bad apple page 10

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Error noticing Nightmare and the rest enter near him. "GREAT, YOU ARE HERE, THIS PLACE'S CODE IS A MESS, I CAN'T BELIEVE I DIDN'T NOTICE IT BEFORE" Error says "Don't worry friend, we will help you with this." Nightmare says while the others get ready to start destroying. "But I can also feel that some positive people are here, although it certainly is not Dream there." PROBABLY THE SQUID AND THE BLUE ABOMINATION. ".*Paintbrush stay out in hand in a battling ready pose *Blue summon two long bones in hands ready to face their foe staring positive and hopeful*----"I WILL GET THE SQUID. WHO WANNA JOIN?" Error asked. "I will get Blue, boys, help Error with Ink." Nightmare says thinking 'this is perfect time to try and get something out of him' "I'll try to separate Blue from Ink. Will you be alright without me near?" Nightmare asked. "SURE, KNOCK YOURSELF OUT." Error says and everyone gets into a battle stance, ready to strike the approaching Guardians.---- *Upon seeing the dark sanses --- *the two guardians would shifted standing more on guard as ink and blue now look more with serious and now angry and determined glared. ink looked with a scowl* *Ink whisper* "Get ready blue!" *ink order serious raising brush* (blue however now turn eyes foolishly and pure to ink, smiling while lowering bones* (Blue) "Don't worry ink long as we stay together we can win any battle.."---Seeing Blue lower his guard Nightmare strikes to separate them, the others follow surrounding Ink.---*Ink eyes would spotted this and widen in alarmed as his mouth widen then would in a warrior matter lower his body in a strike ready move now holding up his brush firm and steady eyes now narrowing serious and having fight in them as blue would shifted and turn to ink to the incoming strike confused and off guard, as blue head ink call out* "BLUE NOW!" NOT THIS TIME NIGHTMARE!" *Ink was about to fire a strike to send back the incoming strike as blue look pause*---*Ink would however stop in his tracks now to with a more frightened look eyes turning to look around the out numbering dark sanses, ink try to turn back on guard but look trapped as he turn his body to others dark sanses trying to not be off guard*-----Nightmare poses his tentacles to grab Blue, his magic ready to move them to different location in the AU. The others ready their magic attacks to send them at Ink.---*Blue seem to be distracted looking like a scared child to the others dark sanses before letting out a freaked cried as his eyes widen as he felt tentacles wrapped him up n ,flinches shutting his eyes also drop the bones* (ink) "NO!" *ink eyes look panic then turn seriously enrage and ran try to aid his friend but kept back by the others attacks as he flinches and try dodging by jumping high*-----Nightmare jumped through the portal with Blue in his grasp, immediately closing it, so that no one could follow. The others summoned their blasters firing them at the Guardian that was still in the air after his jump.----*Ink angry and shaking nervous glared became worried and intense before teleporting away from the attacks hardly in time as he teleported into a inky matter to behind a large rock now lowering down with brush gripping in hand and narrowing face serious and enrage*----*With Nightmare and Blue* "Calm down, little guardian, I just want to talk." Nightmare says to the shaking skeleton in his grasp. *With the others * The dark Sanses stood on guard looking around for the Artist.---*with blue* the frightened guardian were keeping his eyes shut fearfully shaking in the king's grasp, then would dropped to cute but confused look now finally glaring upon the scary nightmare au, but seem less freak out* (with ink and others) *ink seek out the rock making sure he wasn't founded then look away staying hidden, the guardian seem, real stress out t the point he may pass out* (????) "Where do you think your going young man?" *voice speak up serious and echo in ink's head menacingly an powerful in his voice* (ink) *panting as he listen and turn his head up in reaction o the voice* (panting as he answer) "The ambushed was more...infinitive than i saw coming, " *panting* "I'll had to wait till dream- *ink pleading on with a passion red eyes fill and serious tone but would however jump back where he hid and shake ever so petrified now as his eyes flash to black and serious as the voice this time angry and yelling* (???) "NO!!!" GO. BACK AND FIGHT, NOW..." *it order powering and controlling then his voice drop calm and echo with threatening, menacingly words* unless of course you want me to take over from here.." *ink eyes look in horror*------*With Nightmare* "I noticed that something bad is happening with my brother and I'm worried. Do you know anything about this?" Nightmare asked with a calm voice. *the others * "LET'S SPLIT IN TWO TEAMS, CROSS, DUST YOU WITH ME. WE GOTTA LOOK FOR THE SQUID. ALERT OTHERS WITH A BLASTER WHEN YOU FIND HIM. GOT IT?" Error said and others nodded and all of them moved to look for the Creator.-----(??) "INK!!!?" INK!!!!!?" *the voice echo and yelled powerful so strong ink begin moaning and mouth bite shut tight as ink had to cover his ears* (??) "My, my are you disobeying me.?" *the voice oddly voice amused yet angry and menacingly echo his words .now this heheh is an little surprised..." *ink stay put as fear only grown as he kept panting rough now* (with nightmare and blue* *blue blink to a sweet sadly more glare then look his eyes away unsure* "B told me never to tell what hap-i i"- (blue would then go freaking with his eyes widen* "Mean not that i know anything or i um-. ---*With Nightmare* Nightmare chuckled. "Just like my brother, you can't lie to save your life. I want to know what is wrong with my brother so that I can let you know how to help him. Our souls are unique and I doubt that whoever you have helping him knows what they are doing. No matter what I don't want my brother to die." Nightmare says calmly but firmly. *With the others* "Where is he!" Killer shouts in frustration looking around together with Horror.