~The Earrings~

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Lucille's P.O.V.

Today was supposed to be the happiest day of my life simply because I was given the chance to spend my day with my boyfriend. Jordan and I had met a month and a half ago and then he started courting me until I agreed to become his girlfriend just a week ago, he was very charming, kind but slightly a bad boy as from what I've noticed. So far we've been in a really steady relationship, he usually walk me home at night after my work with Scarlet but I should've noticed how unimportant I am to him.

I thought that he was someone who really cares about me, I thought his feelings were true but soon I realized how much dumb and ignorant I was in seeing him as the perfect one for me. Turns out, I was trying my best to not see his flaws just because my feelings for him was so strong. I kept trying to convince myself that he wouldn't do such thing as that to hurt me, that he would never try to use me... but I was wrong.

He was actually an asshole, imbecile and someone who had a very ugly personality. I couldn't even believe myself at how I deemed him to be someone whom I can trust, whom I can totally like and is willing to fall deeper in love with. I was so stupid to think that I can be someone important and special to him when I'm probably just someone whom he can show off to his friends looking so dumb because I was too kind to see his flaws and how much of a vile person he is.

Today, I finally realized how stupid I was. I realised the real reason why Dylan was never comfortable with Jordan was not because of his arrogantness as what Scarlet had thought off, it was because he was a bad person after all. I was with my own two eyes how he was flirting, practically holding and almost eating the other girl's face when he was in a date with me.

At that point, I just wasn't myself anymore. I broke down, bawling my eyes out and quickly leaving the scene since I had already told Scarlet to follow her boyfriend to know what was wrong since I know that Dylan wouldn't really react angrily that way if he doesn't have sufficient and right reasons. For know I am taking Dylan's side knowing very well how he would never just act rationally especially when Scarlet is with us.

I didn't know for how long I've been wondering around the streets, crying, bawling my eyes and heart out for the heartbreak I felt. I probably am being talked about with all the people that's passing by me but I didn't care at all, I was so broken, I was a mess and I didn't care about letting other people see how miserable I am. I was blaming myself for everything, how I was able to trust Jordan with everything...

But then someone suddenly came in my life to cheer me up. With my blurry eyes I was still able to see Caesar looking at me as he was so worried at my state. With just his presence himself I already feel slightly good and it felt really nice to have someone beside you. At that point I really didn't care anymore and broke down, now that someone is here beside me, now that I have a friend with me I'm sure that I am already in good hands.

What suprirsed me truly was the fact that he suddenly carried me and brought me back to his house. I was momentarily froze, still I'm shock at how I was able to arrive at Caesar's house when in fact he could've just brought me to my house. Since he was pretty much adamant with his decisions just like the rest of his friends, I could do anything at all so I just found myself marveling at his whole house.

My heart flutters seeing how incredibly kind the man before me is. Despite being humiliated by being with me, cry if in the pavement earlier he still chose to stay and take me here in his house so I could calm down and feel very comfortable. He's like a knight in shinning armor and a prince merged in as one. My small crush on him suddenly slightly blossomed, like it made me feel more comfortable and happy even for the slightest bit with him.

There's this indescribable warmth inside me when he's with me...

"Thought you wouldn't be able to finish them all Lucille?" My thoughts of bubbles suddenly got bursted the minute Caesar suddenly appeared beside me, his usually small yet genuine smile was plastered on his handsome face.

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