get better - yoonjin

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request from @wewe0wewe , enjoy love 💕


((also please note that this took me a bit longer because I had to do a bit more research, so if I mess anything up or have any mistakes regarding facts..I'm sorry. I am not a medical professional, I just googled a lot. ))

Thank you.


The boys sighed as they walked into their shared apartment.

"That was a great rehearsal guys, I'm feeling really good about this tour." Taehyung admitted as he wrapped his arm around Jimin's shoulders.

"Yeah.." Seokjin said with a smile. He felt his chest getting tight, but it was probably nothing.

"You alright hyung? I heard you coughing in the bathroom during our break."

"Of course Kook!" The eldest said with his best fake smile, "Just choked on my own spit because I was trying to warm up my voice."


"Well I'll see you all tomorrow, I'm really tired."

The boys nodded and said goodnight, but one person wasn't convinced.

Yoongi watched with a suspicious eye as Seokjin quickly went up the stairs with his hand on his chest.

"We should all get some rest, we have a recording session tomorrow for the pre performance video." Namjoon said with a yawn.

Everyone said their good nights and went into their respective rooms.


Yoongi sighed as he twisted in his bed. All night, all he heard was coughing from the other side of the room.

It was about two hours later before he felt fed up. The man got out of his bed and walked past the bookshelf that divided the room, he stood in front of Seokjin's bed.

"Hyung!" The small man shouted in anger.

Seokjin got out from under the covers with an apologetic look on his face.

Yoongi face contorted into a concerned look as he stepped closer, "Are you sweating?"

The man was sweaty and he looked pale under the moonlight peaking through.

"I-Tight..." Seokjin muttered as he pressed his hand on his chest.

Yoongi immediately helped the man out of bed, "We are going to the hospital."

"N-No I'm—"

"Save your breath." The ravenette muttered as he through the man's arm over his shoulder and helped him out of the room. He quickly knocked on the door right across from theirs. "Hoseok! Jimin!"

Hosoek opened the door with a sleepy look on his face with Jimin standing behind him.

"What?" The two roommates asked at the same time.

"Seokjin hyung is having problems breathing, get Taehyung, Jungkook, and Namjoon. Meet us at the hospital." The small man said before quickly getting Seokjin down stairs.
He put slippers on both their feet before helping the man outside. After a few minutes of struggling, they were finally in the car and on the way there. Yoongi opened the windows and drove fast. "Try to take deep breaths hyung."

Seokjin nodded, but he felt his head spin. "I-I think I'm going to faint.."

"Well don't." Yoongi said, fear lacing his voice.

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