Society of the Blind Eye: Part 5

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(y/n)'s p.o.v.

"Maybe a little," Blind Ivan admits before erasing his memory of what we just told him. "But not anymore. You won't be telling anyone else what you've learned here. Say goodbye to your Summer," He tells us as he inputs Summer into the machine. "Uh, guys? If we're gonna forget everything I got some stuff I wanna get off my chest. Mabel, for half the Summer I thought your name was Maple like the syrup, no one corrected me," Soos admits and we all start unloading stuff we've been keeping quiet about.

"I only love some of my stuffed animals and the guilt is killing me!" Mabel spills out next before her brother. "Sometimes I use big words and I don't actually know what they mean. I mean I'm supposed to be the smart guy and if I'm not the smart guy, who am I?!" "Ok I'm not actually laidback, I'm stressed like 24/7, have you met my family?!" Wendy says before I shout "I wish I never made that deal with Bill!" They all stare at me with shock besides Dipper as they ask me all sorts of questions that I didn't answer and I grab Dipper's hand and squeeze it, earning his attention as I tell him "Dipper before we forget I want you to know that meeting you was the best thing about my Summer. I love you...And I'll miss you," I admit and tears start to prick his eyes as he tells me "I love you too, you don't know how much you changed my life."

"Oh stop being a bunch of babies," Blind Ian tells us as he rolls his eyes and aims the machine at us when it was knocked out of his hand by a gold pan? McGucket comes up with a trash can on wheels filled with weapons and a pickax in hand as he uses it to cut the ropes tying us to the pole.

"I raided the mining display for weapons. Now fight like a hillbilly fellers!" He shouts charging at the members as we all picked up a weapon. "They know too much, don't let them escape!" Blind Ivan exclaims as they all charge at us. "Get this song out of your head!" Wendy shouts hitting people with a banjo while Soos made others run away with the diorama of Dysentery.

"Your memory tube!" Dipper shouts grabbing mine and McGucket's memory tube when the bouncer corners him and he puts it in the air tube and shouts at Mabel to catch them. "I'll take those thank you," The farm guy says grabbing the tubes before backing away from Soos. I help Mabel pull the tube off the wall which sucks his robe in it revealing he was only wearing underwear and dropped the tubes. "That's right, I don't wear nothin' under my robe, I'm not gonna apologize for that. Maybe ya'll should apologize  for being a bunch of prudes."

Dipper's p.o.v.

We all grimace at the farm guy as I pick up the tubes and Blind Ivan glares at me, demanding I hand over the tubes. "Never!" I shout throwing them up an air tube and we chase after them. "Those memories belong to McGucket and (y/n)!" I yell at him and he yells back "The society's secrets belong to us!" As we neared the end he trips me and catches the tubes before pointing the mind eraser at us. 

"End of the line. By tomorrow this will all seem like a bad dream, say goodbye to your precious memories," He goes to pull the trigger and (y/n) runs up, pulling me closer as she turned us around making herself face the ray. "NO!" I shout as she tucks my face down whispering "Thank you for everything," The blast hits, and I hug (y/n) tightly burying my face in her shoulder, tears starting to stream down my face as I mutter "Don't leave me." "McGucket...You took a bullet for me..." I hear her mutter and I look up to see McGucket standing in front of us before he was shot again and I quickly ask him "Oh my gosh, are you ok?!"

"Ok as I'll ever be!" He laughs out before he started to walk towards Blind Ivan who kept shooting at him. "Why...Isn't...This...Working?!" "Hit me with your best shot Baldie, but my minds been gone for thirty on years. You can't break what's already broken!" He slaps the mind eraser out of Blind Ivan's hand before headbutting him. "Say goodnight Sally!" We tie the society members up as they demand they were let go.

"Isn't so fun being tied up is it? Hey, wanna draw on their faces?" Mabel says, taking a sharpie and scribbling out the word knowledge and writing Butts in its place, and we all laugh. "That's not funny! It's pretty funny." "It's like subjectively funny." "We'll have our revenge, we'll never forget what you've done!" "Oh I think you just might," I say, typing 'The Society of the Blind Eye' into the mind eraser before handing it to (y/n). "Would you like to do the honors?"

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