~The Fake Fiance~

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Caesar's P.O.V.

So far Scarlet and Dylan are really having a very serious relationship, they are going strong admist the sudden intruding of Mrs. Wang. Right now they are madly in love with each other, Dylan and given her the meteor necklace he had designed for the woman he's going to live the rest of his life with, he had decided that Scarlet will be the woman for him admist the confrontation of Dylan's mother to him.

I was having a good time just resting on my couch when my phone suddenly rang, I took a look at my phone and saw that it was a call from Mrs. Wang. I almost cursed and fell down on the couch not really expecting that she will be calling me in such early in the morning, I cleared my throat first before finally answering the call.

"Hello? Mrs. Wang?"

"Gather all the boys at the restaurant I'm going to send you, I need all of you to discuss a very serious matter there"

Serious matter? About Dylan and Scarlet's relationship?... There's no other topic to discuss none other than that...

"Sure Auntie, we'll meet you there"

She dropped the call as I immediately send a joker card picture to the group chat we have, I went to the my room to change my clothes. I managed to take my shirt off before my phone rang again, this time it was Connor and he seemed to be very confused and surprised because of the joker card I sent in a different group chat.

"What's wrong? Why the joker card?" Connor asked immediately, this card means something serious is really going to happen so recieving this is very urgent for the 4 of us.

"Dylan's mother called me, she said we need to go to a restaurant and meet her there"

With my words for sure he already got the memo, he already had the idea and the plan of Mrs. Wang will probably end up being very weird. We don't know what was running inside her mind but we need to get ready for whatever destruction that will happen in our lives if ever her plan will prevail. We have to be careful about Dylan's mother but he needs to be more extra careful amongst us.

"How's Dylan?"

"For sure he's being forced" By the time he questions me I knew for sure that he is groggy, he wasn't able to think very well and I'm guessing that he had just woke up and got very surprised with the joker card.

"I'll be there, send me the address"

I changed my clothes and immediately drove to the restaurant which Mrs. Wang sent me, I also sent it to Connor and to Darren who probably is on his way there now.

"This way please" I told the woman Dylan's mother's name and she hurriedly escourted me to a private room, one which is very secluded and no one will ever hear what we are going to talk about.

The moment I entered the room I saw only Darren sitting on the chair, I immediately sat beside him as we were on the left side of the table but Mrs. Wang is nowhere to be found. After a few minutes a woman entered , she  was probably a year younger or just have the same age as us...

She has a pale complextion, straight long black hair and beautiful big doe like eyes. She looks like a model but with her slightly chubby cheek I knew she's an heir as well by the way she dresses and acts, very prim and proper for a very ordinary lady.

"Where's Mrs. Wang? Who is this?" Connor muttered the moment he entered the restaurant as he pointed at the woman before us.

"Who are you?" She asked back with a sass, I was definitely surprised as I can feel that she also has the temper of Scarlet...

Well she just really proved that she's an heir... I hope just not that spoiled but I guess sassiness can be understandable... for girls of course.

"Everyone's complete, sit down everyone"

I Miss You, I'm Going Crazy (Meteor Rain # 3)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora