Chapter 1

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All Characters and locations borrowed from Stephen King's "It" remain his property.

Helpful Notes:
"Speaking Aloud"
'Speaking Telepathically'
Subconscious Thoughts, not heard by others.

A/N: This story involves VERY mature and sometimes disturbing situations. If you have any triggers I suggest perhaps trying another story.

*~..Lamia Amorist..~*

⚠️ WARNING: One last time, I'd like to remind every reader that this book will be just as heavy with smut as the last (maybe even more) AND will include male on male action. If that's not for you, turn back now. This is my world, you're just along for the ride. ⚠️

..Chapter 1..

Where am I? What's that smell? It's like... lilacs and fruit... with a hint of clove, but it's so dark. Is this the in-between? Has God not decided what to do with me yet?

Slowly, the endless pitch black became lighter somehow and Nera felt a warmth on her eyelids. How strange... my eyes are open, aren't they?

It felt almost like she was floating on a soft cloud. Somewhere in the distance she could hear the chittering of a gray jay. That can't be right... there are no birds in the in-between.

Suddenly Nera became aware of a pain in her eyes. She scrunched her eyebrows firmly together and sluggishly realized her eyes were actually closed. Slowly, her eyes fluttered open lazily and warm, buttercup yellow sunlight pierced her corneas, causing her to flinch.

"Ugh.." she grimaced in pain. I'm laying down in a bed. How long have I been here?

Cautiously, she re-opened her eyes and slowly the blurry world around her came into focus.

She noticed a clear vase on the bedside table next to her filled with dozens of lush, velvety red roses. That's what I was smelling a moment ago, she realized.

More important than that was the figure that sat calmly in the armchair right next to her. It was Pennywise. He was there... she had survived and he had stayed with her.

Hot tears rose up into her eyes, spilling down her cheeks. It felt like her heart was going to shatter with joy and relief, "You came back," she whispered weakly.

Pennywise stood then, his dominating figure leaning over her and blocking out the harsh sunlight. His hand moved slowly, brushing her hair from her eyes, then cupped her jaw lightly, like she was made of the most fragile glass.

Pennywise had had a lot of time to think while she'd been unconscious. He'd hurt her so much. He didn't deserve her. He didn't deserve to be loved. He didn't even deserve her forgiveness, yet he knew she wouldn't let him go and to be honest, he didn't want to go back to how things were before her.

It's easy to think you have it all when you don't know what your missing. He'd lived his life thinking that hunger and power were all that mattered and even now, he held them in high respect... but now there was more than just that.

He was in love with the little Angel. He'd not even believed he could love, but she'd proven him wrong... she'd made every sacrifice to show him what love was and now that he knew, he realized that love wasn't the weakness he'd once believed it to be. In fact, the strongest he'd ever been was when he was fighting for her.

Nera slowly started to sit up, grunting in pain. "Careful, sweetness. You're not fully healed. You were in... very bad condition," he warned her, the sigh which followed his words indicative of the guilt he felt.

Immortal Love - #2 (Pennywise x OC x OC)Where stories live. Discover now