why - namjin

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The room was dim, only the light murmmers of the television could be heard

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The room was dim, only the light murmmers of the television could be heard. On the couch sat a couple, one taller than the other. The light brunette had a sweater, that was not his, and plaid sleeping pants on, but the other had a crisp black shirt with dark sweatpants. The brunette looked over at his lover and smiled softly at the way his looked. The television's glow bounced off of Namjoon's relaxed, handsome face. Seokjin watched as the scene of the movie could be seen from the reflection of his lover's glasses. Namjoon's eyes flickered around as he watched the movie, it was now when Seokjin choose to lean over nudge the boy's cheek with his nose.

"Joonie?" he whispered softly.

The black-haired man hummed softly in response as he deep brown eyes glanced over to his now look at his boyfriend.

"Can we talk?"

Namjoon nodded as he turned off the television. Now, the small lamp on the coffee table was the only source of light. Seokjin let out a soft sigh as taller of the two just smiled a bit, he then pulled the boy onto his lap. The brunette's legs were now on each side of Namjoon and the ravenette's large hands were firmly placed on the boy's hips.

"What's wrong love?" The man whispered softly as his long fingers reached up and pushed some on Seokjin's hair back.

"We've been dating for a while now-"

"Three years in October."

The boy smiled as the man's words as he mindlessly traced shapes on the man's t-shirt clad chest. "Yes, three years in October, but Joonie, why d-do you love me?"

"What?" Namjoon said in confusion.

"You never say why you love me, just that you love me."

The man stayed quiet as he watched his lover fidget nervously with his fingers.

"Ask me again."

Seokjin looked up to see his boyfriend with a straight, serious face. His arms were crossed, causing him to look broader and his glasses were perched on his nose, which gave him a very intimidating, but handsome look.

"Um, okay? Kim Namjoon, why do you love me?"

Namjoon sighed as he held the boy's hands in his much larger ones. "The day we met, I had a feeling you were the one for me. You were sweet, but not sweet to the point that it seemed ingenuine. Your kind, heartfelt words affected me in a way that I never knew they could."

Seokjin smiled as his cheeks turned a soft pink color.

"Your laughter is a sweet melody in my ears. You also possess this warm, inviting smile. When you smile, you're eyes sparkle in a way that makes me feel warm inside. When I see your face-" he began as his thumb ran softly across the man's cheek. "to me, you're the most beautiful person Seokjin and when I see your face, it brightens my, usually dull, world."

The man smiled as the his gaze looked shyly at his lover's intense, yet loving stare.

"I love the way you look at me, the way you look so pretty in my clothes." He cooed softly as he looked at the boy in Namjoon's oversized clothing. "You have this cute, quirky sense of fashion that compliments my usually dark aesthetic." He smiled. "I love the feeling of you hands in mine, they way you sing softly in the shower, how you smell like lavender, and when you play with my hair." He whispered. "The way we cuddle," He said as he wrapped his long arms around the boy's waist. "I love having you in my arms. The way we hug and how you love being held close makes want to always want to protect you my sweet, I want to always be your knight in shining armor."

"Joon stop" Seokjin whined softly as he covered his face with his hands.

The ravenette chuckled softly as he pulled the boy's hands away from his face and kissed them softly. "You're always working so hard for others. Whether it's at work, cooking, cleaning, or making someone's day, no matter the reason, you never give up. You take such good care of me, you cook for me, wait for me when I'm late, and you even clean the apartment. Plus, when I'm sick, tired, late, upset, happy, you're always by my side. I don't thank you enough, so I guess I'll do it now." He said softly as he kissed the boy's nose. "Thank you for being so selfless, my princess."

"Babe." Seokjin whined as Namjoon grinned and kissed the boy's face gently. The light-haired man looked up at his tall boyfriend, who was looking at him with loving, soft eyes. His gaze melted the brunette's heart. The younger wrapped his arms around the boy's waist and brought him close.

"You always make me smile on my bad days and make my good days, better." He said softly. "You're the softest person I know. You wake up early everyday just to make sure I'm up. You make me lunch, morning smoothies, and you even make me delicious dinners. Everyday, I get a kiss goodbye," Namjoon paused and kissed the boy's cheek. "and a  kiss hello." He whispered softly as his pecked the boy's lips gently. "Plus, no one has ever written cute notes and put them in my lunch bag for me to read at work." He chuckled softly.

"I-I just want you to remember me at work." Seokjin said with a shrug.

"All I do is think about you, my precious Seokjin." He said softly. "You always tell me to drive and be safe."

"I just want you to be careful Joonie." Seokjin pouted.

A smile broke out on the dark-haired man's face before he proceeded to continue, "Even though I know you're busy, you call me on my lunch breaks, and even text me throughout the day. You always check up on me the nights I have to stay after. Everyday, it's always my needs before your own, I just wish you treated yourself baby." The man sighed as he rubbed his face in frustration.

Seokjin smiled softly as he removed the man's hands from his face, he then put Namjoon's large hand on his own cheek, and leaned into the warmth that spread on his face. "Seeing you happy makes me happy Namjoon-ah. You work so hard for yourself and for us, it would be rude if I didn't show my appreciation by taking care of you." He whispered softly.

"Every second of everyday with you Kim Seokjin, I fall more and more in love with you." The man said as he hugged his boyfriend tightly. "You're my sunshine on a rainy day, my laughter when I want to cry, my everything when I have nothing." He whispered softly into the boy's ear.

Seokjin gripped Namjoon's shoulders tightly as his eyes watered. "Joonie." He whimpered. "I-I love you so much."

The ravenette smiled softly as he hugged his emotional boyfriend tightly, yet gently. "I love you more princess."

Seokjin pulled away and wiped his eyes a bit. "I'm sorry-"

"Don't be." Namjoon whispered softly as he ran his fingers through the boy's hair. "I just wish I never had made you feel as if you have to ask for the reasons on why I love you."

"I just wanted to know why you loved me." He said softly as tucked a lock of black hair behind his lover's ear.

"Ask me again." The taller of the two deeply whispered as he pulled the boy close, to the point that Seokjin's forehead was now resting on his.

"Kim Namjoon, why do you love me?" The honey-haired man said, his eyes flickering up.

Namjoon smiled as he locked eyes with his boyfriend. "Because you're the love of my life Kim Seokjin, that's why."

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