Dreamscaperers: Part 5

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Mabel's p.o.v.

Some weird symbols start flashing over his eye, a circle of flames surrounds us before the ground shot up just as (y/n) hopped onto the platform and we're surrounded by the universe? Bill starts to grow really big and Soos mutters "I guess he gets really mad when he gets mad." 

"E̶͖̳͛̒͗̎̃̏Ą̶̯͍̫̟͆̅͒̆̾̒̆͊̉̀̉́̚͠ͅT̵̖̙̦̍̏̾͂̀̍͆ ̷̗̤̠̀̑̊̂̌̃̔͆̓͠Ņ̶̡̧̛̱͚͇̺̦̱̥̮̪̳͔̈͑͊͋̾̇̋͐̓͗̐̒̌Ȋ̸̤̖͓̏G̶̫̳͓̟̽͜Ḩ̶͙̰̔͂̚͝ͅͅT̷̥̖̀͘M̸̧͖͔̪͖̤̪̲͉̫̈́̓̌̀̿͗̿͌͝Ạ̸͈̪͈̙̹̥̰̪͎͎̯̥̞͒̆̒̒̃͂̅̿̕͘̚R̷̛̖̐̽̓̂́̍̉͜͠E̴͎͔̥͕̦̎̑̐̈͒S̷̪̝̥͙̻̭̲͚̯͙̰̩͋̈́̿̕͠!" (EAT NIGHTMARES!)

(y/n)'s p.o.v.

I continue to drag Dipper with me as I looked for the memory. While I looked for the memory, Dipper started opening and closing doors shouting for the exit. "Ugh, how do I get out of this place? Exit! Hello?!" I open a door that looked like the door to the shack that jutted out to find it was the memory I was looking for and I push Dipper toward it as the memory started to play.

"He's a loser, he's weak, he's never gonna be good enough for that girl, I just wanna get rid of him," Stan's voice rings out and Dipper tries shutting the door while rolling his eyes with a frown telling me "Ugh, this again? (y/n) I don't want to hear this again," I open the door again as I grab his hand and instruct him "Listen." "Heh, yup those are things people said about me when I was a boy," Dipper looked at the door confused as he stepped forward and peeked in. "It was terrible, I was the biggest wimp on the playground," Another door opened and we turned our attention toward it to show Stan being picked on as a kid, right after a girl had rejected a flower from Stan. I notice Dipper lean on the door as he put his hands in his vest pocket, meaning he was listening. While his attention was on Stan's memories I start to sneak away to help Mabel and Soos with Bill.

But when I do find them I quickly jump through the ring of fire as we're lifted up, left to face an angry Bill.

Dipper's p.o.v.

I sigh internally as I lean against the door with my hands in my pocket as Stan continued his story. "So one Summer my Pops signs me up for boxing lessons. It was even worse than the playground!" Another door opens to show a kid beating Stan up in boxing when Stan shouts, soon punching the guy back. "Left Hook!" 

"You know at the time I thought my Pop was trying to torture me but wouldn't you know it the old man was doing me a favor all along," Another door opened, showing Grunkle Stan in line for a movie, a cute girl standing behind him when someone tried to steal the girl's purse. "Give me that bag!" "Help! My purse!" "Left Hook!" He shouts, knocking the guy out as people cheered for him, the girl giving him a kiss. "So you see, that's why I'm hard on Dipper, to toughen him up. So when the world fights, he fights back," Grunkle Stan says and I smile at him when he starts whispering to Soos and I lean in to hear him say: "And when the time comes he can be there for (y/n) when she needs him, it's obvious he's trying to be that kind of guy for her," My face heats up as I remember that Grunkle Stan knew about my feelings toward (y/n).

"Do you think it's actually working?" Soos asks and Grunkle Stan gestures toward me and we all look to see me chop a log in half with two swings and I start to celebrate. "I...I did it! Yes!" "He's really coming along. When push comes to shove I'm actually proud of him, just don't ever tell him that, he's head's big enough as it is, that goes for you too kiddo," He points at (y/n) who walks around the corner with a smile. "How you'd know it was me?" She asks with a smirk. 

"Cuz I'm the one who taught you how to eavesdrop," They all chuckle before (y/n) races over to us and we start talking. A smile on my face, I place my hand on the memory which caused me to stumble forward into the memory, gaining Stan's and Soos's attention. Uh...

"Woah kid, what are you doing here? Nice hole in your chest, by the way, let's fix that up," He points at the hole and lifts his finger up and I watch in amazement as the hole disappears, my stomach re-appearing and I ask "W-what the? How'd you do that?" "Word to the wise kid: We're in the mind, you can do whatever you imagine in here," He demonstrates by making a soda appear with a flick of his wrist as it opens itself up and takes a sip. "Well how about that-" Suddenly the place starts to shake as a bright red light flashes, Bill's laughter echoing out as everyone's screams soon followed.

"Oh my gosh, what am I doing?! I gotta stop Bill!" I exclaim as I quickly rush off to help my friends, missing the approving nod of Grunkle Stan as he muttered "Huh, fighting back."

(y/n)'s p.o.v.

Possible trigger warning! There is slight verbal abuse caused by Bill's nightmares on (y/n), it's not extremely bad but I understand that it could still affect some people. I will put these two symbols at the start of the insults and at the end if you prefer to skip them: ♪♫ 

"One nightmare coming up!" "Nightmare? I hope he doesn't mean that British dog man I'm always dreaming about," Soos pleas when said British dog man appears and starts harassing Soos. "You!" He shoots at Mabel who started to lose her cuteness, her face grew big and green, her voice growing deeper as she screamed out. "My cuteness! What did you do to my cuteness?!" "And you!" Bill shouts his glare hardening at me, rubbing his hands together as he shot me next.

"N-no...No, no, no, no, NO!" I shout as I watch the color drain out of me again, as everything went back to the grey color scheme I had been seeing for the past five years except of course for him who was still a bright red when Dipper appeared in front of me with a glare before he started shouting in my face. ♪♫"How useless are you?! How do you not remember anything?! What use are you to me if you can't help me?! As if I'd ever date anyone as pathetic as you! I never want to see you ever again!!!" ♪♫

I feel my heart shatter as tears start running down my face, I clench my teeth before letting out a pained scream escape my lips before I tried to suppress the sound of my hiccups while I cried. My gaze soon turning to Bill who was putting all the colors and other emotions I had into a drinking cup before drinking it all away, he was drinking my feelings, he was drinking me! I bite back another scream as I watched the continents of who I was, satisfy Bill's thirst before he licked his lips. "How utterly delicious that was now then...You're next!" He shoots at Mabel's dream boys were dancing in happiness of being next when they were shot of the rock and burnt to ashes. 

"My dream boys!" Mabel cries out as Bill charges up another shot stating "And now to finish you off once and for all!" Suddenly Dipper comes flying up, the real Dipper, catching all of our attention. "Hey, Bill!" "What?!" "Nice bow tie!" He shoots a hole through Bill where his bow tie was using laser beams through his eyes.

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