~The Crazy Plan~

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Ceasar's P.O.V.

"That was a very lovely piece but that was very easy"

With every word uttered by Dylan's mother send so many shivers down our spine, even if no one is speaking I know how nervous and nerve wrecking this moment is. Scarlet had stopped playing a piece, it was very marvelous and impressed us so much but I think Dylan's mother has other plans. All of a sudden she faced the crowd and spoke with a very confusing tone.

"Everyone, I am greatly honored to be graced by everyone's presence here as I celebrate my son's birthday but I think all good thing should come to an end. I am not feeling very well so please, it will be good to see each other next time"

With those words everyone started walking away, they didn't dare greet her goodbye while others still stayed and watched what was happening. Still very embarrassed, Scarlet looks down on the floor as Dylan quickly took her side. Defending her from his mother who might really turn into a dragon.

"Get this girl away from me Dylan or else you won't like what I have instore for you"

Darren, Connor and I were already exchanging looks, we are very much worried and confused especially me to Lucille's reaction. I can tell that she really is very scared and traumatized even to Dylan's mother, she was shaking but I made sure to comfort her by holding her hand. She seemed to relax for a moment and then gave me a small smile.

"Didn't you hear me? I-"

"I heard you very well mom, loud and clear. But I won't do whatever you want me to do" Dylan's boldness is in a next level, I've never seen him stand up from his mother before. Even Mrs. Wang looked so surprised but she kept her emotions at bay, she glared at Scarlet and spoke to her son.

"She has no name, no company and not an heir. Would you want her more than what you have now? Why? Do you need her? There are so many girls who are good for you, better than her and yet you're choosing her?"

"I don't care if she's not as pretty as the other girls out there, I don't care if she's not as slim or sexy as the models you wanted me to date. I don't care about anyone of them as long as I have Scarlet. I love her whoever she is, so if you want her to get out from this house them I am going to come with her"

Without any words spoken Scarlet stood up from the piano stool and walked away, some people who witnessed the scene also went out before anything else happens. The three of us remained standing near each other as no one dared to look away from our auntie, she looks really scary no matter how much she acts calm and sophisticated.

"I think we should go, I need to know if Scarlet is okay" I felt a tug on my hand as I turned and look at Lucille, she was holding my hand tightly and looking at the door as if she wanted to run away.

"Dylan's got here don't worry"

"As for the three of you, I need you in my office right now" Auntie spoke, she was about to turn her back to us whem she suddenly spotted Lucille standing beside me.

"And she is?" She raised her brows as if she's trying to decipher who Lucille is, I felt Lucille hiding behind me as her left hand was grabbing my coat from behind.

"My date auntie" I was surprised that I managed to answer her with confidence, I really wanted to get awy from here but now her attention was focused on Lucille.

"That woman's friend?"

"Why do you have a problem if I'm friends with Scarlet?"

Lucille suddenly revealed herself and spoke with a sudden confidence, she sounds like Scarlet at times but now... she surprises me really. The two boys threw me knowing glances as I then faced Lucille and started whispering in her ear.

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