~The First Glimpse~

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Caesar's P.O.V.

The whole week at the university was really hectic, due to the problems that arises, particulary Dylan's fondness over a lame girl named Scarlet. Those two bickers like kids and cats and dogs... well cats and dogs are more friendly than those two, they look like they're going to kill each other without letting any moment pass but then in a second they're flirting with each other...

Anyway as I was saying those two, especially Dylan called us everyday just so we could see how they embarrass each other like kids. There was a time when Dylan wore her shoes, due to his big foot he cut the end of the shoes and walked around in the morning just so he could tease her. Due to that my work got very neglected and so during the weekend, I have to handle them, to get so many calls and emails to read at once.

"I'll meet you tomorrow" I dropped the call and sighed tiredly, that was our 27th client and had wanted to check about the business and the investments they made.

My eyes were already hurting and my hands were so numb while typing for 5 hours straight starting from 7 in the morning up to 12 in the afternoon. I was multitasking, answering all the calls using an ear piece while also sending emails to check on the inverstors that are in other countries...

I never knew Dylan can cause this so much problem in just one day... next time I won't really come for him unless he needed my help or when he's calling me about business, I'll let him suffer for love alone...

The door opened from my office room and Darren appeared, I looked at my computer and saw no message from him nor even in my phone. I wasn't even properly dressed, just something comfortable as I planned to sleep right after, refusing to join the other playboy for fun since I had to handle some business matters.

"Why do I owe the visit?" I asked with my eyebrows raised, this is the first time Darren came to my house without any warnings or any specific reasons to do so.

"Let's go out" He announced brazen all of a sudden, I was surprised, to see him suddenly doing something he doesn't do in the past. He never asked us to go ouside with him so this is something which bothered me as well.

"That's a first Darren, is there something wrong?"

"I just wanted to talk to you regarding something" And this something he's saying seems to be very serious for him to come talk to me in my house as well. I wonder what it could be...

"Why not Connor? Both of you are close right? For sure he can answer your questions" I muttered out.

Between the 4 of us it had always been Darren and Connor who are close to each other while Dylan and I hung out everyday. The only reason why I hang out with Connor is because we both like to play, specifically with girls, but when it comes to friendship Dylan and I have our own world while the other two also have theirs.

"He's busy with some girl and I figured out you're not"

Well that was true, I don't have time for girls when I needed to be serious, besides none of then are clingly s they know that I just flirt and no serious relationship. Once I'm done getting to know them then that's the end.

But scanning him... if Connor is busy, then that means this topic we're about to talk about is about someone, if Connor isn't busy then he would've gone to him, but he's busy so he came to me... Dylan? So he's not planning to tell or even just go to Dylan? Is Dylan out topic?

"This is about Dylan isn't it? Because if it's not about him then that means you should've come to him and talked"

"Your house feels uncomfortable, let's go somwhere" There goes him changing the topic, his eyes travelled somewhere around the room but never turned to look at me, he really isn't a smooth talker but let's see what he's got.

"You're really something Darren, but sure let's go out but be sure to tell me what you really have in mind"

True to my word, I took the boy out for a walk in the mall, it's been a while since the both of us, only the two of us went somewhere very open, I remember Darren and I went out one time and we had so much fun because Connor and Dylan were busy in the past. This is our second time coming here without any serious reasons, I just really had to take him here so he could open up.

Well I did make my promise come true but Darren never did...

"Darren, we've been walking around the mall for hours and yet you have never mentioned anything even once" I muttered, my legs already wants to gave up but Darren keeps walking non stop.

"Let's go grab some drinks first, I'm getting thirsty"

"Welcome!" The two girls... wait, Scarlet is here? She's working here?

Darren walked towards the counter and slowly tried to order something while looking at the menu, I wanted to ask him what he's planning to buy but my attention solwy focused on the happily smiling Scarlet as she admires Darren before her.

"So this is where you work during the weekends, how hard working Ms. Flying kick"

"Please order what you want" Scarlet turned to me as she rolls her eyes... seriously one more indifferent treat for me I would think that she likes Darren...

Oh well, I'll just focus on this cute girls beside her, she looks friendly and it seems like she's Scarlet's friend. They were really chatting happily earlier before we walk inside.

"Hi Ms. Milk tea" The blush on her cheek didn't get unnoticed by me, seems like this girl is the opposite of her friend. She seems more soft than Scarlet.

"I'll have 2 drinks, the bestseller ones"

"I don't remember you liking milk teas" I commented, quite amused at his sudden change... did he just brought me here knowing that Scarlet is working here?

"Well this milk teas have interesting names"

Now he's acting more weird and very confusing...

"Here you go"

They way she smiles as she handed the drinks to Darren didn't get unknown to me, I can see her eyes shinning, sparkling I can say as well. It's almost as if her eyes only sparkled for the person she likes and then turned to a pit fire whenever she stares at strangers or someone she doesn't like, those pit fire eyes bore to mine earlier...

Then could it that Dylan like Scarlet but Scarlet likes Darren? This is going to be a very long story I can say...

Darren took the two drinks and placed them on the table he picked, it was quite far from the counter and quite very secluded. I think Darren picked it here so we could talk without risking anyone to hear it, besides it seems like we are just the only customers they have today.

"Scarlet is one hardworking, she even has work at weekends"

"I think Dylan likes Scarlet" Darren finally spoke what he has in mind, so it is trully about Dylan, his inferences about the way he walks and moves then added something as well.

"Honestly Dylan is quite pretty easy to read, it's just that he's trying to lie to himself by trying to bully her when in fact he just wanted to get her attention"

"But seriously Darren, with the way she looks at you I can feel that she likes you and not Dylan"

Darren and I turned to where Scarlet stood, she was busy chatting and blushing with her friend who looks quite cute... but clearly not my type...

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