Chapter 8

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I roamed through the halls, trying to find a prefect or teacher who could tell me where "Flying Lessons with Madam Hooch" were.

Finally, after 3 minutes of searching, I saw a seventh year leaning against a wall, reading a big fat book.

"Excuse me? Sorry to bother you, but do you happen to know where, er, Flying Lessons are?" I asked.

She looked up from her book, and I noticed she had brown hair and blue eyes, with tan skin.

"Er, let me think back to six years ago..." she said, smiling at me. "Of course I do! Follow me. By the way, I'm Karli, and I'm a Ravenclaw prefect."

"I'm Lily Potter, a first year who is NOT a prefect," I said, smirking at my terrible joke.

Her eyes widened in recognition, but the expression quickly slid off her face as she tried to mask it.

As we walked, she talked to me about teachers, her family, just basic stuff. It was kind of awkward at first because she was a LOT older than me, but I kind of liked having someone older to talk to. The only thing that Dudley ever did was boss me around or attempt to pick on me. That usually didn't end up very well for him.

"Well, it was nice meeting you Lily! I'll see you around!" Karli waved at me, starting to walk back towards the castle.

"Bye!" I shouted, starting to jog towards the large group of first years. I was just on time.

"Hello, Miss Potter! Please stand next to an open broom and we can get started," a teacher, who I guessed was Madam Hooch, exclaimed, clapping her hands together.

Ava waved me over to a broom in between her and Harry. I smiled and hurried over.

"Thanks," I whispered, before turning to face Madam Hooch.

She gave a little speech about flying, which I didn't listen to, because I was too busy staring up at the castle and trying to look through all of the windows into the classrooms.

"Now, this first step may seem quite simple, but for many people, it really isn't," she started. "All you have to do right now is hold your hand above the broom, and say 'UP', say it like you mean it, too! Get to work."

Around me, the class was chanting "UP!", along with many crying "I can't do it!" and such.

"Up!" I demanded at the broom.

The broom soared up into my hand at once.

After getting over the shock that the broom flew up in my hand, (and that my hair turned green for a second) I looked around to see how my friends and brother were doing.

Harry, who was next to me, also had his broom in hand. I kicked his shin for no apparent reason, and then turned to look at Ava.

Except she wasn't there.

She was chasing after her broom, which was soaring through the air. 

"Well, she did something wrong..." I mumbled, mostly to myself, but somehow Harry heard and we both burst into laughter.

"Now, when I say three, kick up off the ground and come STRAIGHT down. Do you understand?" Madam Hooch said.

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