The Legend of the Gobblewonker: Part 6

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(y/n)'s p.o.v.

"Woah, what happened to your shirt?" Grnkle Stan asks when he eye's Soos. "Long story dude." "Alright, everybody get together, say fishing," Dipper says as he holds the camera up and we get in the frame. We started fishing our way, starting with the bet, Mabel covered Grunkle Stan's eyes as she began singing Grunkle Stan struggling to thread the hook.

 After that Grunkle Stan pulled out the joke book and started telling jokes, Soos dying of laughter. After a bit of time Dipper managed to catch a fish, we made a few poses for photos and that's when we got out of hand and started stealing other people's catches which resulted in a high-speed boat chase from the lake police, all was caught on camera.

Dipper's p.o.v.

We finally managed to escape the lake police and I make an easy-going smile, (y/n) was right fishing with Grunkle Stan was fun. Suddenly the boat lurches. "What was that?" I ask and Mabel shrugs making the I don't know hum and (y/n) shrugs too stating "Eh, we can worry about it tomorrow," I nod in agreement as Grunkle Stan heads towards our next victim of thievery. 

The sun was setting and that seagull had landed on the boat, Mabel grabbing Grunkle Stan's joke book and flipping through a few pages before making the bird's bill move. " Who wants to hear a joke?" "Not me," I quickly say. "Hehe, yeah you do, here it goes: Why did the Pelican get kicked out of the restaurant?"

 "I don't care!" I tried to interject, (y/n) trying to hold in her laughter. "Because he had a very big bill!" Mabel started making the bird laugh and I boo her. "Boo! Bad joke. Bad Pelican joke," I blankly state, and (y/n) starts laughing. "Don't encourage her." "I'm not...Laughing at the joke...I'm laughing at your reaction," She tells me taking a moment to laugh a few times before continuing to talk and I roll my eyes.

Grunkle Stan's p.o.v.

I look at the kids with a smile, I'm glad those two finally came along and to think (y/n) managed to convince them, it had only been a few weeks since the twins showed up and I already hardly recognize her, she's changed so much and already seemed so comfortable around those two.  But I've noticed that Dipper and (y/n) are especially spending time together is it possible they could...Nah, they're just kids but I wouldn't be opposed to the idea of those two when you think about they're both exactly what the other needs.

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