~The Broken Tears~

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Caesar's P.O.V.

"Why are we even hanging out here? I thought Dylan wouldn't be home?"

My eyes darted over to my two friends who suddenly called me in the middle of the night last night to remind me to head to Dylan's house, I have no idea why they wanted to bring me here at this house when Dylan clearly stated that he would be heading out for his most hated double date with Scarlet and Lucille. Right now we are sitting on the couch Dylan has as our eyes were focused still on the staircase where anytime Dylan might now walk down.

"Well I just wanted to check for myself if he really would go to that double date he claims to hate. It'll be quite hard to decide what he's going to sacrifice, either his pride or Scarlet" Connor muttered with a smile, he and Darren seemed to really have fun seeing how miserable Dylan is but for me I think I have more things to do before prioritizing this scenario.

As the two were busy laughing my eyes never left the stairs, from this angle I was already able to see Dylan's long slender legs walking down the stairs. He was wearing a white top with black skinny jeans matched with his white shoes which really is his favorite casual clothes.

"Now we know what, I'll be off now"

I greeted Dylan with a hand gesture of salute and stood up from the couch, the two started laughing and playing with Dylan who probably looked so agitated just by thinking about that double date. My mind wanted to have fun and laugh with them but the work I have at home still is more important and so I think I need to just focus in finishing the things at home before acting all crazy with them.

"Hey! Remember the meeting we will be having at 8! You can't not come" Connor shouted in mids of him still laughing and having fun with Dylan.

"I will remember that don't worry, when did I ever forget?"

I spent the rest of the day trying to get things done with the workpapers I took home, you might believe it or not but at this age I am now handling half of the company shares because of how careless my father is. I hated him for that but I was also thankful because I am showing how capable I am to the board members to inherit the company, sooner or later I know and I can feel that I really am going to be someone greater and not someone like him.

For hours I began to feel so tired and hungry, the time says that it should be 40 minutes before 8 in the evening and I know and very much aware that Connor will kill me if I wouldn't come to his house where our meeting will be held. Since I really am very hungry, I drove towards the cafe in hopes to get some snacks and since I've been craving for doughnuts and churros, I think Connor would also love having them since we usually skip dinner at times when we get super busy.

As I was heading to Connor's house, I took a turn along the cafe however one thing suddenly caught my attention, I had already went past it however I can't help but to stop the car and to think about what I really should do. After a while of thinking, I sighed and looked at the side mirror, there was Lucille walking like a zombie and it wasn't also hard to see that she is crying. She sat on the pavement and continued crying, everyone that passed by kept looking at her and whispering different things.

I don't know what happened to her but I think she would need some help...

My hand held the stirring wheel and so I decided to head back and stop to where she is currently crying like she had just started to feel as if the world fell on her. I got off from the car and stood before her, somehow her head is burried on her arms and legs. She wasn't able to see me or feel that I am here.

"Did anyone hurt you? Is there something wrong?" I asked, my voice seemed shaky in my own opinion as I don't know how to really approach someone who looks unstable as of now.

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