~The Island Feelings~

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Caesar's P.O.V.

"She's going to kill me"

A small smille curled on my lips as I heard Lucille's worried words as we looked at the several screens to motintor our two friends who still are in a dispute no matter what. At this very moment all 7 of us, me, Lucille, Connor, Xylia, Darren, Lina and Richard are all stranded as I would like to call it here in an island as we have an operation 'make the two idiots date again' to accomplish.

"Before that'll happen I'm sure Mrs. Wang is going to kill us first" Connor muttered as we all looked at the very screen before us that displays what Dylan and Scarlet are currently doing at this very moment.

"Those two are really a pain in the ass" Darren spoke, quite surprising me since this is the first time he's ever spoken after he explained what he fucking did!

"Says the one who didn't even tell us the plan! I thought you were truly planning to date her!" Connor shouted at Darren, letting all the stress he has out to the troublemaker who doesn't seem fazed at all. Darren actually was having a good time seeing us going crazy, going ballistic just because of the small stunt he did.

Apparently, the minute Dylan and Scarlet 'broke up' or had a fight, quite a minor one in all of our eyes, Darren, our great great friend suddenly took that as a good opportunity to 'court' Scarlet making all of us almost call for an emergency. Good thing though the minute Lucille and I arrived at Connor's house, Darren suddenly appeared and narrated his plan on making Dylan jealous which actually worked.

We formed a plan that very night, just yesterday to isolate the two in an island since I do have one which Dylan doesn't know. Obviously we needed more help and so Lu decided to ask Richard and Lina to help us with this plan.

So this morning, Lucille, Lina and Richard was with Scarlet, Darren was going to meet Dylan so we followed them and then gave them sleeping pills to drink. We're harmless I promise, even Mrs. Wong agrees with our plan, she gave us her support so this is a good mission. The minute the two fainted we immediately brought them to my helicopter and flew all of us here in the island I own.

"If I tell you then where's the thrill in that?"

"Are they kissing?!" Connor's high voice suddenly brought our attention back into the monitor to check if the two are have already made up.

But the minute I turned at the screen only a small chuckle escaped from my lips, as usual those two are really going to be the death of all of us. Scarlet was on top of Dylan and from camera 6 it seems like they're kissing but in camera 9 Scarlet actually is already killing Dylan with her bare hands.

I can't believe these two...

We've installed several hidden cameras around the island since I still haven't cleared it yet so there are still several trees here and there making it so believable that they're stranded. Basically we decided that we would have to stay here for a day just so we also could monitor the two and hopefully not see them in lewd positions or them killing each other, a simple make out would already give us the thumps up that we all are clear to finally head home.

"If having a woman choke you looks like kissing to you Connor I really don't know what to do to you" I chuckled, patting his shoulder as Darren did the same.

"This isn't the time to tell us your kinks, besides I don't think Xylia would love to hear that"

"Excuse me? Why on earth is my name being dragged into this?" The lady of the hour spoke making all of the boys just laugh.

Apparently all the girls are actually more focused in observing what those two are currently doing than the small teasing conversation us boys are having beside them. Richard is aware of what is happening at this very moment between the two, Connor and Xylia's chemistry is very undeniable and the fact that they seem to be growing more and more closer everyday just made our hunch very true.

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Jun 24, 2020 ⏰

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