There is love: part 2

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3rd person POV:

As the sun rose up to signify a new day, two lovers woke up in a bed.

Covered only by the blanket they shared, Jen and Kanzaki, the right-hand women of there respected sides, woke up to see the other beside them.

They smiled at each other.

Jen:(smiles) That was a long time coming.

Kanzaki: (smiles) Yes it was.

Kanzaki: Sadly for me, today isn't the day where I get to spend time with you.

Jen: True...

Kanzaki: Is something wrong?

Jen: Of course not.


Kanzaki then rolled Jen on top of her. Jen was now on Kanzaki as she held her.

Kanzaki: You can't hide something from me. We're alone, you can show emotion to me, you don't have to act like a Gear.

Jen: I'm... Concern...

Kanzaki: Has the Knight of nights finally found something she is afraid of?

Jen: Be quiet... I'm afraid of nothing.

Kanzaki: Except for your own child.

Jen: I-i'm not afraid of him.

Kanzaki: You stuttered. What has ever made you stuttered?

Jen: I'm... Concerned...

Kanzaki: about...?

Jen: What if he hates me...?

Kanzaki: You saw him yesterday. Did he say that?

Jen: No.

Kanzaki: Then stop making excuses. You ran once and slowly broke your own heart. All you have to do to feel better is to face him.

Jen:... I know.

Kanzaki: Good. Now get off, you have to get ready soon, and the sooner you make amends the sooner I can see my stepson. I haven't seen him since he was a baby.

TIMESKIP brought to you by (Y/n) making modifications Azrexel.

(Y/n) was on his way to a small restaurant that his mother had asked him to meet up with her there.

Beside him was Tifa and Aiba, who currently wasn't projecting her hard light body.

(Y/n): Why are you two here?

Tifa: To make sure everything goes smoothly.

Aiba: You might say something to hurt her, so we'll stop you if you do that, sir.

(Y/n): Why are you worried about her? She's the one that could have ulterior motives.

Aiba: There is a nearly zero percent chance she knows your Gear escapades.

Tifa: If she really wants to reconnect then you should give her a chance.

(Y/n):(sigh) Sure, whatever...

Arriving at the small restaurant. It was more similar to a dinner, but that didn't matter.

(Y/n) took a seat at one of the booths near next to the window as Tifa and Aiba went to the booth behind him.

The booths had large couch like chairs that were tall enough to hide the people behind you, which benefited Tifa and Aiba.

Eventually, Jen arrived along with Kanzaki who was wearing a hood to disguise herself since she was a criminal.

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