----(With ink) *the guardian start to held his brush up shaky and as if he would have a panic attack any lasting moment, he stay still and hidden and stay quiet, as he begin holding his mouth not to let out whimper * (???) *Dark chuckled* "You'll really not going to listen to me?" *voice mocked* Sighed very well little boy!" do. what you want your way see where it gets you." *the voice words meant to undermind the already helpless feeling stress artist au* (with blue and nightmare) *the guardian head titled confused and in a lost shock as his voice went soft* "W are trying to help my friend ?" *sounded hopeful*---*With Nightmare* "Dream is my brother. We may fight on the opposite sides, but I still find myself hesitant to hurt him when I don't have to. I don't want him to suffer needlessly because of insufficient care. I figured out that he is somehow weaker and suffers from nightmares that are NOT caused by me." Nightmare says. 'I was right, choosing Blue to get information' *with others * " I SWEAR I'M GONNA KILL THAT INSUFFERABLE SQUID."Error snapped looking around annoyed with the other two snickering at his side.----*Ink start to breath a bit calmer but now had to wonder should he made a move.* (with blue) (Blue now glared back sadly then turn his head down as he bite his mouth struggling not to say anything as he moan nervous, the guardian seem to be growing worried, not without much faith still but now wondering if he is doing what's best for dream, * "ARE YOU SAYING THEIR NOT HELPING DREAM?" BUT I THOUGHT THEY WOULD BE ABLE TO MAKES HIM BETTER IN TIME LIKES THEY SAID!!?" *blue gasp covering his mouth frightened for dream not meaning to breath anything out*___*With Nightmare* "Not that I know who it is you are talking about, but even if they help him for the moment it won't really get rif of the root cause of the problem that is plaguing my brother." said Nightmare slowly glancing at the small skeleton.---"But i thought dream were-i.....How can you help him? " *the guardian raise a brow wondering*___"Wait you know dream is sick!?" *he blur * "DO YOU KNOW WHY!!?" *HE ask serious but in a sweet loving way* "Can you help him!!!?"____"The problem is that I don't know everything so even though I want to help I can't. I need more information, with that I can give you information about how to help my brother, because I am sure that he will not accept the help if he knows that I am the one helping him. Let's say that we will exchange information. You tell me what is wrong with my brother and I will tell you how to help him." Nightmare says seriously looking the young guardian right in the eye sockets.___*Blue's eyes widen serious and now had a look of trust and anxious * -"I know, that dream been acting....weird for the pass few weeks..." *he started looking away from nightmare thinking how much he should tell* -with ink* *finally ink had made up his mind* 'good ink ,now just wait for the right moment'- *His mind pleaded serious still in hidden* 'then we can find blue and nightmare'!______*With others* Horror suddenly stops and grabs Killer by the arm. "Shhh, look there." He motions to a big boulder by the edge of the forest. "Let's see if he is there" he whispered and the two slowly and quietly move towards the possible hiding place of the Creator.____*No sound was made it was ,too calm** *With blue* *blue in a fast motion waved his free hands in the foe's grasp adorable but serious matter as he start to told the negative king more* "O one moment he'll be fine, next he will becomes Mortified and he won't say why now he can't even wake up AFTER the other day when ink and i were talking about me and my big bro dream 's soul became hurt and having some freak out ,and went hysterical and when ink try to calm him try to flee and then hyperventilating and sobbed and dream pass out and now he won't wake up but his soul seem ok and i guess he 's ok now but - *stop finally to catch his breathing looking tired*__"Wait, you were talking about your brother, what were you talking about exactly?" Nightmare enquired. 'He had a panic attack but something had to trigger it.' he thought. "And you say that he is not waking up, what happened to him.".*The kind guardian recover from his tired of breath to look on listening with confused eyes at the king* *his eyes narrow in a more adorable and confused matter* "Umm...i don't really remember word for word, just like .." *try to remember as his eyes went up* pretty much along the lines of brothers things. how 's my bro can get on my nerves but he's still wonderful ,and as i am to him always there for me and we love each other..m more than anyone.." *shifted his holding still his wrapped up body and look sadly back to nm* And ink said his soul also got or at least did have a big kind of bad cut and had some kind of over powering pressure but i don't know what's wrong i really don't, that's why.." *he pause from telling more*___Suddenly tired Nightmare covers his face with his hands and sighs loudly 'So it's my fault for being who I am' then he stiffened "You said a cut, it's probably from Error, I will ask him about it but the pressure I will have to think about, do you know if he had any nightmare that night that the pressure on his soul appeared?" Nightmare was rambling to himself only directing the last few words towards the skeleton in his grasp._______*Blue seem to grown upset* "Are you ok you seem work up..oh" *eyes widen* "Oh did hear him once say something about a nightmare letting some kind of pain after awaken ..??" *??