The Deep End: Part 4

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Mabel's p.o.v.

I frown to see Marmando sad and I ask "Mermando why don't you just leave the pool?" "I tried only once but escaping this pool required a plan that is bold and daring," He then explained to me how he had hopped out of the pool and how he kept flopping around before a woodpecker came and attacked him, causing him to roll back in the pool. "And then the wolves came..." He lets his guitar sink as he gives me a smile stating "No I am glad that I am here because I met you," He looks up at the starry sky, and I stare at him. 'This is it Mabel, first kiss moment, here we come! Just go for it!' 

I think as I pucker up and lean forward. "What are you doing with your mouth?" "Me? Nothing! This?" I pucker my lips again as I come up with an excuse off the top of my head. " I was just eating some sour candy so my lips were doing that because the candy was so sour." "Can I have some candy?" "No..."

Dipper's p.o.v.

It was another day we were at the pool, I had invited (y/n) to hang out with me and Wendy again today so she wouldn't be just sitting at the edge of the pool like yesterday. Wendy hands me and (y/n) the safety floaties and points at officer Blubs and deputy Durland below as they put sunblock on. I raise an eyebrow, confused on what we were supposed to do when (y/n) lines up her shot and tosses the floatie onto Blubs trapping him. I smile in amusement, now understanding what to do as I toss the other floatie onto Durland as I say "100 hundred points!" 

Wendy punches my arm stating "Dude with this job you and me are gonna be having fun all Summer," I give a nervous smile as my eyes dart over to (y/n) and I ask "A-all Summer?" If I kept this job it would take up most of my Summer, as much fun as it was to hang with Wendy I still have to find the authors of the journal and if I'm always working at the pool I can't do that not to mention that cuts into a lot of the time I would normally spend hanging out with (y/n), I can't expect her to come to the pool every day, she wants to find the authors just as much as I do.

It'll look suspicious if I quit...How do I get out of this then? We suddenly hear a whistle being blown and we look down to see Mr. Pool-Check as he shouted "Pines! Here! Now!" I wince, he was mad, I gulp as I climb down and Pool-Check starts to lecture me while pacing.

"You gave me your word that you would respect the sacred rules of this amusable pool," I raise an eyebrow at him as I ask "Mr. Pool-Check are you crying?" He turns around and shouts in my face, his face completely red. "THAT'S NOT IMPORTANT RIGHT NOW! You are on thin ice boy! You wanna keep this job? Well, some maniac broke into the supply closet last night and destroyed our one and only pool skimmer! I want you on a stakeout, if ONE MORE supply gets taken YOU'RE FIRED!" My eyes widen, this could be my chance! I give him a salute. "I won't let you down!"

(y/n)'s p.o.v.

Dipper was called over by his boss and he climbs down, leaving me and Wendy. My thoughts trail back to what they said earlier, if Dipper kept this job I wouldn't see him as much anymore. I feel my stomach churn at the idea, I didn't want to come to the pool every day to watch him get closer to Wendy. This was his dream job though, to work with and get closer to Wendy so I couldn't convince him to quit, he'd ask why, and if he knew why... "Hey (y/n) you ok? You seem kinda down lately."

Wendy asks, giving me a worried look. "Uh yeah just got some things on my mind," I answer her, giving a small smile. "Oh? Tell me, maybe I can help," She says, scooting closer to me. "It's...Dipper..." I mumble knowing that if I didn't tell her she'd see if Dipper could get it out of me. 

"Dipper...?" She asks; confusion is written all over her face so I elaborate. "Well, we've gotten closer than when we first met and now something seems different about him and things just are weird...I dunno how to explain it..." I trail off as her eyes widen as if she realized what was going on but before she could say anything Dipper had come back.

Mabel's p.o.v.

I was in the pool hanging out with Mermando again, I had found a beach ball so we could play catch. "Mermando get ready, I'm gonna bring the heat!" I toss the ball at him and it hits his head. Concerned I swim over to him asking "Mermando are you ok?" He doesn't give me an answer and an idea comes. "It's your family, isn't it? Are you thinking about them?" He gives me a nod. "Mermando enough is enough! I care about you too much to see you like this! We're gonna bust you outta here and get you back to your family!"

"But Mabel, escape is impossible," I give him a hopeful smile as I slam my fist into the water, splashing both of us. "We're breaking you out of here tonight! Whoops sorry about that...Water," Once the pool closed I went home quickly and started thinking of ways to get Mermando out of the pool. 

Dipper's p.o.v.

I pace around the pool since I had been assigned night patrol and start mumbling to myself. "Alright Dipper here's the plan: Catch the trespasser, lose one of the supplies, lose job at the pool and eventually marry (y/n)." "What are you mumbling about?" I hear (y/n) ask as she walked up. She had offered to help and I agreed, I wouldn't have even shown up if she hadn't offered to help. "(y/n)! I uh said the plan was to catch the trespasser, protect the supplies, keep job at pool and...EventuallymarryWendy."

I say that last bit really fast hoping she didn't catch any of that. She goes to say something when she cuts herself off and stared at the fence. As I turned around I heard a cutting noise and we both stare at Grunkle Stan who had just cut a hole in the chain-linked fence with bolt cutters. "Freeze!" "Grunkle Stan...What are you doing?" (y/n) asks, her hand covering her face as his eyes shifted from left to right.

"I uh...I'm sleepwalking also now I'm sleep talking, nice hat by the way," He says sarcastically and I shove an accusing finger in his direction. "You! You're the one destroying pool supplies!" "What? No! My crime is a lot better than that. I'm gonna get that seat and be ready in the morning when Gideon comes. Then maybe I'll destroy some pool supplies, night's still young," I slightly hesitate but I still grab my whistle and blow it at him, causing him to back up for a moment. "Yeesh alright, I'm going," He bolts in, and (y/n) and I chase after him.

Mabel's p.o.v.

I back the cart through the fence that Grunkle Stan cut through, gaining Mermando attention while I lock-picked the pool supply shack. "Are you ready to see your family?" I ask him and he nods asking "Yes but how can I a merman possibly escape?" I pull out a drawing of him wearing a fishbowl filled with water so he could breathe and also showed fish sticks taped together that acted as prophetic legs for him. "Okay, my original plan was to tape together a bunch of fish sticks to make you a prosthetic pair of people legs." "Intriguing..." "But then I realized I could just transport you in this cooler."

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