The Deep End: Part 6

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(y/n)'s p.o.v.

We grab hold of Mermando and toss him into the lake and he resurfaces coughing as he asked: "I am weak from coughing, how will I get my family to hear my call from the mighty depths of the ocean?" "I've got it BRB," Mabel says running off the doc and soon returning with the megaphone. "Problem solved!" Dipper quickly grabs the megaphone. "Mabel! Those are pool supplies, I'll get fired!" 

Dipper's p.o.v.

"Dipper...Don't you know what it's like to fall for someone even if you know in your heart that it'll probably never work out but you'd do anything for that person?" My sister asks and I frown looking down at my feet as I thought of (y/n), knowing that it wouldn't be fair to ask her to be in a relationship when she's still trying to figure out who she is. I let out a long sigh as I hand Mabel the megaphone, though I was secretly happy since I would get fired and I could spend more time hanging out with (y/n). "Give Mermando the megaphone..." "Thanks, Dip," She tosses the megaphone to Mermando. "Mabel, I have never met anyone like you." "Same here, except for a zombie, a gnome, and a couple of cute vampires."

Mabel tells him and (y/n) and I exchange a glance of confusion as I say "We don't remember the vampires." "I don't tell you two everything. Well, Mermando I guess this is it..." "Not quite, this is!" He hops up and starts kissing Mabel and (y/n) and I quickly turn around to not watch. "Woah- ok! That's gross!" I exclaim with a shudder and (y/n) lightly shoves me, stating "Yet you want to do the same thing with Wendy." "That's different than watching your sister kiss a guy," He tells me when Mabel starts to jump up in excitement. "Woohoo! That was my first kiss! Hey, it was also kinda your first kiss too," She says, poking me and I let out another shudder saying "Please don't involve me in this."

"Goodbye, Mermando..." "Goodbye, Mabel," We watch him swim off and we walk back to the pool mobile. "You did the right thing Dipper," Mabel tells me and I nod. "Yeah, yeah." "Oh wait, wait! One last thing!" She says before running on the rocks and throwing her fist in the air shouting at Mermando jumped over her "Yes!" 

Later that day before the pool open, I was standing before Mr. Pool-Check as he angrily looked at the damage done from last night. "A wrecked fence, dents in the pool mobile, and a missing megaphone! Who is responsible for this?!" He shouted in my face while shaking me. "It's my fault, sir, I'm sorry, got in too deep." "Hand over the whistle boy!" I frown and hand over the whistle, internally grateful to be fired, now I could spend more time with (y/n) again. With a red face, Mr. Pool-Check starts eating the whistle, and I slowly back away from the unstable man as he started to chase Soos for throwing the inflatable ducks over the fence.

As I walk toward the exit a water balloon hits my face and I look up to see Wendy. "Hey Doofus, you'll never guess what happened. I just got fired." "What? Really?" I ask as we walked. "Yeah, I guess Pool-Check found out I was taking too many snacks." "How many?" She lifts her hat to show a stack sitting on her head and I laugh as we reach the exit where (y/n) was waiting for me.

"Hey, you wanna go break rules somewhere else?" She offers and I look over at (y/n) and shake my head. "Nah, there's a monster in the woods (y/n) and I were planning to hunt down and now that I've been fired, we can actually do it," I say, giving (y/n) a smile while I rubbed the back of my neck. "Oh, ok, no problem, I'll catch you guys later then," Wendy says with a wave as she walked off and we headed into the woods and I took in a deep breath. Man how I missed this.

Mabel's p.o.v.

I dip my feet in the pool and sigh, now that Mermando was back home things here weren't that fun. Suddenly a bottle pops out of the grate and I grab it to see a parchment with my name on it. Opening the bottle I pull the note out and read it. "Dear Mabel, I am home with my family, and I am very happy. Our first kiss will always hold a place in my heart. Technically hearts...As a merman, I have, like, 17 hearts. Horrifying but true! More bottles on the way!" Five more bottles pop out and I laugh as I pull each one out of the water and excitedly read the letters.

Grunkle Stan's p.o.v.

I relax in the best chair with a smile as I heard the pitter-patter of footsteps approach as Gideon's voice rang in my ears. "Stanford?!" I chuckle at his shock. "Well, guess you won...Put her there," He offers his hand and I go to take it when I realize I was stuck. "Hey...What the?" "Unless perhaps I predicted your plan and coated the entire chair with glue last night! Enjoy your chair forever," He walks off snorting as he laughed while I struggled to get up, shouting for the kids to come and help.

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