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*dream sobbed more hugging close and begin passing out*

*going limp in his hold*____Feeling Dream go limp Nightmare startled looks at his brother to see him passed out from crying. 'Dream is still weak' with that thought Nightmare starts pulling himself together, he dries his and Dream's faces and slowly gets up with Dream steadily held with the support of his arms and his tentacles. He turns to Error who nodded to show they are ready to go. Then he turns to Ink and asks in a whisper to not wake up Dream "Will you go with us or do we have to lead you there by force?" he motions to a portal opened by Error who will stay in the antivoid to open up the exit portal in case they need it._________*A now just utterly calm and giving in ink *would only nodded sadly feeling hopeless *_________"Good, are you coming Blue?" Nightmare asked giving him a chance to back out. His team already going on the other side of the portal without a shred of hesistance.___*Blue ran to hug ink in tears* "I'm not turning my back on my friends they need me!!" *he pleads sweet with care*____"Then get a move on, you two." Nightmare says quietly putting his finger on his lips to show Blue to be more quiet. "If you want Error will drop a message from you to your brother in your AU." he adds only fot Error to groan but he didn't say no.__*Blue nodded thankful thinking of his dear brother with love showing* *blue then went to go through the portal* *ink however seem more hesitant*__________"I don't plan on hurting you, only on showing you how to stop you from doing it yourself." Nightmare says observing Ink pause in front of the portal. 'it will go easier if he makes the step himself, starts accepting the help' he thinks_______*ink, only reaction by shifted to the side and without another warning walk into the portal sadly*______

"I will contact you if I need you, keep an eye out on the multiverse." Nightmare says to Error "GOT IT, NOW GO THERE AND TAKE CARE OF THE SQUID'S PROBLEM BEFORE IT KILLS US." Error says and Nightmare smiles slightly crossing the portal to a bright AU 'well, it certainly is positive here, good thing I loaded up on negativity' he thinks looking around____*dream head lower more to the side limp in the king's hold* -*blue seem in a better positive mood just standing through *___

Nightmare slightly adjusts his hold on Dream and moves forward to the big empty house located in the forest. 'Good thing Error though about it' "Horror, Cross go to the kitchen and put food there, Dust and Killer you go check if anyone is there and count the bedrooms so that we know how to set up." Nightmare says to the chorus of "Yes, boss." and his team getting ahead of him leaving him with the star Sanses. "There will be no fights, the boys may get rowdy with each other when they train so don't get in their way then. Ink you have no access to weapons and if you are leaving I want to know where, don't try to teleport, it won't work here. If you want to talk to me about anything or if you feel that negative emotions are taking you over just come to me, understood?" Nightmare says calmly and quietly to not disturb his brother.___*Ink felt a strong feeling of helplessness and half calmness as he kept eyes in shadow but head,tilted to the side as if he was listening *_______________________"Those rules are to keep you safe, I won't force you to talk but if you don't then this will get nowhere, and if you ignore the negativity I will notice." Nightmare says simply "Oh and another thing is that I want to see you at all the meals, I won't let you try to starve yourself." he finishes getting into the house and heading for the living room to put Dream down on the couch and settle down near him in an armchair.____*dream seem to rested un stress , and head, go limp in his rest* *Ink didn't seem to be able to find his voice as he with his back facing the king open his mouth but no sound could free itself *___

"If you have any questions or complaints I'm listening and ready to explain anything you want." Nightmare says looking at Ink's tense back._____*eyes only hid in shadows, his aura only was in stress and his mouth was shaking as he finally in a frightened and Mortified weak whisper* "N nightmare..."hmmm..." you hear from...--...._ *stop himself from speaking it name as he pause with a rough horror breathing like a child kept in line scared bad things would come if he breath a word* -"t that thing..?"how much do you think you know?" did he hurt dream?" did you tell you anything about me?" *ink never stop shaking* *blue went to go try to see what was in the kitchen*____"It was rather careful about sharing information on anything. And even if it did I'm not one to spread others secrets. And about Dream, well he was stranded in a heavily negative AU with a cuff around his wrist with his still fragile soul, so I consider it harming. It's almost as if you closed me in some fully positive AU after half killing me."Nightmare says calmly, without any weight on his words to show that he doesn't really blame Ink himself. Meanwhile in the kitchen Cross was putting all the food they brought in the right places and Horror was cooking a stew for everyone. __________*iNK only nodded keeping a calm due to all the positive feelings yet still carrying dread* "I see.....he didn't say anything about me?" *Blue was cutting up meat*_____"Not really sure what you mean by that, he was speaking of you in such a dark way that it scared me, but he didn't share any of your secrets with me. Though I want you to know that you can tell me anything and I won't tell anyone, or Blue and Dream if you can't bring yourself to talk to me, just don't hide away with your problems hoping they'll go away on their own." Nightmare says simply used to repeating those words by now, which doesn't make them any less true. In the kitchen Horror warily observes Blue working with the meat, his own knife cutting vegetables steady with the sheer force of habit._______*Ink turn to the other side his gaze never meeting him* "there's no point in telling you.." it won't change a thing even if i could trust you which i can't.."___"I understand, then at least talk with the other two. And while I understand you won't talk to me I still want you to come to me when negativity in you is rising, if not for yourself then for Dream. I will look into something that will absorb it instead of me, but for now I am the only option for that. I trust you will do it?"Nightmare enquired lightly.__*Ink eyes turn as did his head in true shock* "nightmare..." *his tone asked in sadly and guilty shaking him down* "W...why are you being so nice to me?"why are you asking as if you care?"___"Because I am not the monster you make me out to be, I still have emotions and still care. I may not like you, but I can't stand idly when I see you hurting. When I first got corrupted I lost control of myself, did many things I regret. I'm trying to stop you from reaching that point, just like I tried to do with my boys. And if you don't want to believe me, then you can just think I do it for Dream or the Multiverse. It's your choice." Nightmare says idly his eyes on Ink simply looking, slightly glazed with memories.______*his eyes for a small moment glared with colors of yellow and pink* seem t feel strong hope shine through * and look dumbfounded 'I thought he was my foe can a foe really be a helpful ally i mean he seem to be, trustful ....Can can.. nightmare really help...could i..we really be free from ' *brush his thinking off and any hope as he shake his head* " one cared about me no one will be trusted i can' you i can't even, help myself and if you knew one thing about the real ink! you would for real kill me.." *held his face tearing*_____"I didn't kill you yet, even though you are the most infuriating person I have ever dealt with in my long life. No matter what you swing at me it won't make me suddenly want to kill you for real." Nightmare says amused, but understanding though after a moment his eyes go dark and he avoids Ink's eyes. "Though I was close to killing you after you hurt my boys. Well I guess I lost control then. I just don't like seeing people I care about hurt." Nightmare says, shame thick in his voice._(INK) "WELL Then maybe you should worry about your self rather than me i sniff...f fine?" *he shifted slower down falling to the fall*___Nightmare quickly moves to grab the falling skeleton and delicately puts him in the other armchair. To not push his luck he let's go and sits back down. "You are not fine, and you have full right to be, no one here will judge you for that." Nightmare says with confidence.___*Ink lay still numb and shaking as he felt what seem to be dizziness * -Blue cook some food as the whole pot was burning and blue only humming not seeming to pay much mind*______

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