Blendin's Game: Part 6

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(y/n)'s p.o.v.

Once Mabel grabbed the time wish the game ends with a flash, Time Baby announcing the end of Globnar. We watch our score jump from 762 to 999 as the guards grab hold of Blendin and we high-five. "You have won a victory in Globnar. Before I give you your time wish tell us: What fate do you decide for the loser?" "DEATH!" Mabel shouts and Dipper and I jab her sternly saying her name.

" Sorry, got carried away," I lead the twins away and Dipper points out "So Blendin did try to wish us out of existence but it was kind of our fault for ruining his life." "Yeah...And he's kind of too sad to be a real bad guy," Mabel chimes in before I tell them "Maybe if we treat him right in the present and make it up to him, he'll turn out better in the future?" The twins nod and we address Time Baby. "Ok, as long as you keep an eye on him, we'd like to set Blendin free and restore his position at the time anomaly correction unit." "And give him pretty hair!" "So be it!" Blendin's cuffs fall off ad he gives us a confused look. "W-what? You'd do that for me?" Some hair grows on his head and he squeals. "I got my job back! I feel like hugging somebody!" He goes to hug the guard. "I can kill you in eight different ways." "Yes sir."

"Now children, what is it that you want for your time wish?" Time baby asks as the golden orb is presented to us. "Thank you but the wish isn't for us," Mabel says and Time Baby asks "But who? Who is worthy to receive such power?" After explaining some things Blendin takes us back to Soos, stopping time in the process.

"Soos!" We shout when we see him and we run up to give him a hug. "Guys!" "We're so sorry we left you, hangin' dude. We got caught up in this time travel junk," Dipper starts to explain, Mabel, adding in her input. "And there was a time cyclops." "Don't forget about the time race," I chime in and we laugh. "But the point is Soos we think we know how to fix your birthday," Mabel says and Soos asks "Really? Wait...You guys did all of that for me?" "And that' not all. Behold your time wish! The power to alter time paradox-free in any way you choose," Blendin explains, pressing a button on his watch and the time wish appears.

"We think the only thing that can make you happy is by meeting your dad," Dipper says and Soos still looked confused so I explain "They promised you a happy birthday and we just want you to be happy, you've done so much for us that we felt the need to return the favor but the choice is yours, you should have seen them at Globnar," I pull the two in for a hug as Soos re-iterates "You mean I can finally see my Dad by touching this thing and you guys battled time and space just to get this for me?" We nod and he pulls out the annoying postcard.

"Alright, here goes nothing," He touched the orb and it flashes and suddenly all our cuts and bruises that littered our bodies disappeared, we were all fixed up. "Wait what?" We ask in unison and Soos says "There. Fixed you up, enjoy dudes." "But Soos what about meeting your dad?" Dipper asks and Soos gets on our level throwing the postcard away. "Well birthdays are supposed to be spent with the people who care about you but you know what? That dude didn't care about e enough to visit me once let alone fight monsters through time and space like you dudes. I mean you had a gladiator fight just to make me happy. I've been being ridiculous this whole time. Whoever my Dad was he can take a hike, I know who my family is now and it's you, dudes. Thanks for giving me the best birthday ever."

He pulls us into another hug and Blendin starts to shout in disbelief. "ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA WHAT YOU JUST WASTED?! DO YOU KNOW HOW MANY HAVE DIED TO GET A TIME WISH?! THE WARS THAT WERE STARTED?!" "Oh that's not all dudes, I also wished for this slice of infinite pizza, watch," Soos says pulling out a slice of pizza and he takes a bite and eats it before it re-makes itself.  "And it can do that for like infinity," We all nod in approval before Soos asks "There's still ten minutes before laser tag closes, you dudes wanna play?" "Yeah!" we all chargeback in, leaving Soos's past behind. "Happy birthday Soos."

Five Years Ago:

Grunkle Stan's p.o.v.

I finish up my recent tour and head inside to see how my handyman was doing on the cart. What I found was an absolute mess, this guy had no clue what he was doing, I gave him a week to fix this! Anger boiling through my veins I start yelling at him as I drag him out of the shack. "That is it! You are single-handedly the worst handyman I have ever seen!" The guy runs off when a teenager walks up with a screwdriver. "Uh hey excuse me sir-" "Hey you, gumdrop. Think you can fix a golf cart?" "Well, I don't know if I-" I grab a t-shirt off the rack inside and throw it in his face. "Boom, you're hired. One size fits all," I tell him with a snap as I go to my next tour group.

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