Fall of Pride

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3rd person POV:

After witnessing the fall of the Box, and not knowing the condition of (Y/n), Aiba, and Rexa, they did not have much choice but to attack the satellite.

They knew that it needed to charge up before firing again, so this was there best chance of taking or destroying it.

Gaze, Marcus, and Daniel were discussing their plan of attack in private.

Gaze: We don't have much time. We need to discuss how we're going to deal with the satellite.

Daniel: The Queen wants us to steal it.

Gaze: That was before we knew it worked and was fully operational. The only reason they haven't shot us is probably that they need to recharge the damn thing.

Gaze: We need to destroy or at the very least, severely damage it.

Marcus: The queen wants it captured then we have to do it.

Gaze: I get it, you want to impress her, but this isn't the time.

Daniel: He makes a point, the satellite is probably surrounded by enemies trying to guard it. Capturing it won't be easy.

Marcus: If there's anything we can learn from (Y/n), it's that the improbable can be done if you put your mind to it.

Gaze: That's all you got?

Gaze: We need to-

Queen: Need to what?

The Queen walks in on their conversation.

Marcus: We need to get going immediately. If we don't, the entire fleet might be in danger.

Queen: Are you going?

Marcus: Of course.

Queen:... Fine then. Tell me what you need and I'll make sure you get it.

Marcus: In that case, I'd like to have a few soldiers go out and draw the attention of the gears protecting the satellite. That way the three of us can go out and deal with it.

Queen: Good plan. I'll have the soldier go out immediately.

She then walks away, with urgency in each step.

Gaze: What the stardust Marcus?

Marcus: This is the plan, we'll try to take it and if we're unable to do so before it is ready to fire again, we'll destroy it.



Gaze: Are you sure?

Marcus: With the Trudian fleet backing us up we can do this.

Gaze: Let's get this over with.

Marcus: I'll meet you two outside.

The three then separated to enter their gears.

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