~The Hatred~

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Caesar's P.O.V.

"When are you going to stop this madness of yours?! Aren't you satisfied with me?!"

I was young, probably 6 when I got home and witnessed this scene. The love I thought my parents had that were captured by so many cameras when we attended small and big gatherings, were actually fake and very scripted, now this is their true nature...

"Will you shut your damn mouth?! It's making me very annoyed"

Based from his inntonation and the way he speaks, I knew he came home drunk again after not going home last night. I believed he stayed in the office since he had so many things to do at work, that was my own belief as a kid, but then that doesn't explain the lipstick marks on his collar and on his neck.

"When will you stop coming home drunk?! You know Caesar is-"

"Who told him to wait for me at night?! I told you so many times to stop calling me!"

"That's because I know that you're with your other women! I'm your wife-"

"I married you only for fame and money! Having Caesar is a must for your father's business to continue!"

I was crying, I don't remember being pushed away my this, that my own exsistence was only a lie and everything turned to a mess. The tears and pain I felt slowly turned to anger and hatred, how can this man even call himself a father when all he did is to act like a man who just wanted money.

This isn't my father and he'll never be starting from now on, I will make sure he'll regret hurting my mother and he'll regret looking at me with much arrogance and glare... I will make sure of that...

"If money and fame only what matters to you?"

"You are nothing to me" His cold words sent shivers dwn my spine and in that moment I knew my mother had already slapped the cold blodded bastard.....


The following day I got home and noticed how dark and quiet the house is, I began to think different worse case scenarios, I thought that my mother would leave me here all alone with that bastard making me want to cry right away.

"Mom" I called out to her and ran towards her room, I was praying earnestly, hoping thay she would be there and wouldn't leave me all alone. She was my light, she is the only one I have now and I can't bear to lose her even when I don't have the power to protect her from the monster.

The moment I opened the door of her room I sighed in relief, I saw my mother's figure lying on the bed with the comforter drapped over her waist. Her eyes met mine as she softly smiled and reached over her hand for me, her pale complexion made me worry and I know something is wrong.

"I'm sorry Caesar, mommy wasn't able to play with you today. I was so busy"

"Mommy you're sick" My hands came in contact with her forehead and my eyes widened the moment I realized that she was burning with fever.

"I'm fine, just a few rest and water is enough, it'll make me feel good"

Her voice wavered and I knew she was crying, her eyes were red and puffy as well making me know that maybe that bastard did something to her for her to cry like this so hard.

"You're crying! Were you hurt? Did daddy hurt you again?"

"Caesar, I want you to listen to me okay? Once you grow up promise me one important thing okay?"

"Promise me not to break a girl's heart"

"Promise me not to break her hesrt and shouldn't treat her like a doll, you shouldn't play with her feelings and always treat her words seriously but most importantlt love her no matter what. Give her all your best so she would feel loved and happy"

"I love you Caesar"


With that bastard I grew up wanting to seek revenge, wanting to make him hate his own personality but in the person of me. I started to do what he does, flirting and bedding other girls but most preferrably the daughters of the business men who had a great share in our company.

"What's this Caesar?! Your face is on the news again?!"

The moment I got home it was his face and voice who welcomed me, I was busy looking for my mother in the living room so I moved passed him, letting him feel how unworthy he is to be talked to and awknowldge his prescence. I had been partying this whole night to gether with Connor, I bedded a girl, Athena was her name and she is the daughter of the most richest business man who has a great amount of shares in our company aside from Dylan, Darren and Connor's parents.

"It's not my fault they're following me everywhere I go" I hissed, this caused him to grab me by my collar and started to choke me. I couldn't breathe momentarily but I wouldn't give him the satisfaction of knowing that I am having a hard time, I wouldn't let him hurt my mother so it's okay for him to hurt me.

"Because of you so many shareholders are pulling out from the company-"

"Why blame it on me? Besides you were doing this in the past as well, bedding other girls so just admit it that you are bad in handling the comp-"

His fist smacked me right on my cheek, I got thrown on the floor and with the huge impact I hurted my back but nothing too damaging. He lunged at me and was about to attack me when my mother intervened, she helped me stand up and pushed me behind her, protecting me from the monster he is.

"Stop it Randy!" I wasn't able to see the bastard's reaction when my mother talked to him, I was trying hard not to wince with all the bruises on my back and cheek which is now probably bleeding. All of a sudden I found him walking away from us, with my mother tending to my care.

"Are you okay? Were you hurt?"

Her eyes softened and was full of tears, she tried to wipe away the blood on my cheek and check my body for any bruises. Mother had always been a happy go lucky woman, she was alwats smiling brightly whenever she looks at me but everything changed when I found out what really happened between her and my father.

"Leave him mom" Her eyed widened and her whole body froze, she stared at me with unshed tears in her eyes and slowly caressed my cheek.

"I love him"

"How can you love a monster?!" I began to thrash and get angry at her answer.

Yes, I know my mother is a lovely person, she is kind and loves all people around her... but with this someone took advantage of her, they all tricked her and treated her as if she's nothing. I would've wanted her to marry a different man than to stay with this bastagrd who did nothing but to treat her like nothing...

"Love is powerful, I know one day your father will realize my worth in him"

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