Cliffhanger: part 1

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3rd person POV:

A few days have passed since (Y/n) made his debut with Azrexel. People began to speculate on who this red gear pilot is and what they wanted.

Some of the rumors say the red gear is some kind of government experiment gone rogue, others say the red gear is here to change this world for the better, and some crazy guy said the red gear is an alien from space.

Ridiculous theories aside, (Y/n) used his lab to create a tech repair shop. It was slightly outside the main section of the city so the business itself was so and so, but it was an easy way to make a little money while gaining some parts from machines he repaired in a way that would make people not miss the parts he took.

Tifa technically worked for (Y/n), but she mainly focused on finding him another place to help out that needed (Y/n)'s Azrexel touch.

(Y/n): Done!

Tifa: And what did you do this time?

(Y/n): I've atomized the business up here in the lab, so we can chill down in the hanger.

Tifa: Yeah... Because there is so much business going on you need it to be automatic.

(Y/n): It's call planning ahead. What are we going to do when we're down there and we have a customer, huh?

Tifa: You have a point. Hey? Why haven't you named the hanger yet?

(Y/n): Because... I forgot.

Tifa:(chuckles) of course you did.

(Y/n): if you want a name, then it'll be... The box!

Tifa: The box?

(Y/n): This way we can talk in public about it, no one will be the wiser.

Tifa: Fine. The box it is.

(Y/n) and Tifa was now under the lab, in the box. (Y/n) went to checkup on Aiba and her progress in translating the computers.

Tifa was on her handheld computer of her own, looking up something.

(Y/n): So how is the work on the computer?

Aiba: It's a long grueling process, filled with pain and suffering.

(Y/n): Aiba, stop describing what life is and tell me, have you found something?

Aiba: Other than the plasma rifle, nothing yet.

(Y/n): Plasma rifle is old news... I guess I'll just start work on that winged thing on the ceiling.

Aiba: Too late, I already called dibs on it.

(Y/n): What? When?

Aiba: Just now.

(Y/n): Tch...

Aiba: I need a break now and then. That invention will do nicely.

(Y/n): Fine... But what am I supposed to do then?

Aiba: You can build me a humanoid body.

(Y/n): I'll get to it, eventually. I'm not in the mood to do that now.

Tifa: How about you let me take Azrexel for a joyride?

Tifa walked into the conversation.

(Y/n): That's not really the best of ideas...

Tifa: Why? Scared that I'll scratch it?

(Y/n): It's him. And that's not the reason.

Aiba: Azrexel uses a wireless neuro link system to link up to the pilot. It's currently calibrated to (Y/n) right now.

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