
796 24 10

Votes are in...

Namjin wins!!

((I forgot to mention that multiple comments from the same user don't count..sorry!!))


"Hi, I like you!'s literally the lamest way to say that.."

Kim Seokjin was a socially awkward, jittery, and insecure seventeen year old boy. However, he was very smart. He attended Seoul Academy, a private high school for academically advance children.

Seokjin is currently stressing over the one and only, Kim Namjoon.

Kim Namjoon stands at a good six feet two inches, his muscles practically get bigger by the second, his skin is as gold as honey, voice as deep as the ocean, and he posses dimples you just want to dive in. The boy is student body president, co-president of the music club and horticulture club, and is in the top one percent in academics. Not only that, the way he spoke melted everyone around him. Namjoon speaks in a way that makes you feel safe and understood, his writing, poems, and songs have won not only awards, but the heart of poor Kim Seokjin.

He is perfect.

Seokjin dreads this time of year, the day of Valentine's Day.

Every year he tries to muster up the courage to talk to Namjoon, but every year he ends up panicking last minute and hiding himself in the cooking classroom for the rest of the day.

What can he do? The boy bakes when he is emotional.

Seokjin is now, once again, trying to figure out the perfect words to say to Namjoon, in order to ask him out.

"Okay okay," He sighed softly as he tried relaxing his body, his eyes then looked into the bathroom mirror, "Hi Namjoon, I'm Seokjin..I'm a year younger than you and I just wanted to ask you to be my Valentine." Seokjin said confidently before breaking out into a small smile. "That sounds good.." he reassured himself as he nodded happily, "I can do it!"

His excitement was quickly interrupted by the bell.

"Shit! I have physics!" Seokjin squealed before scrambling out of the empty boys' bathroom.


"Uh, thank you for the chocolates girls."

Giggles left the girls' lips before they scurried off.

Namjoon sighed as he opened his bag and put the chocolates in his bag, which was almost filled with many other treats and flowers.

The boy shook his head with an exhale as he zipped his bag up.

Don't get him wrong, he thought it was sweet that people thought of him and were kind enough to give him things, things he does gratefully eat and accept; however, it seemed as though no one even thought about what he would like.

He didn't enjoy sweets, nor did he find the idea of an innocent flower being cut and sold, only for it to die in a few days, very pleasant. But, every year, he eats the assorted chocolates over the course of a few months and he silently mourns the death of each rose.

"Joon hyung, don't forget, your turn to clean up today."

"I know Min, you and your boyfriend have a date, so I have to clean for the both of us." Namjoon chuckled as he picked up a shovel and a pair of gloves.

"Love you hyung, but I can't dirty my clothes. Go nature and all, but I wanna look good for my date with Tae."

The tall boy rolled his eyes, "What's the point, you end up naked at the end of the night anywa—"

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