~The Strange Feeling~

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Caesar's P.O.V.

Something warm woke me up, I thought it was a bit hot but that made me so confused when I realized that we were actually in a very cold country as of now, it's impossible for me to feel so hot when it's winter over here. I immediately opened my eyes and was met with the blinding sunlight, I covered my eyes for a moment with my hand before letting my eyes finally get used to the bright room... it's a bit weird, I though I closed the windows in my bed room the moment I arrived here?

After a few minutes of adjusting, I finally opened my eyes and was met by someone so beautiful... I tried to blink twice to think if I was only just dreaming, if I might only be imagining things because there's no way that I will be laying beside Lucille...

Slowly I sat up beside her, careful to not wake her up, if she knew that I slept beside her she might get surprised and shrike taking everyone's attention. I tried to think about what happened last night, I remembered how much worried and almost hysterical Lucille acted just for us to find her best friend. I remember taking her to her room and watching her as she slowly falls asleep...

Then I remembered laying beside her and closed my eyes... I slept beside her?! I really did that?! On my own? Without the influence of alcohol?

I mean why would I even lie down beside her if I was in my right mind? What if she'll wake up before me and saw me laying beside her? Problems will arise after that... I should've been careful...

I immediately slipped away from the room and walked towards the kitchen, there I saw Connor and Darren already awake. The two troublesome girls had just woke up and are both looking ever guilty and sorry, they both sat on the opposite side of where Darren and Connor are as I joined them after a few minutes.

"Good morning lover boy" Connor greeted me with a teasing smile, he was playing with the cup on his hand as Darren's attention also turned to me. They're probably wondering where I have been, though it's quite possible for them to already know the obvious.

"What's with the smile? And lover boy? Please, it's you who's the lover boy" I leaned my body on the counter and looked at the two girls, they looked so intimidated and never leveled their eyes with ours. Probably these boys had scared them so much last night especially Darren who we saw got angered for the first time.

"Not based on my observation, seems like you enjoyed your night. You never came back to your room after watching over Lucille" Connor kept trying to get the truth from my mouth but I refused to, knowing him he's probably trying to make me admit to something I didn't even do... which I apparently did this time...

"I just fell asleep, I was so tired and my worries must've overcame me that made me so tired"

"Is that so? Where did you possibly sleep? Perhaps on the cold floor?" Darren spoke indifferently while sipping his cup of coffee, I turned by back before them and started to mix my own, trying hard not to also get angry since I know what they're both doing.

"What do you take me for? Take advantage of Scarlet's best friend while she's away? You know me, I don't date girls that are related to the four of us"

I vowed to do that in the past and nothing will happen nor change right now, there will be no changes especially if it's only about this dating thing. Girls who has connections with us are pretty clingy and can easily call me back whenever they wanted to, I don't do commitments just as Connor did. But I do take girls seriously, that's why before they could think that there can be a relationship before us, I already stopped them from day dreaming.

"So where did you sleep? We were only just asking but if you get all defensive like that we'll both think you slept in one bed with Lucille"

"Adding the fact that there's only one bed in the room which Scarlet and Lucille should've shared, also it's impossible for you to not be a corpse now if you had slept on the floor without any comforter" Connor kept asking me, his thoughts are exactly true because I wouldn't really ever sleep on the floor considering that the floor is cold and we have no extra sheets here.

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