(Bonus): Azrexel

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L01: Azrexel

The L01 aka Azrexel

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The L01 aka Azrexel. The only person that is known to be able to pilot this gear is (Y/n) Nexstar. Aiba did manage to pilot Azrexel once but had extreme difficulty and the only reason she was able was due to her being made based on (Y/n)'s brain waves.

After many years alone with his own thoughts, the L01 was finally discovered by (Y/n), who not only repaired him but made the link system actually work, and all-around made him better. Grateful, he allowed (Y/n) to pilot him so he could save his beloved Tifa. Once he linked up with (Y/n), Azrexel understood him slightly more and realized that he might be a way to satisfy his hunger for fighting.

But as Azrexel's fighting desire rubbed off on (Y/n), so did a little part of him rub off on Azrexel.

(Y/n) never saw Azrexel just as a project. He would talk to him, actively avoid getting him damage and if he did, would get mad and would always focus on repairing and bettering Azrexel. This created a bond between the two.

Azrexel in his base form has no special ability like his siblings do, however, his Link system is far superior to all others due to (Y/n) taking his time in making it so.

Azrexel personality-wise, before he met (Y/n), was uncaring for almost everything. He only cared about fighting and winning by any means.

Azrexel hated being controlled, that's why he would always go berserk if his pilot did something he didn't like or would go berserk due to the link system flaw. He used to desire to be able to move completely on his own like Omega.

When (Y/n) came along he mellowed out a bit. Having a taste of what it's like to fight with the link system as it's supposed to work along with a partner who cared about him, Azrexel became "cooler".

Azrexel became protective towards his pilot, and to does he cared about, but had the same Fight and win at any cost attitude towards anyone else in his and (Y/n)'s way.

His relationship with his siblings is... Strained. Azrexel, for the most part, wants to beat them all up due to him believing that they all got to be used while he was stuck under a mountain, stripped of his armor with little hope of actually getting to move again.

But once he beat up all his siblings he felt better.

Azrexel's relationship with Aiba is *redacted*.

L01: Azrexel (flight unit)

L01: Azrexel (flight unit)

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