~The Heart Wants~

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Caesar's P.O.V.

Right after seeing my best friend's case I instantly realized how deeply he had fallen to the one who he thought he only wanted to annoy, I saw the broken facade Dylan had and it slowly is eating his system. The way he suddenly became very confusing, all his soft look towards Scarlet, all his fondness of him to her and all the different ways he does just so Scarlet could notice him...

I knew for a fact that he was already in love.

"He's a mess, I don't even know what to do"

Apparently today he had announced that he'd be leaving for London, that was quite an unexpected news since he treated Scarlet as if they didn't have any hate between them yesterday. I knew for a fact that he chose not to reveal his card because Scarlet would be kicked out of the school per his word, he chose to save her even if it means him taking back his words.

We tried to confront him if he wanted to go to the London because he had 'willingly' lost the game and ushered him to not leave Scarlet, for all I know Connor even tried to lure him by giving him the privilege to take Darren out of the group again. In the end he said that he had already decided to go to London even before the match happens continuing that whether he wins or losed, he would still go to London since he needs to focus on their family business.

"Where's Mrs. Wang? Did you call her?" Connor spoke, this whole scenario and stunt Dylan played isn't very funny.

I know for a fact that his mother wouldn't like this sudden decision he made since she's really ill tempered, she wanted us to monitor Dylan's every move even if she's sometimes scary so we can't do anything but follow what she says.

"It was her secretary who answered, she said she was busy but with the bodyguards Dylan have I think she already knew what happened"

Even if she was busy back in London she wouldn't like the surprise of seeing his only son there with the same badass attitude he had here. I'm guessing even the time when Darren chose to fight with Scarlet affected Dylan greatly so he chose this decision.

"After all, Dylan is still going to London with Danica" Connor sighed, I hate to think that all our efforts had gone to waste but seeing Dylan as adamant to leave us like this made me realized that somehow he still doesn't understand his own self as well.

He wasn't the Dylan who will 'let go' of that one thing he wants to have, he was always the 'I will get what I want' even if he hurts someone or even if something gets on his way. Seeing him wanting to flee from his problems just means that this time, he can't seem to chose, either his own happiness or her happiness...

"Still talking about him?"

Our heads turned to where that voice came from, right now we're in my billiard place since it would be too inconvenient if we would talk our blaming him inside his own billiard room. Darren appeared with a smile, probably knew what already happened which Danica had already informed to him once Dylan told her that he'll come to London. We can't risk letting Dylan be ruined, I guess we just really need to pay attention and to observe his motions more.

"He's the talk of the town today, we can't do anything about it"

"Where's Dylan?" He asked, sitting on the couch while playing with the billiard balls in his hand.

While Connor and I are here, arguing, hoping to find any possible solution to this proble Darren, on the other hand looked so laid back and calm. It's almost as if he doesn't care, but I know better and for sure, he has already a trick rolled up in his sleeve. Darren might be the most innocent among us but he can be pretty dangerous and scary at times.

"Probably packing all his clothes in his closet, he really would stay at London for the better"

"Knowing him, he probably wouldn't stay there since he loves Scarlet too much" That was his answer, it's amusing to see him still just playing with the balls, he totally seems unaffected with all the frantics we have.

"Tell me honestly Darren, do you like Scarlet?"

"Connor" Connor threw me a look saying I need to back him up, I honestly don't want to add fire to another fire but it seems like Connor badly really wanted to know what was the real score of the nice guy and the princess Scarlet.

"You've been very serious whenever you're with her, it's almost as if you're her boyfriend than just a mere friend"

"I agree with Connor in this, can you tell us honestly so we can clarify things?" I asked, sighing, hoping that nothing bad will happen with just this mere simple question.

"Seems like the talk of the town is now focused on me" Darren smirked, quite amusing again...

All these days, these weeks and the past month I knew Scarlet had grown some affection or a crush to Darren, he was always there whenever she needed him, he was always there to save her when she's in trouble or whem placed between a very intimidating Dylan Wang, he was always there when she needed a knight and even a prince. She had clearly showed her favoritism between the two but I still have no idea what on earth Darren's feeling is.

Just like Scarlet, Darren also had his queen and his soldier, Jasmine was always there for him. Whenever he needed someone to talk to, Jasmine was always the first one to know whether Darren is fine or not, she would always comfort him and be with him rather than choosing to stay with us. And with that I knew that Darren learned to develop feelings for Jasmine, it's just that with Scarlet, he does everything he can just to protect her... just like what Jasmine does to him.

"I don't steal what Dylan owns"

My ears perked up in surprise, it's almost as if he just diged the question which really truly surprised me again. He didn't answer yes nor no either...

"You don't like her one bit?" Connor questioned this time, obviously knew what I also picked in his answer.

"You both know that Jasmine already owns my heart"

"Scarlet likes you"

"But she's better off with Dylan, you know he deeply cares for her even if he's being all possessive and crazy"

I think my mind had just began to play with me, looking at this man before it seemed like an unknown spirt came and suddenly gave him the decision to let Scarlet go. Dylan mentioned something about a debt to Darren but... are they paying back now with the use of Scarlet?

"You're defending Scarlet from her offender and the one who hurted her and yet you're fine with him pursuing her again?" I raised my brow, clearly unsure of what to think off between my two friends now.

"He loves her, and nothing could ever defeat love"

I Miss You, I'm Going Crazy (Meteor Rain # 3)Where stories live. Discover now