Society of the Blind Eye: Part 1

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Dipper's p.o.v.

I pin the drawing of two figures with a question mark over them on the middle of the cardboard and circle it with my pen as (y/n) and I look over all the evidence we've collected over the Summer so far. "Alright author, who are you? Who are you?" (I'm that bitch) I mutter as I chew on my pen before it breaks and ink sputters in my mouth. "Bleh! Not again," I cough out as (y/n) hands me a tissue to wipe the ink off my face, once that was done I kiss (y/n) on the cheek as my thanks when my sister come barreling and flops on my bed.

"Hey bro-bro-, (n/n), guess what I got?" "Yay, a filthy green bottle," I say glancing at the object in her hand. "A filthy green bottle with a note in it," I point out and Mabel excitedly nods. "That's right, it's a bottle message from Mermando, remember? He was part fish and part shirtless guy," She gasps before excitedly asking "What if he wants to get back together?"

(y/n) and I exchange unsure looks as she tells her "I wouldn't get your hopes up, Mabel." "Too late, hopes are way WAY up!" We sit down as she pulls out the note and reads it out loud. "Dear Mabel, so far so good. It is with a heavy heart, so far so good," We both frown, and I grasp (y/n)'s hand lightly squeezing and she squeezes back, we were thinking the same thing: That this wasn't going to end well. "That I must inform you...I'm getting married?!" "And there it is," I wince as Mabel continues reading. "In order to prevent an undersea civil war...An arranged wedding...Queen of the manatees?! Ugh, and she's so beautiful!" My sister exclaims as she looks at the photo that came with the note.

"This can't be happening!" She starts to tear up and I try to comfort her. "Don't worry Mabel, you'll get over him eventually." "You don't understand Dipper. On my first day, I made two pages one for my Summer romances and the other for setting you up with someone," She flips to the 'Set Dipper Up' page where it was covered in photos of me and (y/n) throughout the Summer, a big heart in the middle with an image of our first kiss, the bolded word of Success written under the title.

"How'd you get a picture of our first kiss?" (y/n) asks but gets no reply as Mabel flips to her Summer Romance page. "While I successfully got you two together, look at my luck. Turned out to be gnomes, child psycho, made out with his own hands and now..." She tapes the image of Mermando and his bride into the scrapbook before grabbing a red pen and wrote in bolded letters Failed. "I wish I could just forget about them forever..."

"Hey, if it's any consolation our Summer mission hasn't been a huge success either. We're still trying to find the authors of this journal and we're trying to figure out (y/n)'s past but with the laptop smashed we've lost any lead of finding them and nothing has triggered (y/n) to recover a memory in a while," Mabel looks at the damage, using the bottle to look closer as she says "Wait a minute...Guys look!" "Through your bottle?" "Just do it," (y/n) grabs the bottle before looking at the laptop and gasps muttering "No way..." I take the bottle and look myself and after a little searching, I find it. In the corner, there was a small metal slab that read McGucket Labs. "McGucket Labs? Wait...Old Man McGuget?" I ask and (y/n) asks me "Dipper you don't think...?"

I catch onto what she's saying as I say "It couldn't be, it doesn't make any sense," But when we put his picture up on the board, the two of us start making connections and we stare at the cardboard dumbfounded. "Old Man McGucket is one of the authors?!" With that, we go into a frenzy as we quickly pack a bag and run down to the gift shop to get Wendy and Soos.

"Wendy! Soos! We need to see Old Man McGucket!" "We'll explain on the way!" Mabel and I shout as we drag the two to Soos's truck, Grunkle Stan shouting "Hey, what about work?! Kids!" We get to the junkyard and start looking for McGucket when we find Nate and Lee spray painting his home. "It took an hour to think of this but it was worth it!" They run off when Old Man McGucket comes out shouting "Get out of here you salt lickin' horn swagalin'...McSuck it, they got me good..." He notices us and invites us inside. "Visitors! Come, come, pull up some rusty metal. You're just in time for my hourly turf war with the hillbilly that lives in my mirror. QUIT STARING AT ME WHEN I BATHE!"

(y/n)'s p.o.v.

McGucket starts shouting at his tub and Dipper points at him stating "You can drop the act McGucket, we know you're one of the authors. You and someone else studied the mysteries of this town and wrote this book." "Dude, you're one of the geniuses these two have been looking for all Summer," Wendy exclaims, showing off the laptop only confusing McGucket more. "Genius?"

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