* *poor thing seem lost* (ink) *ink would jump out with his brush striking inky at the foes now prepared * "HIA"_________"Thank you for the information, I will try to think how to help him, but I don't have much to work on." Nightmare says. 'Now what should I do with him, maybe move him back to his AU, so that he can't interfere with our work' *with others* Horror and Killer startled at the attack fired their quickly summoned blasters at Ink in hopes of hitting him and to alert Error and the rest of the team.----*spin brush making an inky barrier * *blue seem to be lost*____Error and the rest heard the blasters and turned around to join the other two. Killer and Horror get ready to fire another attacks. *With Nightmare* "Now dear guardian, I will get you out of here and I will inform you if I figure out how to help my brother, would that be fine with you?" Nightmare asked with no intentions of letting Blue go if he disagrees.________________(with ink) *the guardian jump doing a back flip as he fire down below more strike* "HIA!" (with blue) *Blue seem a bit in shock and upset by the first part of the nightmare's statement * "Umm i think i half may mind that a lot if it all the same with you." *he sweetly but shake his head as he declare rubbing two fingers together frightened *______"Sorry, can't let you go to Ink, Error says there is something wrong with this AU, we are going to get rid of it no matter what." *with the others* The two skeletons try to avoid being hit and fire their own attacks but Killer gets hit in the chest and flies back into a tree. Error and the rest are getting closer to the fight.____*ink landing with grace and spin gracefully sending out a inky long and strong blast*____Horror jumps to the side falling down on the ground. Error and the rest reach the fight. *With Nightmare* The dark skeleton opens up a portal to a swap AU that is currently the home of the skeleton kept by the tentacles._____*Blue started to begin upset more struggled in his grip shutting his eyes* *ink finally had to pause*_____Error immediately shoots several blaster at Ink while the other two rush to check on their fallen comrades. Meanwhile Nightmare moves towards the portal with Blue "Sorry, but I need you to be alright, go check on Dream, he needs the real positivity and you will be the best for this job" Nightmare says with a small smile._______*Blue became still and look back to the king sadly* (with ink) *finally strike good ink was knocked down across the ground crying out*_____"HOW ARE THEY?" Error shouted to Dust and Cross "Horror is fine" "Killer needs to rest, he got a broken rib." "SHIT, CROSS, GET KILLER AWAY FROM HERE, HORROR, DUST, HELP ME WITH THE SQUID" Error says to the chorus of "Got it" Meanwhile Nightmare looks at Blue and says "Dream strives on positivity, but it needs to be a right kind of it, the one from a friend will always be better than one from a complete stranger, although the rule thankfully doesn't apply to negativity." he finishes quietly.____*blue was lost for words*_________Error and the other two were firing attacks at Ink buying time until Nightmare gets back so that Error can get to destroying the AU. Meanwhile Nightmare was looking at Blue for some kind of reaction "Can I trust you to be the positivity that my brother needs?" he enquires._____----_*blue broke from his pause and only nodded sweetly but frightened *____________"Good, I will let you know when I figure out how to help my brother." Nightmare says while leaving Blue on the other side of the portal and closing it. 'Now, time to help Error so that I can ask about that cut in Dream's soul.' he thought opening a portal to the place where he felt his team was.__________________________*Blue held himself in the cold raining night of underswap, *the kind guardian would hugged himself close shaking* (with ink) *ink was recovering well enough to dodge more attacks unable to get a clear shot yet *____________Nightmare appeared near Error and took a quick tally of the team "Where are Cross and Killer?" "KILLER GOT A BROKEN RIB, SO I SEND HIM AND CROSS AWAY FROM THE FIGHT" "Good call, now let me take over and get to your part of the work." "GOT IT" and with that Error teleported to start destroying the AU's code and Nightmare took over in attacking Ink together with Horror and Dust.____________*Ink eyes shifted and body shifted more serious upon seeing nightmare .The bit beat up guardian dodging quickly now gracefully landing and standing ground on top of a hill* "Nightmare!" What did you do with blue?" *Ink order pointed brush below at them*_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________"I just sent him back home." Nightmare says "Although now I wish I had broken a few bones of his, heard you broke one of Killer's." he snapped firing several blasters._______*ink jolting a bit off guard from what he heard as the blasters out number him ink look trap and in a nerve that didn't fix the horror he felt, after a number of blast beam went out, the attacks seems to have left behind some smoke taken a moment to clear up, ink lay on his side moaning in pain now hurt more. calm more than usual, and while he seems shell-shocked, he also seems angrier and readier to attack.

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