Society of the Blind Eye: Part 6

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(y/n)'s p.o.v.

"Just know this is for the people whose lives you've ruined. Say cheese," I say before erasing their memories before leading them all out of the museum with the excuse it was Gold Miner Appreciation Day. Blind Ivan approaches us with a confused look. "I'm sorry but what's my name? Where am I?" "Oh, might've overdone that one," Dipper winces and I nod, Mabel soon handing him a banjo stating "Your name is Toot-Toot McBumbersnazzle. You're a traveling banjo minstrel! With a song in your heart and funny tattoos on your head!" He walks off playing the banjo, singing out his new name.

Once everyone was gone we head back down and turn on the tv. "Alright, you two. Are you ready to see your memories and find out who you really are?" Dipper asks and McGucket exchanges a concerned look as he asks "I'm not so sure, what if I don't like what I see?" "We've come all this way," Mabel says and I pat his back reassuringly.

"You're not alone, I'm scared about my past too but we'll deal with it together, go on," He nods and inserts the tube in the tv and it starts playing. "My name is Fiddleford Hadron McGucket and I wish to unsee what I have seen," We hear as we watch McGcucket tinkering with something. "For the past year, I have been working as an assistant for two visiting researchers who have a little girl with them. They have been cataloging their findings about Gravity Falls in a series of journals, I helped them build a machine which they believed had the potential to benefit all mankind but something went wrong...I decided to quit the project but I lie awake at night haunted by the thoughts of what I'd done."

He explains as Dipper and I look at the two pages in the journal that seemed like half a blueprint. "I believe I have invented a machine that can permanently erase these memories from my mind. Test subject one: Fiddleford," He lifts up the mind eraser gun and we all watch as he uses it on himself and he excitedly rejoices on how it worked and that he couldn't recall a thing. "I call it the Society of the Blind Eye. We will help those who want to forget by erasing their memories," We then watch as he slowly uses the gun more and more causing him to lose his mind as the days go by.

The memories end and the screen goes to static. "Oh McGucket, I'm so sorry..." Mabel trails off as he grabs his memory tube. "Aw hush, you kids helped me get my memories back just like you said." "But did you want those memories back?" Mabel asks and he nods stating "After all these years I finally know who I am. Maybe I messed up in the past but now that I've seen what happened I can begin to put myself together again," He starts patting on his body again, Dipper telling him "Still don't know what that means. So wait you weren't one of the authors but you worked with them! Do you remember who they were?"

"It's beginning to come back but I need more time...And reading glasses heck! I got some remembering to do," He takes some gold glasses with green-tinted glassware in them before addressing me. "And so do you," He steps aside and I walk up and take in a deep breath before inserting my tube, the memories starting to play.

"BOO!" Bill shouts as his face appears on screen, startling me enough to fall to the ground and he laughs as we all glare at the nasty dream demon. "You really thought I'd let you have your memories so easily? I told you, you've gotten too close to some major answers and I can't lose more control of the deal we have more than I already have!" He shouts and Mabel asks "Wait a minute...The deal is still on? But how?!" "If he doesn't want me to remember then...Maybe the way to break the deal is to remember my past!" I shout as I get up, Dipper chiming in.

"That's why he's doesn't want you to remember!" "But you can't keep her memories from her!" Wendy shouts and they start shouting at Bill about how he can't do this when I grip the screen and glare at him as I say "I don't know what my past has to do with interfering with your plans but even if it isn't from this I will remember, figure out what you don't want me to know and I will stop you!" 

He laughs as he scratches his non-existent chin telling me "I like that bet, let's see who wins," With that, he disappears off the screen and my memories start from when I was young. My Gram had opened the door at the shack, her face obscured no doubt thanks to Bill. "Shelli? What are you doing here and with (y/n)?" She asks as Aunt Shelli who looked frazzled combed her fingers through her hair as she says "(m/n)'s is gone I dunno where she went and I have to try and find her but nobody wants to take care of (y/n). You're my last hope."

"What? We can't take care of her, we're busy!" Gam exclaims and Aunt Shelli shoves me into Gram's arms as she stated "_____, please! You're the only one left. You two are researchers what danger could she be in?!" Gram's name blanked out so we couldn't hear her name as well and we watch as Shelli takes off in her car shouting a sorry before Gram enters the house calling for my other caretaker, his face was blurred too and his name blanked out when he appeared on screen but he was clearly holding one of the journals. "What is it _____?" "(y/n) will be living with us from now on," She nervously chuckles before explaining what happened. As the memories continued to play it showed the three of us exploring the mysteries of Gravity Falls, dealing with the gnomes, the manitours, everything, everything I did with the twins this Summer when it came to the mysteries I had done before, I had done them with the authors of the journals...

It cuts to me and Gram hiding the journal and running back to the shack before cutting to me running out of the shack into the cold and making the deal with Bill. My memories end with Blind Ivan erasing my memories before the screen cuts to static. The room was silent and shocked we just saw the authors, we just watched them write the journals...I was there, my Gram was one of the authors. I start to break down crying and my friends surround me with worry. "(y/n) are you ok?!" Dipper asks and I nod as I rub the tears out of my eyes. "I'm just so glad I finally remember them."

Mabel's p.o.v.

I watch (y/n) cry in happiness about having her memories ask when Wendy asks "So Mabel, you still wanna erase those failed Summer romances?" I look again at (y/n) and McGucket who was happily holding onto their memory tubes and I shake my head. "You know, no one likes having bad memories but maybe it's better to remember the bad things and learn from them than to go all denial crazy trying to forget." "That's some mature junk right there Mabel." "Yep! Miss. Mature that's me. Hey! You wanna help me vandalize this picture of my jerky ex-crush?" I ask, pulling out the posters and some markers and we start drawing all over it. We start to head home, Wendy talking about how she finally got the Summer hit song out of her head when Soos turns on the radio and it starts playing it again.

Grunkle Stan's p.o.v.

I dump the large canaster of fuel into the tank as I mumble to myself "Alright, you're getting closer," I enter the room where the machine is as it started to power up. "Every day it's getting stronger," I again mumble as it sucks my coffee mug and, and notebook into itself. "Haha, yes!" I shout, throwing my hands up when a pipe comes flying and cuts my hand. "I don't care if it's dangerous. I don't care how long it takes. I'm gonna pull this off and no one's gonna get in my way," I tell myself as I bandage my hand.

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