~The Small Teasing~

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Caesar's P.O.V.

After the very unnerving happening in Canada, we all decided to head back to our house. Apparently Dylan wanted to bring us to his house, he didn't mention why but his limousine came to fetch us in the airport and he bought us to his house. Well aside from those two girls of course, Dylan still hates them since they really almost put these two in danger.

"Wow, this is so beautiful and spacious. Do you live here alone Dylan?" Lucille asked in amusement, her wide eyes kept twinkling as she smiled and admired the interior of Dylan's house.

She never knew that I fell asleep beside her, Connor tried to give her hints but good thing she's a bit slow, she didn't get anything and also the idea of me possibly sleeping beside her in one bed. Scarlet never found out about that as well, which was good because I probably be dead by now it she did.

"Wonderful isn't it? Actually this wasn't the first time I ever had a visitor, I remember quite clearly who's been here before, right Scarlet?"

Dylan's teasing smile came back which means he's trying to make Scarlet tell us something, though with Dylan affixing her name right after the question of the visitor's first time... Darren seemingly also knows something, by his smile there's no way he doesn't know anything... Seems like these two needs to tell Connor and I something shocking.

"Why did you take us here? I told you we can ride a cab and head home straight away" Scarlet spoke, refusing to place her luggages down, it's almost as if she hated being in this house and that made Dylan's smirk get wider...

What really happened between them in this house?

"But cab fares are expensive these days, it'll be better if we'll send the two of you at your own house later on to help you with your expenses"

I intervened, I didn't mean to pry but it's better if we got to just send them home than them being in their own. They might be placed in danger and that's not something we shouldn't worry about.

"We can handle our expenses well, you don't need to worry about that"

"Can't you just be thankful for a minute and do as I say? You have a really big mouth for such a girl, you are incredible" Dylan grabbed her luggage and placed them near the couch, he even tried to hold her wrist but Scarlet glared at him.

"Then what the heck do you want from me? Tell me so we can go home now"

"Lucille can go home but you, I don't think I'll ever let you go home. You need to repay what I've done to save you yesterday"

I smiled and half rolled my eyes, Darren, Connor and Lucille seemed to get a hang of it since they both are starting their never ending banters again. They doesn't know it but we can sense their fighting spirit, they really don't want to lose from a simple staring contest and it was very amusing seeing them so no one never ever tries to intervene when they're in the 'shouting' level as we call it.

"Was it me who told you to save me? It was your own action and yet you want me to repay you? You don't have a heart do you?"

"I have one, because if I don't I probably wouldn't saved you from dying in that hail storm"

Those words seemed to stop their bantering, Dylan was right in that point, he does have a heart and Scarlet looks a bit surprised, there was a flash of regret in her face probably that wasn't what she truly meant. Actually the 'shouting' level got down to 'drama' level so I knew one needed to intervene, before any crying session might come I needed to speak.

"So, it might be very rude to interrupt the both of you but, can we know what you wanted to make Scarlet do? I can't leave because of anticipation"

"Plus I'm getting hugry Dylan, I need to eat" Connor replied, obviously backing me up before we can see a tv drama show today.

"Let's eat here. That's the reason why I all brought you here and Scarlet will be the one cooking which was the main reason why I wanted her to stay"

"Why are you doing this? You have a cook don't you? Why don't you just tell her to cook for you so we can go home?!" Scarlet goes back to being hulk... can't really know how on earth Dylan was able to like her...

"Well I want to taste your food, I wanted to know if you'll make a good housewife"

"Excuse me but I won't just be a housewife, I am not downgrading them but I wanted to reach my dreams. I wanted to become successful, I want to work together and provide a better future for our children"

OUR children... All four of us, Lucille was included not Dylan, eyed each other just as those words slipped through Scarlet's mouth. She probably didn't heard herself saying that becuse she looks very calm, unlike Dylan who is on smiles as of now.

"So our children is what will keep you going, how many do you want?"

"Where's your kitchen?!"

Without even letting Dylan speak, Scarlet immediately pulled Lucille away from us and proceeded to Dylan's kitchen. Now I badly wanted to ask what happened in Dylan's house, how on earth was she able to bring Scarlet here without giving him the same flying kick she gave him when she was so angry?

"That was easy, she looks so flustered at her own words. She didn't expect to say that" Connor spoke in amusement, Darren seemed calm, probably he was expecting what Scarlet had just acted.

"I told you she can be surpring, one charm I like about her"

"Hey Dylan, before you fall deeply in love with her I wanted to just remind you that she's someone different from us. You know how the media will react especially your mother" I mentioned, now that everything seem calm, as everyone says, there's a calm before a storm.

"I like her, whatever happens I will try my best to overcome those hindrances that may come our way. This is the first time I've felt so curious of a girl and even if mom doesn't want her I want her, it's me who wants her so mom can't do anything"

"She'll try to create a game Dylan, for sure if she doesn't want Scarlet she'll make her life more harder. I like Scarlet for you Dylan, she makes you laugh, she makes you smile and she makes you anticipate the next day as you badly wanted to see her but you also need to think about her welfare, she might get in danger because of your involvement to her especially when auntie won't like her" Darren shared his thoughts which I completly agree on.

"But if you're willing to fight for her, I'll be here to help you. We can try to make Mrs. Wang love her but for sure it'll be a lot harder than we'll think it is" Connor spoke once again.

Their words seemed to make me remember something... it was about Dylan and Mrs. Wang... Oh! It's his birthday next week! And it means troubke!

"Speaking off, I just realized that it will be your birthday next week. For sure auntie will come back to celebrate with you with a grand party"

"We'll have in less than 6 days to train her, she might not like the idea but we have to try"

Scarlet is definitely something, I've never met a woman as hard headed as her and strong, she wants everything to go her way and maybe trying to change her, trying to make her act like us will be hard for her. She'll hate that she needs to pretend to be someone she's not and she might hate us for planning like this before her. But if it's for Dylan then we all need to help him...

"Are you really sure you wanted to bring her to your life? That you're willing to fight for her?"

Scarlet will have a hard time trying to fit into royalty, from having a nice simple life in meeting Mrs. Wang, her peaceful life will slowly turn into hell if Dylan ever makes the wrong choice. We all can support his decision but he need to think and to know that it is Scarlet who's going to have a hard time entering our world.

"I want her and I will have her"

All I can do is support my friend, no matter what happens I will do everything to help her even if it means going against auntie. Dylan I believe had finally met his match, they both look good together even though they bicker like crazy and banters non stop. I know he finally found someone who can make him happy, someone who can make him feel complete...

I Miss You, I'm Going Crazy (Meteor Rain # 3)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora