late - namjin

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Seokjin sighed as he looked at the big clock on the wall, 11:20

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Seokjin sighed as he looked at the big clock on the wall, 11:20.

The man shook his head as he sat at the empty dining table that had two plates full of food placed on each end with a singular rose in a vase in between them.

Seokjin frowned as he got up and put away the plates.

"I haven't seen Namjoon in three weeks because of this working late, leaving early routine. He doesn't even sleep in the same bed as me. I miss him, but does he even remember me?" Seokjin thought sadly as he finished cleaning up and headed upstairs to change for bed.

He quickly did his nightly routine and changed into his pajamas. A couple minutes later, the faux blonde shook his hair with his nimble fingers as he laid in bed.

"Does Namjoon not think of me anymore?" he whispered up softly at the ceiling.

Seokjin then slowly began to fall into a deep slumber with a deep frown embedded onto his face.


Namjoon sighed as he drove home down the dark road. A couple minutes later, he finally pulled into his parking spot. The tall man got out, locked the car, put in the lock pad password, and then quickly walked up the stairs onto the second floor. A yawn escaped his lips and he unlocked the apartment door and quietly entered, he took off his shoes, his sock covered feet walked quietly into the kitchen.

"You're late Namjoon-ah." a voice mumbled.

Namjoon turned to see his lover tiredly rubbing his eyes as he stood cutely in his pink pajamas in the doorway of the kitchen.

"I know, I'm sorry Jin. Yoongi hyung and I were ju-"

"It's always sorry Namjoon! It's always Yoongi hyung and I were this, Yoongi hyung and I were that!" Seokjin said, his voice cracking a bit, "Why don't you just live with him? Be his boyfriend?" he said, raising his voice a bit.

"Seokjin it's not a big deal, we are working on editing a track, stop being so dramatic! Gosh, I bet Jimin doesn't nag Yoongi like this." Namjoon scoffed as he rolled his eyes.

"I bet Yoongi wouldn't forget their anniversary." The man whispered as he eyed the male.


"There's a lot of leftovers from the dinner I made tonight in the fridge if you're hungry, goodnight."

"Ji-" Namjoon was cut off by the man turning around and walking back into the room, closing the door behind him.

The brunette looked at the wall, he saw photos of him with Jin and then-

"Oh no." Namjoon thought to himself.

There, on the wall was a calendar, a calendar with a heart on today's date, with the words "2 years!" written on it in Seokjin's neat handwriting.

Namjoon sighed as he sat down and tugged his hair in frustration. His eyes flickered over to see the blown out candles on the table and a rose sticking out from the trash can.

"You messed up." A voice in his head told him.

Namjoon laid on the couch waiting for sleep to overcome him when, he heard a muffled cry.


Seokjin was sitting on the bed with his knees to his chest with tears making their way down his face, "He forgot." the crying boy mumbled into his knees.

"Jin?" a muffled voice asked from behind the door.

"G-Go away." He mumbled sadly through his tears.

The voice sighed as the door opened, then his dimpled lover walked in.

Namjoon sat in front of the crying man and chewed on his bottom lip nervously, "I'm sorry." He whispered softly.

The blonde ignored the soft apologizes from his boyfriend by turning his head and crossing his arms.

"Jin please."

"Do you not love me? Is our relationship nothing to you? You don't even call me pet names anymore-"

"Jin I love you more than anything!" Namjoon shouted.

Seokjin stopped talking and looked at the heavily breathing man in front of him.

"Our relationship means so much to me." The man said quietly, "Please, work has been stressing me out, but I'll drop it all if it means you'll be happy." he said softly as he large hands gently grasped the others.

The brunette's cool hands made a shiver run through Seokjin's spine. His eyes flickered up at sad brown eyes, "Namjoon, I could never make you stop your work." He sighed softly as his fingers ran through soft locks of dark hair, "It's your dream."

"That's the thing beautiful, you're my dream. Always have been, always will be."

Seokjin smiled as his face turned bright red, "B-beautiful? I haven't heard that since we first started dating." He whispered as his lover sent him a dimpled smile.

"Every since that day I walked into that coffee shop and saw you looking so cute with your big white sweater and pink hair. I watched you take orders and blush at everyone who spoke to you. Every since I laid my eyes on you that day, I knew that you were the most beautiful person I had and still have ever seen." Namjoon whispered.

"Y-you still remember that day?"

"Of course, I still have coffee stains on my favorite shirt from when you spilled it on me. How could I forget that day?"

Seokjin smacked the man's arm lightly and looked away in embarrassment. "Not funny Joonie." He mumbled.

"Of course I still remember. I was so in love with you and I'm even more in love with you now."

Seokjin blushed. "Did you really fall in love with me just by looking at me?"

Namjoon smiled as he crawled on top of the boy, making Seokjin lay down.

"Gorgeous, I don't believe you can fall in love by simply looking at someone, but you did catch my eye and made me feel fluttery inside. I feel in love with you a little while after our first month and everyday since then I keep falling more and more in love with you." He smiled as he hovered over his boyfriend.

"Namjoon-ah you're making me blush."

"My baby, petal, honey, sweetie, baby boy, Jinnie, love, princess." Namjoon smiled wide, dimples protruding, as he leaned down and placed a kiss on Seokjin's nose.

Seokjin wrapped his arms around the boys neck and smiled, "I love you."

"My love, I will always love you and I'll make it up to you, okay? Promise."

"You better."

Namjoon shook his head with a small chuckle escaping his lips as he sat up and took off his shirt, luckily he was already in sweats. He then laid down next to his boyfriend.

"If you ever come home late again, I won't forgive you." The blonde mumbled into his boyfriend's chest.

A deep chuckle bounced off the walls of the small bedroom, "Next time I promise I will not be late."

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