See page 4 for details on Harry's love life at Hogwarts.

My blood boiling, I flipped to page four, my hands trembling slightly. I scanned over it. The cow had written that Harry was dating Hermione. The other page had a tiny paragraph about the Triwizard Tournament squeezed in at the bottom. All of the other champions names were spelled wrong, and Cedric hadn't even been mentioned.

I slammed the paper down, anger coursing through my veins. I was in the library with Harry and Hermione, and Harry and I had just finished reading the article for the first time. Hermione looked at me with wide eyes.

"You've got to be kidding me!" I hissed. "That Skeeter cow made a complete fool out of Harry and I- we didn't say any of this! I'll kill her-"

"I've never been so embarrassed in my life," Harry whispered, staring blankly at a wall. "Lily, do you think it's too late to change our names and move across the country?"

"DISTRACTING? Me?" I cried.

"Shh!" Madam Pince said.

"They made me out to be some sort of- I dunno- mean, scary, rebellious, mental bitch!" I said.

"SHH!" Madam Pince hissed, glaring at me.

"I'm shushing!" I snapped.

"Just don't think about it, Lily," Hermione said desperately. "None of it is true, you know it's not, so don't get all angry about it, you too, Harry. It's not worth it."

"Don't think about it?" Harry said. "I'll bet you the entire school knows about it in an hour or so. Tomorrow, if we're lucky."

"This day is just lovely," I grumbled, standing up and swinging my bag over my shoulder. "I'm off to my detention with Snape."

On the way out, I decided to turn my hair blonde and curly, and my eyes blue, just in case people had already found out about the article. Maybe my face was the same, but I just kept my head down and went unnoticed all the way to Snape's office.

I knocked on the door and entered the dark room, closing the door behind me. Snape looked up from his desk.

"May I help you?" Snape drawled.

I stared at him in confusion before realizing that my hair and eyes were still different. I quickly changed back to normal.

"Sorry, sir, I forgot," I mumbled, slumping into the seat across from him. "I didn't want everyone staring at me on the way here."

Snape glanced at me, his eyes a bit softer than they usually were, when I was with Harry.

"Why is that, Miss Potter?"

Snape was actually showing the slightest interest in anything about me? I was shocked for a moment.

"Well, I'm sure you've already had your moment of joy about it, but that Skeeter woman wrote a really nasty article about Harry and I," I sighed. "Everything was totally untrue, it made us look really bad. Sorry- I know you don't care, I don't know why I'm telling you this-"

"Don't apologize, Potter," Snape finally said, taking me by surprise. "Other than using your... powers... to distract my class, I am sure they have their advantages."

I cracked a sheepish smile.

"However, the purpose of this detention isn't to sit and chat." Just like that, Snape's eyes had gone cold again. "You'll be writing lines tonight, so I suggest you take out your quill."

I could think of a million things I'd rather be doing right now, and writing lines for a bipolar greasy git wasn't one of them. I grabbed my quill out of my bag.

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