~The Training Session~

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Lucille's P.O.V.

"Lucille- Why are you dressed like that? Are you going somewhere?" Mother entered my room, trying to check on me, now she was so surprised to see me wearing a dress.

"I need to help Scarlet regarding something, I'll come back later around evening mom"

I got a call from Caesar last night, he told me that he needed my help regarding Scarlet's small make over so she can be presented to Dylan's mother. I agreed on Caesar's request and now this is what happened to me...

"Are you sure it's about Scarlet? Because from the way I can see it I think it's a date" I stopped combing my hair for a minute and turned to my mother with a small glare, she's trying to tease me right now.

"Mom why would I date? I still have no boyfriend, plus there's no man who impressed me just like dad impressed you"

"Alright then, can you tell me who that man in the living room is? He's waiting for you for 10 minutes now"

My eyes widened as I hurriedly combed my hair, I rushed downstairs and found Caesar sitting on the couch while having a small chat with father. They look like they were having a very deep conversation, they have serious faces on and to me it looks like dad was getting to know him as if he is my suitor. With that throught I hurriedly came downstairs, luckily I didn't come tumbling down the stairs nor missing any step as well.

Dad and Caesar looked surprised, they both stood up from the couch and eyed me... I just gave them a small smile and walked closer to them. My heart was thumping, I was so nervous of how I look as I immediately hurried here without checking my look. I hope I still look presentable even if I am in distress...

"You look pretty, cute as well"

"Thank you, how long have you been here? You could've called me, sorry I was late" I sighed in relief when he told me that I am still presentable.

"It's okay at least I had a small chitchat with your father, may I sir?" He turned to my father, looking very serious as he asked permission for him to come near me and to touch my hand.

Dad surely had THE TALK with Caesar... I need to squeeze some informations from dad tonight.

"Go ahead, I'll also excuse myself so you can have my daughter. But bring her back before 10, she needs to be home"

I rolled my eyes, dad becomes very

"I will do that sir, I will take care of her"

"I'm really sorry, I woke up quite late. I didn't know you'll come here this early"

"It doesn't matter, I like to surprise people and I did it to you. Anyway, are you ready for what we are going to do today?"

"I'm nervous, I didn't know being Dylan Wang's girlfriend needs so much glitz and glamour. I think Scarlet will get angry at us if we try to change her overall look, but at the sams time if we don't then Dylan's mother is the one getting angry"

"There's two sides we need to consider, it'll be harder than I thought"

"Is Dylan's mother really that bad? I mean she can get all arrogant and classy but is she really like the dragon you are telling me? Like getting really angry without no reason?"

"She can be scary but let's see this time"

Caesar drove in silence as I just looked at my surroundings, we arrived at Dylan's house, it never fail to amaze me even if it's my second time coming here. Caesar parked the car and helped me get out of the car, Scarlet and the rest of the boys are waiting for us, they look like princess dressed in suits, they probably had a talk or a meeting in their company earlier.

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