bad apple page 8

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"Come back here you bastard, stop running!" Dust's voice resonates through the garden, the skeleton running after laughing Killer avoiding his attacks. At one moment Dust summons a blaster and fires it uncaring where the hit lands. All the others suddenly scampered. The beam hit the wall of the hideout and caused it to break with a resonating bang. Suddenly the window on the second floor opens showing furious Nightmare "What the hell are you idiots doing down there!"- *After seeing blueberry was with them and quickly piece together where they, were and what happened *ink and blue share echo other with a friendly greet as dream would step out of ink's room in the hallway fill with mix feelings* -Nightmare's eyes fall on the destroyed wall. "Which one of you did this?" he asked looking at the four gathered in the garden. Slowly Dust rises his hand while Killer says "We were training" in a quiet voice but still loud enough for Nightmare to hear.-*The halls filled with cool toys, books and even training dummies,and arts ink and blue made of au's while working together/hanging out in blue's hide out* The positive guardian stand leaning up right against an wall, *first sadly and happy but nervous and worried looking before without warning the positive boy let out a exclaimed of pain of the small cut still left in his soul from earlier started to finally burned as he he held himself could hardly and shut his eyes tight*----"Sigh, make sure to repair it. And next time go to train somewhere else, like in a forest or something." Nightmare says and goes back to his room. The boys look at each other and then let out a loud sigh of relief.-----*Dream gripping his chest tightly as he moan out a painful breathing, before opening one in stress eye and would act to check his own soul, bringing out first came forth a forth a glowing bright positive aura lighting up the whole room*---"So... How do we go about this?" Cross asks confused, looking at the wall. "Guess we need to jump around and steal some materials." Killer says. *The guardian would gasped in shock* *the cut grown look sick around his soul,look,in stress, but,what's scared him,most was upon,checking,his HP (100 out of 3,000) 'w..what!?' his mind exclaimed* ''s,no,way!'----"Well then, but I don't want to ask Nightmare to open us a portal, he seems tired." Dust mumbled. "Should we call Error for help then?" Horror asks.---'What's going on,, a know how......fragile ..souls are...worst of all mine was just a small cut, i had worst, s something isn't right here...' *begin to sweat* "Ink is is here *panting as his mind screamed freaking out holding his hurt soul* "We're all fine, everything will be fine, so why am i freaking out!!!? why am i so nervous, worried and sad and AH -anxious all the time, even when happy...and- why- *turn head side ways* "Why does it feel like the walls are closing i cant breath!?'-----------In the antivoid Error's phone rings "WHAT IS IT?" "Heya Error, eh... So we kinda need your help to repair a wall." comes the anxious voice of Cross. "HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO HELP YOU WITH A WALL?" "Nightmare told us to repair it, but he is kind of asleep and we need to jump around to get materials and we need you to open up a few portals for us." Error sighed rolling his eye lights 'how in the world did I end up with them' "SURE, WILL BE THERE IN A FEW" "Thanks Error" comes over enjoyed voice of Cross and a small pip of the call ending. 'Welp, gotta go' Error thinks rising up and opening a portal out of the antivoid.-----*Dream would hear the undeniable joyful positive laughing sounds of his two friends from down the halls to the room he left them in, *dream turned his weak sad and trouble looking looking head* usual such positive auras would always bring not only comforting to the small guardian be also if his hope and positivity would be tearing down auras like this would in a eye blink only light it right back up only to be fill up stronger but as he close his eyes and cover his ''ears'' and held his head and and moving it in a .unbearable strong level of pressure , seem as if this time wasn't the cast, as he was alone* (in ink's room* * After laughing joyfully ink lean closer next to blue sitting at his bed side as the two cheer and chat away as behind some leftover laughing ink exclaimed his words *holding a hand to himself * "Wait wait- so your -heheheh-so HAHAH- let me see if i got this right--"HAHAHAHAH!" your telling me this morning you and your brother made, a together breakfast of blueberry waffles on a blue berry pie!?" *Blue nodded sweetly filled with positive auras as his face glow blue* (Blue) "That's right and with marshmallows on top and my brother wasn't even lazy with helping!" *blue exclaimed then shut his eyes now bursting laughing as did ink* (Ink) "HAHAHAH- i can't believed i miss all that..!"----"HELL, HOW DID YOU MANAGED TO DO THAT!!" glichy voice rings from behind them "We were training and well..." Killer tries to explain "DON'T BOTHER, SO WHERE DO YOU WANT TO GO?" "Somewhere where there are monsters on the surface, can't stand out to much, and somewhere near a shop with what we need." Cross says. "WELL, YOU GOTTA NEED A LOT OF SHIT TO REPAIR IT. I THINK I GOT A PLACE." Error says opening a portal.

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