Summerween: Part 6

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Dipper's p.o.v.

"Sorry dude, today's been way stressful, I need some levity," Soos apologizes and presses the skull, all of us squinting in fear. A few moments pass and nothing sounds we all look to see it hadn't worked and we sigh in relief as Mabel said "Oh thank goodness, it was out of batteries," (y/n) then gasps before yelling out Soos's name, we look again to see him putting batteries into the skull before sounding it off. "No matter the score, I'm always a head!" The skull laughs, catching the attention of the Trickster.

"This cackling head's a voice of a generation!" Soos exclaims before turning around to face the dripping mouth of the Trickster. He gapes at it and presses the skull again before being eaten. "Hey, monster!" I shout as we all break out battle gear and run up to the monster attacking it when Grenda comments "Saltwater taffy? Gross!" I slice at the leg again asking "What are you-" I cut myself off when something hits my face and I lick it off to indeed taste saltwater taffy. "Wait it is!" "You honestly haven't figured it out yet?" The Trickster asked before grabbing all of us and removing his mask to show a face made entirely out of loser candy. "Don't you recognize me? Look at my face...Look closely."

We all flinch. "Loser candy!" My sister remarks with a shudder. "That's right! Did you ever stop and think about the candy at the bottom of the bag? That no one likes?! Every year the children of Gravity Falls throw away all of the "rejected" candy into the dump. So I seek revenge. Revenge on the picky children who cast me aside. I am made of every tossed piece of black licorice, every discarded bar of chocolate with like that white powder stuff on it, you know that stuff!" "Yeah, we hate that stuff!" (y/n) points out as the rest of us nod. "No one would eat me, but now I'm going to eat you..." He says menacingly before stopping as his stomach growled. "What is that?" He questioned looking down when Soos burst out screaming. "Sup bro?" He asks before taking a bite of the loser candy. The Trickster started spewing out jelly beans as we fell. All of us staring at Soos as he continues to eat the candy shaped like a heart.

"Dudes, you want some of this?" He asks and we all shake our heads no. "Wait...You actually think I taste good?" The Trickster asked with a puzzled face and Soos shrugged. "Eh, sure, you know." "All I've ever wanted is for someone to say that I was good," He started crying out candy corn. "I'm so happy!" "Crying makes it a little weird but I guess I'm still eating," That one kid...Gorni resurfaced. "Sup Gorni?" "I've been twamatized!" 

Grunkle Stan's p.o.v.

I had used every trick in the book or that I could think of, nothing had scared off those two kids. I was no longer the master of fright. I draw myself up a bath muttering with a sigh. " Wash off the shame Stan, wash off the shame..." I take off my robe when I hear "Ha! He thought he could scare us," I turn around in confusion as the two gasp. "Eh? What's that?" They both shriek, dropping their bags of candy running out and away from the house in fear. Once I realized what I happened I cheer. "Hahaha! Still got it!" 

After I clean I wait in the living room for the kids, Wendy had come by to hang out. "Hey, Stan!" I hear Dipper and (y/n) before I hear Mabel and her friends and Soos, they all were still in their costumes. "Hi, Grunkle Stan!" "Hey, Mr. Pines." "How's it hangin'?" "Hey Dipper, (y/n)," Wendy says with a wave, startling Dipper. "Wendy!" "I didn't see you at the party, where were you?"

Dipper's p.o.v.

I look down at my costume before looking at Mabel and (y/n) with a smile, pulling them both in with a hug. "I uh...I was trick-or-treating with my sister and best friend," She makes an ah face, stabbing the jack-o-melon with a knife as she told us "The party was lame anyway, Robbie ate a lollipop stick first and had to go home sick," (y/n) and I laugh when Mabel sighs in disappointment. "Aw man, we went to every single house and we didn't even get to eat any candy." Before I could say anything Grunkle Stan speaks up.

"Candy? How's that for candy?!" He pulls out two large bags of candy and we smile. After we got out of our costumes we spread the candy around the room and put on the Summerween movie marathon. I had noticed (y/n) still hadn't treated her bruise so quickly during a commercial break, I head into the kitchen and find the first aid kit, grabbing a band-aid before going back into the living room, sitting beside (y/n), gently putting the band-aid on the bruise. She gives me a smile and I return it before she rested her head on my shoulder, focusing once again on the movie. I blush and give her a quick glance before smiling and watching the movie.

"You know kids? I've been thinking, at the end of the day Summerween isn't about candy or costumes or even scaring people. It's a day where the whole family can get together in one place and celebrate what really matters: pure evil!" He starts to evil laugh and we all join in for a few moments before Soos said "I ate a man alive tonight."

Author: Who else evil laughed with the Pines family? *continues evil chuckle*

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