Tattoo || epilogue

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[ Epilogue ]

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[ Epilogue ]

It felt so surreal.

Oh lord.

You left him breathless.

And he made you feel so many emotions at once.

But it was almost as if, time had stopped.

You wanted to run into his arms, he wanted to run into yours.

But neither moved.

Both of you were numb and stuck at your spot, as a deluge of tears flowed from each pair of eyes. Only a million questions and thoughts flashed through your minds.

Jimin didn't want to say anything that would make it hard for you. You didn't want to either.

You look so beautiful, love. He thought.

Your rose gold gown, different from others. Your uniqueness captured his heart once again. He also noticed your new tattoo, the one on your left thigh.

The same one which you designed, when he first entered your studio.

When he was so obsessed with your passion and desired you.

But as time passed, it changed

changed to love.

He was in love.

Yet, it was a shame he couldn't do anything about it. He failed you, hurt you, and left you.

But all you could think was,

will I ever get him back?

A question whose answer can be found as time passes by.

No words were exchanged. You forgot about every pain ever caused as you focused on him. Only him.

Why can't I have you?

Do you still hate me like you did before?

I hope not.

I want you so bad.

You heard about how he and Eunji were spotted going out. But you knew one thing for sure.

That his tears were for you, and only you.

Your lips broke into a small smile as your shoulders relaxed. His eyes softened and he exhaled sharply.

I missed you. You both thought at once.

And as all thoughts exhausted and tears dried, you both came to hoped that you would never cross paths again. Not wanting to cause the each other pain.

But fate planned otherwise.


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