Soos and the Real Girl: Part 5

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Mabel's p.o.v.

We had met up with Soos to help him prepare for his date, right now Dipper was giving him a back massage, and (y/n) had gotten him water to drink while I gave him a pep talk. "You can do this Soos. Just remember what your love crew taught you. How does she look?" "Nice!" "What are her stories?" "Interesting!" "And who's gonna pay for dinner?!" "SOOS IS!" "Now date!" My brother shouts with an air horn and Soos runs off into the mall. "They grow up so fast," I sniffle before waving goodbye to Dipper and (y/n), now then...Time to watch over my two favorite couples!

Grunkle Stan's p.o.v.

After eventually feeling better, I go back on my mission and break into that kid's restaurant and watch from the shadows as that badger is rolled to the back. "Good showman, way to warm 'em up. I wish I was more like you," That Gary guy says before kissing the thing. Ew.

Dipper's p.o.v.

We had sat at a booth table across from Soos so we could keep an eye on the two. "Well it looks like they're enjoying themselves," (y/n) comments and I nod, squeezing my hands from under the table. I was so nervous, we were on our first date. "You ever been to this restaurant?" She asks and I shake my head no. "Never heard of it, though I haven't been to a place like this a while." "Yeah, me too," We laugh before falling into a conversation while we waited for our pizza.

The pizza had just arrived when Soos suddenly plops down in our booth with a huff. "Soos, what are you doing?" (y/n) asks when Mabel runs up whisper-shouting "You're supposed to be over there with Melody!" "I've got a big problem guys, I'm being stalked by GIFfany." "GIFfany?" We ask in unison, how can a game character stalk you? Then again this is Gravity Falls, weirder stuff has happened. "Or maybe it's pronounced GiFfany, I was never really sure." "Soos, get a grip on yourself. GIFfany can't stalk you cuz she's not real," Dipper starts to say when if on cue the lights dim down and the screens in front of us glitch to show GIFfany. Uh oh. "Take it from someone who brought an arcade game to life, this will not end well."

Dipper says as we stared back at the screen. "Don't worry, I'm pretty sure she's stuck on the tv screen," We then watch her fly by arcade game's screens before heading backstage. "Oh boy..." "Soos?" "Yeah?" "I think it's time to get Melody and go." "Gotcha," He runs back to Melody while we quickly pay for the pizza. That's when the show starts before cutting off abruptly, the beaver girl soon slowly plays the banjo as she said "Hello friends Who Ha the Owl is dead," Music starts playing again.

"This next song goes out to my forever boyfriend Soos," We wince as we glance at their table before taking off after him when he starts to run with Melody. "The only way out Soos is in my arms! Capture them!" We hear as screaming erupts into the room.

Grunkle Stan's p.o.v.

I had just finished up tying the badger when suddenly it breaks free and starts attacking me and I scream, running out of the building with that thing chasing me!

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