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Five Years Ago: 

3rd person's p.o.v.

Their feet crunch under the snow as they ran, the little girl looks up at the woman holding her hand as she occasionally turned her head back to look behind them. The wind and snow made it hard to see, so she didn't know what the lady was trying to see when they came to an abrupt stop and the woman looks down at her and says "(y/n), do not tell ANYBODY about what you're about to see, no matter what got it?!" (y/n) nods her head and the woman's attention turns towards a tree to the left of them.

(y/n) watches in awe as the woman pulls open the tree to reveal a compartment of sorts with some sort of device and she flips a switch to reveal a hole in the ground a few feet away and (y/n) is told to stay put as she runs towards the hole and puts a book inside before running back and flipping the switch again and slamming the tree shut. Grabbing her hand again, (y/n) is pulled up into the lady's arms as she began racing through the snow again, this time going back the way they came when they happened upon a cabin.

 The woman trudges up the steps and pulls out a key, glancing around one last time before unlocking the door, going inside, and locking the door again. (y/n) adjusts her eyesight to the bright lights, looking around the main hall as the woman starts to shout for someone when a crash was heard beneath them and (y/n) was raced away to a vending machine.

A few buttons were pressed and the next thing she knew the vending machine was moved to reveal a staircase and the two went down into the basement and into a lab. They saw two men fighting, one recognized right away as the other person who took care of (y/n) while the other she had never seen before.

(y/n) was set down on the ground and she looked up at the lady as she started to shout at the two. "Stop this! Stop this right now, you two!" They had gone into the chamber with the weird machine inside and (y/n) ran to the door to watch.

 A lever was pulled, not sure when but a bright light started flashing and she watched in shock as the man that helped take care of her was sucked in, throwing his book at the other one as the woman tried to pull him down, only to be sucked in as well. Her arm had been outstretched, all (y/n)'s focus was on her, the man's words didn't register; the only thing she heard was the lady's as she shouted before disappearing forever. "(Y/N)! Please! Take care of (y/n)!" The light dimmed down into nothing as the device crashed down and broke apart, the other man's eyes widening after realizing what just happened as he started to tug at the lever once again with no results.

Tears threatened to fall down (y/n)'s face as she began to breathe heavily. As quickly as she could she ran out of the cabin into the cold storm the man's cries for her to stop fading away into nothing.

She didn't know how long she had been running but soon her legs gave out and she fell into a pile of snow and began to sob, two people she cared about most in this world had just left without a trace of how to get them back...And it hurt. This amount of enormous pain washed over her and she just wanted it to stop but it wouldn't. Eventually, she heard a voice and looked up at a peculiar creature before her when he spoke again. "Heya kid, don't think I've actually met you before, what's got'cha down?" (y/n) let out another sob as she answered him.

"It hurts, I just want it to stop. I want this feeling to go away! I want to forget!" (y/n) hears an "Ah." Escape the creature's mouth as he hums, scratching where his non-existent chin was before snapping his fingers. "Wanna make a deal kid? I can make everything go away, you can be happy, it'll all be like a bad dream." He said outstretching his arm to her a light and dark blue flame igniting in his palm. If it wasn't for the warmth the fire brought she would be unsure but it was a pleasant change from the pain that coursed through her body, so without any hesitation, she shook his hand. 

Within a few seconds the pain was gone, (y/n) looks down to see her skin and clothes turning grey? She looks up at the creature to question what was happening as her eyes drained of color, her irises turning into a faint grey as color seeped into nothing and everywhere she looked it was grey except for him. He still illuminated his fluorescent yellow and black colors, (y/n)'s face turning into a placid look as if she didn't care.

That was the truth though she didn't care about anything anymore, whoever this guy was he had taken away every feeling in her, pain, sadness, anger, happiness, etc. All she was, was an empty shell now that reflected nothing when the creature took her by the hand and led her away "C'mon kid, we still gotta make you forget, lucky for you I know a guy."

(y/n)'s p.o.v

I open my eyes, the only color I could see was grey, the only difference to it was the shades in which I saw. Suddenly I felt two hands grab me and I'm met with a face...Aunt Shelli. Her lips were moving and it took me a few minutes to process what she was actually saying. "(y/n)? Are you alright? What happened? Why were you out in the snow, alone? Where are âçgë4 and ßfñødæ3? Where are they?" Shelli asked me, I couldn't understand who she was talking about, I knew nobody by those names, she soon gave up when realizing I wouldn't talk and pulled me in for a hug, I take this time to check my surroundings I was in a living room, but who's? Aunt Shelli's? No, she doesn't live in Gravity Falls.

A few weeks passed as my Aunt tried to make me happy, get me back to my old self as she would put it but nothing did work. Eventually one day she came to me with news of a Mystery Shack that had recently become popular and we instantly went. When we got there her face distorted into a scowl and she raced up to a man wearing a red fez, an eye patch, and a black suit with a magic 8 ball cane. Aunt Shelli started yelling at the man, tears soon to stream down her face, I decided to tune into what she was saying.

"You have to take her. PLEASE! She isn't the happy girl I know, if anybody can fix her it's you! Please!" The man looked down at me and I gave him the same disinterested look I've been wearing since I was found; a look of guilt enters his face and he nods his head. Soon after Shelli came back with all my stuff and introduced me to the man.

"(y/n) this is Stanford Pines, he'll be looking after you until you feel better. I'll check back at the end of every Summer and when your better I'll take you back home with me." She explained, kissing me on the forehead before leaving. After the Mystery Shack closed Grunkle Stan as he told me to call him, and gave me a tour of the house, taking me to the attic as my room where there was one of those built-in window seats which would become my bed, there was a dresser on one side and a desk on the other.  It would only be a few weeks before Grunkle Stan hired help from a young man named Soos and a teenager named Wendy.

This is where I lived for the next five years of my life, I was 12 years old now and I was still the same but even if I hadn't changed I still did make friends with Wendy, Soos, and Grunkle Stan. Speaking of Grunkle Stan...I was sweeping when he came up to me and told me that his niece and nephew were coming to stay the Summer and they'd be arriving tomorrow, which meant I had to share my room. Two beds were put up one on either side of my window bed and I made space in the drawer for their clothes. Dipper and Mabel Pines, wonder what a Summer with the Pine Twins will be like.

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