Harry nodded, looking down in embarrassment. "Sorry."

"Don't be sorry love, come 'ere." Louis pulled him in, Harry burying his head in the crook of his neck.

"You smell nice." Harry mumbled.

"Thank you." Louis chuckled, "so do you. How about we go inside, yeah?"

"Yeah. I might go to bed."

"Really? It's early."

"I know, but 'm tired."

Louis nodded, "let's get you to bed then."

Harry yawned, rubbing his eyes before standing up. They walked back into the bus, Harry keeping his gaze off of Eleanor.

"Do you want a cup of tea Haz?" Louis asks from the kitchen.

"Um, only if you're making one for yourself."

"Yeah, go and get ready for bed and I'll bring it to you."

"Thank you." Harry gave him a soft smile, trudging into the bedroom.

"So, you and Lou are friends again?" Liam and Niall followed him into the bedroom.

"Yeah, he kept apologising and I forgive him. He didn't mean to say those things he was just angry."

Liam nodded. "Well I'm glad he realised what a dick he was being."

"Um if you don't mind I'm going to get ready for bed."


Harry picked up his pyjamas, walking into the bathroom.


"Here you go Haz." Louis gave him the tea with a smile.

"Thank you."

"Babe, can we-"

"Not now Els, sorry but I'm talking to Harry."

"Ugh ok."

"Um you can go and spend time with her if you want. I don't want to take up your time."

"No, no. Don't worry. She wants to watch a film but we can watch that in a minute."


"You should go to sleep, you look tired."

Harry nodded, setting the empty cup down on the floor next to him.

"You drunk that fast." Louis commented, Harry giving a small laugh in reply.

He lay down, drawing the duvet up to his chin.

"Goodnight H."

"Night Boo." He yawned, burying his head in the pillow and curling up.

Louis smiled at the adorable sight before turning off the light and leaving the room.

Louis sat down next to Eleanor and the rest of the boys, letting out a yawn.

"Are you tired baby?" Eleanor rubbed his thigh, pressing a kiss to his temple.

"Just a little." He replied, "let's put the film on."


"Louis?" Eleanor chirped from the sofa as he stood, making breakfast.


"Can we have a look around?"

"Only if Harry can come. I was horrible to him yesterday and I want to make it up."

"Ugh does he have to?"

"Yes." Just then Harry walked out, giving Louis a soft smile. "Hey Haz, I made extra food, here."

"Oh, thank you but 'm not hungry."

"No, eat it. I haven't seen you eat in a while. Are you eating properly?"

"Yeah, yeah I'm eating fine." Harry took the bowl, sitting down at the table.

"Me and Els-"

"Els and I." Harry muttered, "sorry." He smiled sheepishly at Louis.

"Freak." Eleanor spat, Louis not hearing.

"Els and I are going to look around today, do you want to come?"

"Um I don't want to intrude..."

"Good, see, he doesn't even want to come."

"That's because you're putting him off." Louis glared. "Come on, we can get the other boys to come if you want?"

"I don't know, I just..." He let out a sigh, "it'll be awkward if I'm just there with you two but I don't want to intrude."

"How about we just get Niall to come?"

"Ok. Sorry."

"Don't be sorry. Ah, speaking of the devil. Niall, you're coming with Harry, Eleanor and I."

"Huh? Why are me and Eleanor third wheeling you two?"

Harry blushed, Eleanor furrowing her eyebrows, "what do you mean?"

"I was joking." Niall lied.

"Good, because there's no way Louis would be gay. Imagine if you were babe, that would be so gross."

"Excuse me?" Niall frowned, "what do you mean, gross?"

"It's not natural."

"Look, don't you dare be homophobic around here. Ok? You can't just say stuff like that, it's horrible. What if Louis was bisexual or something? Would you still love him?"

"No, I would break up with him."

"Good to know." Louis murmured. "Els just shut up will you? Stop being a bitch."

"Sorry what? Louis what the fuck?"

"You're being a bitch. End of discussion."

Harry smiled gratefully at the pair.

"You know what Eleanor, maybe you should stay here."

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