The Golf War: Part 5

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Mabel's p.o.v.

We were waiting at the next hole for Pacifica while Dipper and (y/n) were tallying up the score Dipper soon stating "I can't wait to see the look on Pacifica's face when we win. I'm thinking it'll be like," He then proceeds to make a face and a noise along with it. "You know how she does that?" He does it again. (y/n) chuckles before poking Dipper's nose and calling him silly and I smile at what is now my OTP couple.

"Guys? Is it bad that I feel good about her feeling bad?" "Eh, just enjoy your victory, Mabel, trust me she'll be fine," Dipper tells me and (y/n) nods stating "Yeah even if this wasn't the best way to do it, it's nice to see her get knocked down a peg or two."

That's when we hear Pacifica scream and we turn toward the windmill hole to see the Lilliputians had tied her up and was lying flat on where you putt the ball into the windmill. "What's going on here?! Let me go!" Pacifica starts screaming, causing us to scream. "Let me go you creeps!"

"Welcome you three, welcome! I can tell you're loving this right? Right? No?" Franz asks as he approached us before noticing our displeased looks. "What are you guys doing?" I ask before Dipper and (y/n) point out "This wasn't part of the deal tiny Dutchman." "We told you, you couldn't hurt anybody!" "Ok, so we saw you were favoring the minors and we figured...What's better than beating Pacifica? Pfft, killing her! Right?"

We continue to give him a look of utter disbelief as Pacifica scoffs at Franz. "As if I'm calling my parents! Where's my phone?" We all turn to the Lilliputians messing with the phone when Franz gets our attention again. "So how about hugelings? Who's da best now?" Before we could answer we hear the pirates shout at us.

"Not so fast landlubbers! If you're going to play dirty so are we! Now give us the sticker or he walks the plank," The pirate threatens us as he pokes a tied-up Sergei. "No, give us the stickers!" "The minors! Give it to the minors!" We hear before all of their arguments kinda blend together as more and more start shouting at me.

"ENOUGH!" I shout and they all go quiet as I give them a disapproving look. "You know what? No one gets the sticker!" They all start to boo at me. "No, no. Nuh-uh. No booing stop. No. No one gets the sticker because you're all being jerks! I mean why can't you just get along?" I ask.

"Because we hate each other." "That's kind of how rivalries work lass." "Well then maybe...Maybe rivalries are dumb. Maybe you don't settle them with petty competitions. Maybe the only way to be "da best" is by ending the fighting and working together!" I peel the sticker off my sweater before crumpling it up and eating it and they all gasp muttering about the sticker. "It's all so clear." "If we work together..." Franz starts to say and I smile before it's wiped away by what they have to say.

"Then we can open her belly and get the sticker!" Suddenly we were surrounded by the Lilliputians as I tell them "You guys aren't appreciating the lesson here," That's when we hear the windmill turn on and we turn to see it spinning so fast it was like a chainsaw as Pacifica slowly inched toward it while screaming.

"We gotta get out of here!" Dipper shouts when (y/n) brings up a good point. "But Pacifica!" "(y/n)'s right, I have to save Pacifica first," I look p at the lantern above me that had stringed lights attached to them so climb up and use my club to help me zipline over the Lilliputians to the windmill. "Dipper! (y/n)! Help me!" We hear Sergei beg as he teetered on the plank. "Don't freak out man! The water's shallow! There's literally no way to drown!" "Unless you plunge face-first into the water and make no attempt to move

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