"You're leaving?" I ask Aisha. "Why are you leaving all of a sudden? Are you coming back afterwards?"

Aisha lowers her head," I-I just need to go somewhere." A bright magic circle forms beneath her." You better move unless you want to be burned to a crisp, Elsword!"

Elsword takes a quick step forward as Aisha was about to launch an attack, he quickly grabs hold of Aisha's staff - I can see him wince upon contact with weapon.

"What are you doing?!" Aisha pulls her staff away from his grip. In an instant the magic circle disappears, her staff dissolving into glowing particles of light.

"Are you insane!?" She takes hold of his hand," idiot, you burned your hand."

I perk my head up to see his injury. I couldn't help but frown at his tomato red hand, few blisters can be seen forming on his palm. Raven simply shakes his head at Elsword's decision.

"Yes I'm an idiot." Elsword acknowledged shakily - he slowly slides his hand from Aisha's grip. "But as the leader of this party I won't let any of my team mates wander out alone - never again will I allow that."

Aisha's eyes widen at his statement, her bottom lip begins to tremble," Elsword..." She hurriedly wipes her eyes. "I'm sorry." At the corner of my eye I can see Raven stiffening up, I wonder what has gotten into everybody.

"What's going on?" I glance back to see Chung lazily walking down the stairs, Eve followed shortly after.

"I-I was trying to leave," Aisha began with looking back. "Elsword caught me in time and stopped me from going."

Hurt flashes through Chung's eyes, looking down he replied," travelling in the dark is stupid, Aisha. I thought you knew better."

"I know, I'm sorry for waking everyone."

"You should've also known better than to leave by yourself." Raven adds on quietly. Aisha simply responds with a small nod.

Eve clears her voice loudly," seeing how we are all up, how about we start the day early? I'll make us some coffee and Elsword can help with breakfast." She suggests. "We may discuss of this matter further after we have all eaten."

"Thanks, Eve." Elsword smiles warmly at the Nasod.

I sat in silence as everyone began shuffling around, some returned to their room to get dressed for the day while others went to the living room to play the usual video game. No one addressed the event that just took place, they continued on like nothing ever happened.

I wonder why everyone is so worked up over Aisha's leaving. Sure this event came as a surprise but I don't see the need to be so worked up over it. Perhaps the bond between this group is just very strong - a sudden leaving will upset the rest.

Elsword: Yin Yang (Under Major Revision)Where stories live. Discover now