~The Worry~

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Lucille's P.O.V.

"What do you mean she's missing? I felt her while she was sleeping in our room"

The most shocking news came to me the moment I came to the dinning room with Darren, Connor and Caesar. They told me that Scarlet had been missing alongside with Dylan who came to help Darren in looking for Scarlet earlier. I just left her for a moment in our room so I could hopefully cook dinner but then when I came back I found out that she's actually gone? What the heck happened?

"Apparently these 2 girls told her that you actually went out to take a picture outside when infact you did not. Scarlet went out to look for you" Darren spoke with hatred as he glared at the two girls who came with us today, i'm sure they just asked Scarlet to let them come because they wanted to be with the boys. There's no way Scarlet will be friends with them even if she's friendly.

"Then let's go and look for her, it's been almost half an hour yet she'd still not here"

"We can't just go out, there's a hail storm outside Lucille. We can't just rescue her it'll be too dangerous for everyone" Caesar answered me, I was trembling all over and unshed tears were already blurring my eyes... I don't know what to do...

"Plus Dylan is also there, I'm sure he'll do everything he can to find Scarlet. He'll protect her, we all know he'll do" Connor comforted me, giving me a small smile in hope that maybe I would be able to feel fine.

"But we can't just let her go alone, she might die due to frostbite. We have to do something"

"We already called the cops, they're going to conduct a manhunt operation but they won't be arriving here until the hail storm stops" I looked at Caesar deadpanned... why tomorrow? For all we know... God forbid..  they might both be dead by tomorrow...

"Can't they do it tonight? Why do they need to do it tomorrow? Scarlet and Dylan might be in danger now"

"We can't do anything Lucille, let the cops handle them. We've already done our part so we just need to wait" Darren turned his head to me, giving me an apologetic look... I know we all can't do anything...

But I can't help but to blame myself... if only I stayed by her side... if only I didn't leave... if only I didn't choose to be selfish and to spend some time with the boys... then Scarlet would've been here, having dinner with us as we share happy laughters instead of a sad night...

"This is all my fault, I shouldn't have left her all alone in our room. I shouldn't have come with you, if I didn't then Scarlet would still be here"

"Don't blame yourself Lucille, you did not want this to happen. None of us wanted this-"

I was crying by now, all the guilty feelings came to me, I was blaming myself for what happened. Then all of a sudden I felt myself being in someone's arms, I looked up to see who he was but my eyes were filled with tears so it ws blurry. The only thing which made me recognize who he is is by his masculine scent, the one his perfume gives, one that I've familiarized myself with since we've been getting closer in the past.

Caesar envelopes me in a hug as I continued to bawl my eyes out, I sniffed which made me feel embarrassed but I couldn't help it... I couldn't breathe properly with the mucus I have... I didn't wrap my arms around him but instead placed my hand on my cheek and mouth to prevent my tears from soaking his shirt... I don't have money to buy him branded clothes...

But I admit, it felt so warm and comfortable being in his arms. Probably because I feel so close with him now... maybe because I know how friendly and kind he can be, someone I can greatly trust...

"The real ones to blame were these 2 girls who gave her the wrong information about you heading out. You both know how dangerous is it outside and yet you told her that Lucille was there?" Darren's voice raised once again, good thing the girls were seated o the opposite side of the table or else Darren would've hurted them already. He looks like a lion getting ready to kill his prey...

"If something bad happens to Scarlet and Dylan you won't like me one bit"

I gasped in shock when Darren suddenly spilled the wine he has on the other girls, I didn't know Darren has this wild and angry side. Based on Scarlet's stories I know him as the most gentle person in the world... but he's actually a bit scary.

"You should take Lucille to her room Caesar, she needs to rest" Connor spoke to his best friend, giving him the look to get me back to my room.

"I don't want to go, I need to know what's happening to Scarlet. I really wouldn't be able to sleep"

"You should take a rest, you worrying over this matter wouldn't help us in finding Scarlet and Dylan" Darren talked to me this time, I don't understand why they don't want me to stay here. Why do I need to get back to my room and sleep when I need to worry about Scarlet's welfare? It'll be really unfair for her...


"Let's head to your room" Caesar spoke softly, grabbing my wrist gently and looking directly in my eyes. It's almost as if he's having a conversation with me, it's almost as if he's telling me to just follow whatever he wants because he knows the best for me.

My heart thumped, beated like never before, why whole body felt controlled and so the only thing I was able to do was to just follow where he's going to take me. He slowly assisted me to the hallway, making sure that I wouldn't miss a step before he opens the door.

I immediately plopped on the bed and rested my back on the headboard, I took tissues immediately and started crying again... my friend... my best friend is missing...

"Why are you looking at me like that? Do I look weird to you?" From the coner of my eyes I saw this man at the door looking at me with a smile... is he making fun of me while I cry?!

"You look cute actually"

My jaw almost dropped... was that a pick up line or a serious answer to my question?...

"A crying woman appears cute to you? You are something Mr. Caesar Wu"

"Well I didn't mean to upset you, it is what I've observed" He smiled, showing thay billiom dollar fainting smile... he's a really good looking man...

"Do you think Dylan is with Scarlet now? Do you think they're both safe?"

"Knowing Dylan, shed probably doing his best to find Scarlet, he'll do everything until he does and I'm sure he's going to take care of her no matter how much they fight. Dylan cares for Scarlet, he may just keep denying it but we, his friends can see the way, the true meaning behind his annoyed look whenever he stares at her"

"I can't sleep, I couldn't sleep especially with what happened to Scarlet. I feel guilty and should be held liable since I was the reason why she went out and got stuck there"

"If only the two girls downstairs became honest then this wouldn't have happened. Scarlet wouldn't go out if they told her that you are in the cellar with me. So don't blame yourself because if you do then I'll feel guilty for bringing you to the cellar"

"It's not your fault, I just wanted to see the cellar as well" I explained, slowly playing with my fingers due to embarrassment... I didn't think he'll get a bit offended with what I said.

"Then that's my answer, sometimes we don't have to blame ourselves for being the reason why someone is placed in danger. You didn't want this to happen to her"

"You should go and sleep now, I'm going to wake you up and inform you first hand if we receive any news about them"

"Thank you so much" I muttered with a small smile.

Never had I been this close with a guy, it's actually my first time to do so, Richard is the closetest male friend of Scarlet but we're not that close. Now even if Scarlet keeps trying to separate me from Caesar, I know that his intentions to me were all good, he took care of me by far and there's no harm inflicted. Even if he looks like the bad playboy outside because of his handsomeness, I know how soft and kind he is in the inside... something that makes me like him even more...

"Rest well, goodnight" He smiled before he turned the lamp off, I thought he was going to go out of the room but instead he just stayed by my side and watched me as I sleep...

I Miss You, I'm Going Crazy (Meteor Rain # 3)Where stories live. Discover now