The appetite of Glutteny: part 2

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3rd person POV:

(Y/n) and Tifa were sitting on a bench near a few cherry blossoms trees that Sakura city was known for.

They were enjoying lunch together as friends. (Y/n) had gotten a chicken sandwich and Tifa a beef sandwich.

The meat in the sandwiches was not from animals but was made artificially, the nutrients were basically the same so it made no difference, besides normal farm animals are extremely rare in the current day and age.

(Y/n):(takes bite of sandwich)

Tifa:(Takes a bite of sandwich)



(Y/n): Why are we here?

Tifa: We're here to eat lunch, genius.

(Y/n): Why are we outside and specifically here? We could eat at the lab.

Tifa: You need to go outside every now and again, you can't just work none stop in the box.

(Y/n): I wish I could...

Tifa: (sigh)... Once you find something that interests you, you work none stop to the point it's a hazard to your health.

(Y/n): Well I don't need to worry about my health that much.

Tifa: Why is that?

(Y/n): I have you and now Aiba to make sure I'm okay. Without you and Aiba, I'd probably work myself to death. So thanks.

Tifa:(smiles)... No problem.

(Y/n): Enough sappy talk, let's finish our-

He then notices that Tifa had already finished her lunch.

(Y/n): Lunch...

(Y/n):(mind) Where does she put it all?

His eyes drifted to Tifa's chest area.

Tifa: What are you looking at?

(Y/n): Nothing...

Tifa: Oh really?

(Y/n): Yes, I was just lost in thought, that's all...

Tifa: What were you thinking about?

(Y/n): I was... Thinking about... How... Nice, you are.


(Y/n): Please don't hit me.

TIMESKIP brought to you by Tifa poking (Y/n)'s eyes.

(Y/n) and Tifa entered the box to see Aiba waiting for them.

Tifa: Hey Aiba.

Aiba; Hello Tifa.

(Y/n): You've been waiting for us?

Aiba: Yes, I believe I finally found something new after days of trying to translate this computer.

(Y/n): What did you find?

Aiba then pulls up an image on the computer. (Y/n) scanned over the image with his eyes, and figured out that the image was some kind of blueprint for some kind of flight pack for Azrexel.

(Y/n): Cool, maybe with that, I could deal with that Green day Gear much better.

Tifa: I don't think we have space for it here in the box right now.

(Y/n): I'll figure something out. Once I figure out how to build this thing in here...

(Y/n): Whatever, it'll work out in the end. Tifa, do you have any leads on something me and Azrexel can deal with?

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