Setting up for the path to Mars

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3rd person POV:

(Part 1: The new Queens of Trudian)

(Y/n) and Gaze left Marcus's office as his sisters entered the room.

Gaze left to go talk to someone, as Jen and her son (Y/n) went to discuss their situation.

Marcus: You now know. I hope you can forgive me.

Venus: Forget about that, you're not going to Mars.

Marcus: I promised to do whatever Nexstar wanted if he won, and he did.

Elizabeth: You also promised not to tell us about the war. Just break that one too.

Marcus: I didn't break the promise. I didn't tell you about the war, but you all just so happened to listen in while I was explaining it.

Marcus: Besides, I want to go.

Venus: Then who is going to keep the kingdom safe?

Marcus: You six are.

Livy: What...?

Marcus: Please, do me this favor, and take charge of the kingdom while I and mother are away.

Marcus: I know I might be leaving you with dirty work, but I know the six of you together can turn it around.

Marcus: Jen will help guide you if needed.

Gretel: Why us?

Marcus: In case something happens to me or worse mother... Then it'll be up to you all to rule the kingdom.

Venus: Why are you talking like you may not come back.

Marcus: Because there is a chance I won't and you need to be prepared for-

Sisters: No!

Marcus: what?

Elizabeth: Listen here, you moron! We ain't going to shit if you don't come back!

Venus: Exactly. We'll only do this if you promise to come back alive.


Marcus: I sware on my pride that I will return.

Gulana: We will hold you to that.

Marcus: I know.

The siblings embrace each other in a hug.

(Part 1 end)

(Part 2: The more the marrier)

A week has gone by, Gaze, (Y/n) and his gang have moved to the castle temporarily to help with the preparation with the Mars mission.

(Y/n) was designing new Gears for Gaze and Marcus to replace the ones he destroyed.

He also had access to the Trudian resources which he happily used to upgrade Azrexel.

Aiba was learning more about the Box with Futaba. What they found out was that the Box was more of a portable lab/garage meant for Gear building and testing.

It had two gear hangers, along with the original part (Y/n) found Azrexel in, which he renamed the Repair box, the ship could hold at most 13 Gears.

Aiba also discovered that the ship doesn't require a crew to keep it in shape, it had microbots that took care of maintenance.

(Y/n) was currently working on with Marcus what supplies.

Marcus: You seem to be working on quite the large weapon I see.

(Y/n): The Box doesn't have any weapons, only defensive options. In case we find ourselves against a few warships.

Marcus: It's quite large, it's filled one of the hangers.

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