Soos and the Real Girl: Part 6

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(y/n)'s p.o.v.

We all rush to the doors but that's when the gate for closing stores shut to prevent us from leaving GIFfany walking up to us stating "Sorry Soos but you can't run away from our relationship," She uses her powers to turn on game machines that start shooting ski balls at us, Soos toppling over a game station for us to hide behind.

"So about all this. I may have purchased a dating simulator that attained sentience and went crazy," (Monika?) Soos starts to explain to Melody when GIFfany cuts into the conversation. "Oh, I am crazy. Crazy for you Soos," She zaps at us causing a small fire to start on Melody's head that was quickly patted out and Soos apologizes. "I'm so sorry Melody, I'll fix this. It's me that she wants. I'll distract her while Dipper, (y/n), and Mabel keep you safe. It's the only way."

"Soos these are children." "THE ONLY WAY!" He charges past GIFfany into the kitchen. "Trust us Melody we've dealt with worse but we need to help Soos," I say, and the twins nod as we come up with a plan to take care of all the other robots. "On three we split. One...Two..." The machine we were hiding behind gets cut in half by the bear and we scatter.

Grunkle Stan's p.o.v.

I had been forced out of the building by the badger as it kept punching me and I shout throwing him a left hook "Stay back you monster!" I'm pushed into the trash bags and I duck from another punch, Goldie coming to my rescue as he bites the badger's hand. "Yes, yes! Get him, Goldie, get him!"

(y/n)'s p.o.v.

Mabel was chased by the rats and she runs up into the play tube, the rats waiting at the bottom so I grab the mallet for the walk-a-mole game and use the rope that wasn't meant to swing you into the ball pit and swung at them, hitting them with the mallet before chasing me back to the ball pit.

Dipper's p.o.v.

While (y/n) helped Mabel that bear had started chasing me, he goes to hit me when I duck and he hits the play button of the game behind me, distracting him enough so I could sneak away, Melody smashing a chair upside its head. Soon one by one we were all caught, and we could see through the window Soos was being cornered by GIFfany. The two were talking, Soos starting to throw whatever was in his pockets at her. That's when he pulls her game out and throws it in the oven, the animatronic soon short-circuiting as it melted, the animatronics holding us, shut off and we fall into the ball pit.

Grunkle Stan's p.o.v.

I watch in astonishment as Goldie takes down the badger and I hug him. "You did it. You old beautiful monster, you did it! How's about you and me hit the town? These old hazbins are going to Vegas!"

Mabel's p.o.v.

After everything had calmed down we left Soos and Melody alone to figure things out and from what e could tell things were going well. "I'm sorry for all this. I honestly remember this place being a lot more fun when I was a kid." "Believe it or not I've been on worse dates." "Really?" "Never date a magician." "Ew. Why would I?" Oh hey, you wouldn't maybe be interested in coming to my cousin's engagement party in a week? I promise there's like zero robot badgers." "Haha, yeah, I'll still be in town then." "Still be in town?" "I'm going back home to Portland in a few weeks but we can video chat if that's ok with you?" "A relationship with a girl that I can only see through my computer...Sounds perfect!"

I start celebrating. "Spirit of love, we did it!" "Yes, yes, I am so happy," We suddenly hear Soos's grandma say as she pops out of the balls. "Have you been following us all day?" My brother asks. "Soos's life is like my soap opera," She responds before hiding again. "Come on Dipper, let's go see what's still open in the mall so we can salvage our date," (y/n) says dragging my blushing brother off into the mall. So cute! 

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