfully offended * 'He said that as if i have no control over my powers, like he's 100 years older and is 100 time more, experiences than i...we're the same age' *his mind complain as he gave a cute mad pout*---"80...I know you are pouting brother, you lack focus not the ability...81...82.." Night says with a laugh and continues to count. Dream was always itching to do something, he couldn't sit down and focus, but right now he is sitting in hiding, maybe it will help him to get his aura under control._*Giving the sighed dream try again to give focus and to no dream ''shock he felt bored almost right away from trying* 'Ugh,.this is so dumb why can't my aura just relax down why do i have to do it?' *he begin to tap his hands on the ground having a hard time staying still and in one place* "86..87..88..Dream, I can feel your irritation and it won't help you, take a few deep breaths... 89...90" Night continues his pseudo lesson while counting. *The irritated only roll his eyes to that* 'Taken breaths doesn't help, i can breath just fine' *his mind pleads cutely growing more pouty nearly speaking out loud*---"96...97..98..99..100!!" Night shouts and turns around to start looking. With a smile he starts heading towards the direction from which he felt his brother. *Dream couldn't hold back a gasped and soon got ready to try not to get given away, , soon he would hold his mouth giggling joyous , as his aura only grown larger and more free*___Night giggle and turns more in the right direction his eyes zeroing on a bunch of bushes which emanated his brother's bright aura.*Held mouth giggling more taken steps moment by moment* ---

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