Survival: part 1

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3rd person POV:

(3 days until the union meeting)

Marcus woke up to the bright light of the sun. Shutting his eyes to allow them to get used to the light at their own pace.

He turns his head to the side, opening his eyes to see the remains of his gear, the S.I.N.E.D Pride. He wasn't much of a tech guy, however, he could tell it was beyond repair.

Anna: You're awake.

The gentle tone mixed with relief and surprise immediately gained the attention of the prince.

Marcus slowly attempted to get up, but when he felt a sudden shock of pain in his left leg, he was forced to stop.

Anna: Don't try to get up. I think you might have broken a leg.

Marcus: I've noticed...

He lays down and looks up towards the sky. The memories of how he got here slowly came back to him.

Marcus:(mind) Gaze...

Marcus: What happened?

Anna: After the satellite blew up, we were sent flying into Mars. Now we're here. Your cog got the short end of the stick when it came to landing.

Anna: I had to pull you out of it.

Marcus was angry that she dragged him away and left Gaze, but the more he thought about it, the more he couldn't bring himself to hate her.

Marcus:... Thank you.

Anna: It was nothing.

Marcus; A humble one, I see.

Meanwhile with (Y/n).

He was flying towards the coordinates he was given by Leonardo.

With having to carry Rexa, he was slowed down considerably, but it was somewhat a good thing.

If (Y/n) arrived early, he would have to fight constantly until the meeting.

(Y/n): Three days... We've done worse.





(Y/n): We're in the final stretch. Getting through this, and we can... Do something...

(Y/n): Best not to focus too much on what we'll do in the future, it'll just distract us.




(Y/n): That's what we'll do, we'll get you a freaking voice so I don't look like I'm insane.

(Y/n): That's actually the same reason I built Aiba, I kept talking to my tech.


(Y/n): Aiba...


(Y/n): Tch!

Several gears were flying after Azrexel.

Several gears were flying after Azrexel

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